View Full Version : my pet :duke

01-21-2002, 05:42 PM
Hi everybody

Excuse my language but i'm not expert.
Il mio cagnolino DUKE è morto a seguito di un incidente di macchina che ho avuto 2 mesi fa.
Lui stava dormendo sul sedile posteriore.
Non so darmi pace per l'accaduto.
Aiutatemi vi prego.

01-21-2002, 06:59 PM
I'm not sure if this will work I don't read/speak Italian but I copied and pasted your message into http://www.dictionary.com/ and it gave it back as follows:

"Hi everybody Excuse my language but i' m not expert. My small dog DUKE is died as a result of a machine incident that I have had 2 months ago. It was sleeping on the posterior seat. I do not know give peace to me for the happened one. You help me I pray to you. Gabriel"

If this is so, I am deeply saddened to hear of your lose and send prayers your way.:(

01-21-2002, 07:10 PM
OH NO! I'm so sorry. What a tragedy! Lou, thank you for going through the trouble to translate for us so we can offer our deepest sympathy and condolences.

Duke, I'm a typical American and I don't know any other languages but if you know any english and/or don't mind us translating your posts, please join us. This is a wonderful board full of wonderful, amazing people who can help you through this terrible time.
My thoughts and prayers are with you...

01-22-2002, 11:08 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. As Jen said, you are welcome to join us here at Pet Talk. We don't mind translating your posts. When I lost my cat, Charlie several months ago, it was the kind words from my Pet Talk friends, most of whom knew exactly what I was feeling, that really helped me through my pain.
So sorry for the loss of your beloved Duke. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

01-23-2002, 08:38 PM
{{{Gabrielle and Duke}}}

When my Sassafras died, I got a lot of comfort from the legend of the Rainbow Bridge. I used the translation program Lou suggested, hope it can bring you a measure of comfort, too.

"Appena questo lato di cielo è un posto chiamato Rainbow Bridge. Quando un animale muore che è stato particolarmente vicino a qualcuno qui, quell' animale domestico va al ponticello del Rainbow. Ci sono prati e colline per tutti i nostri amici speciali in modo da possono funzionare insieme e giocare. Ci è abbondanza di alimento, di acqua e del sole ed i nostri amici stanno caldi e bene. Tutti gli animali che erano stati malati e vecchi sono ristabiliti a salute ed a vigore; ** coloro che essere hurt o maimed essere rend intero e forte ancora, appena come noi ricord nostro sogno giorno e tempo and vicino. Gli animali sono felici e soddisfatti, tranne una piccola cosa; ogni mancanza qualcuno molto speciale a loro, che hanno dovuto essere lasciati. tutte funzionati insieme e gioco, ma il giorno vengono quando improvvisamente arresti uno e sguardi nella distanza. I suoi occhi luminosi
sono intenzioni; le sue faretre desiderose del corpo. Comincia improvvisamente a allontanarsi dal gruppo, volante sopra l'erba verde, i suoi piedini che lo trasportano più velocemente e più elocemente. Siete stati macchiati e quando voi ed il vostro dell'amico raduno speciale infine, voi
aderite insieme nella riunione joyous, per non essere separati mai ancora. I baci felici piovono sulla vostra faccia; le vostre mani caress ancora la testa cara ed osservate una volta di più negli occhi fidarsi del vostro animale domestico, così lungamente andati dalla vostra vita ma mai assenti dal vostro cuore. Allora attraversate insieme il ponticello del Rainbow.......... "

01-24-2002, 07:08 AM
So very sorry to hear about Duke - my prayers are with you. God Bless!!!!!

01-24-2002, 06:24 PM
Dear Gabriele,

So sorry to hear of your sad news with the loss of Duke.

Sorry I don't have a language converter (sp?) so can only send this message in English - just be aware that by now all over the world there are lots of people feeling your grief and sharing it with you. Just take your time to grieve your beloved boy.


01-25-2002, 08:30 PM
Here are two language convertors they will roughly translate http://www.freetranslation.com/ and
http://www.dictionary.com/ ............. hope they help

01-26-2002, 08:18 AM
Gabriele, sono cos spiacente sentire parlare della vostra perdita. Come Jen detto, siete benvenuti unirli qui al colloquio dell' animale domestico. Non ci
occupiamo di tradurre i vostri alberini. Quando ho perso il mio gatto, Charlie
parecchi mesi fa, era le parole gentili dai miei amici di colloquio dell' animale
domestico, la maggior parte di chi ha conosciuto esattamente che cosa stavo
ritenendo, che realmente lo ha aiutato con il mio dolore. Cos spiacente per la
perdita del vostro duca caro. Sapere che siete nei miei pensieri e preghiere.

I have taken the liberty of trying to translate what Thelmalu99 wrote by means of "altavista" translater...Thelmalu99, once again you seem to have just the right words to say..now I have gone back and re-translated from Italian to English via Altavista and it's rather garbled but I think the meaning comes through..
ohby goodness, Amberlee...I just used Altavista to translate the Rainbow words you wrote from Italian to English....and if anything...they are even more beautiful...
Gabriele, I do hope you know how much we are all caring right now....


