View Full Version : Problem.....

01-21-2002, 05:30 PM
I have a problem, my dog Leika is nearly housetrained but sometimes whe we leave her in the kitchen, she pees or poos. I can never work out how many hours it takes for her to digest her food so I can take her in time to poo. She eats 50 grams a meal with a total of 150 grams a day. i feed her in the morning, afternoon and night. I have another problem she doesn't always eat her food. Recently i found out today that by mistake I soaked her food a little with water. When i left it on the floor she ate it all!! And I gave her breakfast at nine and finished eating it completely at 3!!! The I gave her lunch and soaked it again and ate most of it and the other bit after. I can't keep her a scheduled meal time 'cause she never eats it on the right time.:o

C.C.'s Mom
01-22-2002, 04:46 AM
What I was told by the breeder, was feeding your dog on set times, leave it for 10-15 minutes and than take it away if it wasn't eaten completely. It took us a few days to get Cookie into this routine. We were told (and I've also read it) that it wasn't good to leave the food out all the time.

How old is Leika?

When Cookie was a puppy, we would than take her outside to go potty immediately and she would do her business. Puppies always want to go potty after being fed or after they have been drinking.
When she was about 4 months, we started to increase the time after feeding her and now she goes potty 2 hours after her meal because big dogs should rest afterwards otherwise they get problems with their stomach.

01-22-2002, 09:24 AM
I think CC'sMom is right, I wouldn't leave the food on the floor, I would give it to her and give her a certain amount of time, if she doesn't eat it pick it up. I would think eventually she will get the idea.
I have been told that a pup should be ready to do their duty about 45 minutes after they eat. I would try to keep her on a schedule, it will be easier in the long run.
Good luck

01-22-2002, 09:30 AM
Thanks for the advice. Leika is 2 and a half months old. Now she eats her mals 'cause I put a little water so it gets alittle bit soaked and easy to eat. If she doesn't eats it by 15 minutes I will take her food bowl away (actually take the food out of it 'cause it a 2 in 1 food bowl). I will take her immediately after her meal and if she doesn't go i'll wait 45 minutes. I'll also give her a Scheduled meal time so she gets used to it. Thanks:D