View Full Version : Do your cats like french fries?

04-27-2005, 07:48 PM
Today Onyx was sniffing our McDonald's bag of fries and was very interested. After sticking his head and paws into the bag I knew he wanted a taste, and sure enough he devoured about 6 of them! :eek: Does anyone else's cats like french fries or other weird foods?

04-27-2005, 08:12 PM
she loves fries ........:D :D :D

04-27-2005, 08:42 PM
Scrappy 2,atea few,that I chopped,up,and covered,with cheese.But then again,Scrappy 2s nickname,is not,I beleive going,to be Fussy eater!

04-27-2005, 08:49 PM
Vixen will eat anything that is not nailed down. On the other hand Lilith won't even eat tuna or turkey. We try not to let Vixen have things she shouldn't but she manages to get what she wants even if it means sneaking into the garbage to steal it. She goes made for black olives and she will play with them, bat them around and then when she sees Lilith coming to see what she has she gobbles them up. And she actually sits by your feet or beside you and HOWLS for pizza. She absolutely loves it and the crust is bad for cats I know because anything with yeast is but I will usually save her a little bit of cheese and meat from it and that usually makes her happy. Oh yeah and she goes out of her mind for TOMATOES too :eek: go figure.

04-27-2005, 09:05 PM
Cubby will eat pretty much anything. Including but not limited to: tomatotes, pickles, potatoes, popcorn, green beans, fries, breads, eggs (with cheese), salads with or with out dressing. The list can go on forever.

04-27-2005, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by cubby31682
Cubby will eat pretty much anything. Including but not limited to: tomatotes, pickles, potatoes, popcorn, green beans, fries, breads, eggs (with cheese), salads with or with out dressing. The list can go on forever.

Pickles?! :eek: WOW! My cats have a fondness for lettuce too. My old cat Ickeris used to steal our baby carrots out of my rabbits cage. :D :p

04-28-2005, 01:03 AM
she like boost , mash potato, corn bread from bosten market
all most any thing

04-28-2005, 08:10 AM
Hobo loves them!

Kally hated them though...

04-28-2005, 08:18 AM
Unfortunately I rarely get french fries myself but I'll have to remember to try it out on the kitties when I next get them. One thing they go ape over is - raw egg. If I'm cooking and using an egg they go nuts - expecially Meka. I usually mix it up real good and give them a teaspoon or two. I was really afraid to do this since it was raw - they don't really care for cooked eggs - but Meka has had a problem with the hair on her back by her tail - she would pick it out or something and there was a bald spot there that just wouldn't go away - or it would start but then it would get bald further up her back and when some grew back there it was not in the color it should be but since the raw egg in the past two weeks she has hair all over her back and it looks good... Interesting.. Debbie :) :)