01-26-2002, 01:31 PM
Gabriele, I am so very sorry about Duke. :(

01-28-2002, 05:39 AM
I feel so bad for not having seen this post before, I could have easily translated the post for you. :( :( . I'm going to try to email Gabriele and see how he is, hopefully I can get him to come back to the forum to read all the messages you addressed to him. I'll keep you posted

01-28-2002, 01:25 PM
I FEEL SO SAD FOR YOU. Please know that we care for you :(

01-29-2002, 06:07 PM
Thanks, Gio, it would be nice to hear some stories about Duke.

01-29-2002, 06:33 PM
Ciao from Gabriele&Donatella,
Thanks a lot for yours reply .
It's attractive state to read all yours letters that encourage ourselves a lot.
It'is how to be with much friends and all is more tolerable.
A thanks of heart

Gabriele & Donatella

01-30-2002, 05:06 AM
As I promised I sent Gabriele an email. I'm pleased that Gabriele followed my suggestion and came back to the board to read all the messages you guys sent him. He also sent me an email earlier on today and told me that your words were to some comfort to him and his wife.

In my email I told him that he can count on my help if we wants to post stories about Duke here. I hope he will stay in tough, I'll keep you posted.

Gabriele, l'offerta è sempre aperta!

01-30-2002, 04:24 PM
That was so nice of you Gio!!! Thanks for doing that.

Gabriele, I send my thoughts and prayers your way.

01-30-2002, 05:10 PM
Thanks, Gio!

02-05-2002, 04:39 PM
Hello to all.
Excuse my silence of things much days.
I hope that the translation is OK. My English is very small.
Today I have taken again the work after three months of illness.
I have seen a lot of shows of affection aside of the mine you connect work. This it has remembered me that I should write yourselves.
A lot you connect say me: take another dog. But i it says, it is just? If it should take another dog, would seem to betray me my one Duke. It has been how to seek to forget it. it is just?
Not I succeed to see a positivita now in the to take a new companion. I Have fear of not it the enough well. That thought of it? Hello and still thanks for your help.

02-05-2002, 04:53 PM
Gabriele, penso che con riferimento a dire che state pensando ad ottenere un altro animale domestico... siate quello corretto? Quello prima che non siate stati pronti ed ora pensate che quello forse ottenere un nuovo animale domestico aiuti per facilitare il dolore del duca perdente... Ciò è così decisione personale. Quando ho perso il cane che mi sono sviluppato in su con, non potrei e non ho ottenuto un altro cane fino quasi 8 anni a più successivamente. Ancora lo manco immenso poichè era così cane meraviglioso ma posso guardarlo indietro allora lo ho avuto con affetto. Ciò spetta interamente voi se decidete ottenere un altro cane. Osservi intorno, visiti gli amici con i cani, vada ad alcuni ripari e la chiamata, vede come ritenete. Cane seguente li selezionerete e tirerete al vostro cuore e saprete che è buona fortuna di tempo...! Spero questo tradotto bene e correttamente. Grazie per il email bello egualmente ed aspetto con impazienza di sentirvi più!

For the rest of you:

Gabriele, I think you re saying that you are thinking about getting another pet...is that correct? That before you were not ready and now you think that maybe getting a new pet will help ease the pain of losing Duke... This is such a personal decision. When I lost the dog I grew up with, I could not and did not get another dog until almost 8 years later. I still miss him immensely as he was such a wonderful dog but I can look back at the time we had him with affection. This is entirely up to you if you decide to get another dog. Look around, visit friends with dogs, go to some shelters and visit, see how you feel. You next dog will pick you and will tug at your heart and you will know that it is time...Good luck! I hope this translated well and correctly. Thank you for the lovely email also and I look forward to hearing more from you

02-11-2002, 06:59 PM
Gabriele, no other dog can ever take the place of your beloved Duke. He will live on in your heart forever. However, I've found that by adopting a pet from my local shelter, I was able to help another animal in grave need. Every time I felt sadness over losing my old dog, my new one did something to make me laugh. You will know when it is time to get another dog. You will honor the memory of Duke by welcoming another pet into your life. Good luck to you and best wishes!!!

I hope this is the translation:

Gabriele, nessun altro cane può sostituire mai il vostro duca caro. Vivrà sopra nel vostro cuore per sempre. Tuttavia, ho trovato che adottando un animale domestico dal mio riparo locale, potevo aiutare un altro animale nel bisogno grave. Ogni volta che ho ritenuto l'eccedenza di tristezza perdere il mio vecchio cane, il mio nuovo ha fatto qualcosa rendermi la risata. Saprete quando è tempo di ottenere un altro cane. Honor la memoria del duca accogliendo favorevolmente un altro animale domestico nella vostra vita. Buona fortuna voi ed agli auguri! !!

I took 4 years of Latin and one year of Spanish in school. I have no knowledge of Italian, so I hope there are no "bad words" in there. Ha-ha!!

Sue (Killian and Shiloh)

02-12-2002, 09:01 AM

not to worry there are no bad words in what you have written, actually I'm impressed with the Italian I have seen in this thread!

I have also written a long private email to Gabriele (it was so long I didn't think it was quite fair to subject you all to km of foreign words). I basically said what you all said, that opening the heart to another animal would not mean loving the ones who are no longer with you any less. And there are so many unfortunate ones out there that just wait to be loved. And, as I esperienced myself, pets can help you so much in the healing process.

Hopefully Gabriele and his wife will find some happiness soon. In the meantime I told them they can always count on us.

It's a shame that this post is in this forum and perhaps not in the Dog section, so many other people could give some input.