View Full Version : Animal Cruelty: Reported

04-27-2005, 07:38 PM
Some of you may remember I had problems with my neighbors grandson running up to my fence to Lacey. Here's the thread:
First of all to update. After I called the Dog Warden and told them I did, they kept the child away. Then Lacey hurt her leg and has been leashed, so no problems. Last Fall the neighbors daughter and grandson moved in and by early Spring Childrens Services took the child due to her and the babys fathers drug usage and domestic violence charges.
Now last night at 1:45 am there's a knock on my door and it's the neighbor(I'll refer to them as mother and daughter)She tells me her daughter is drunk(and I'm sure on drugs) and is tearing up her house and would I call the cops. Ok, no township cop on duty. Call the sherriff. They'll be out when they can. I ask her, where are your dogs(she has 5 little dogs) She says oh they're hiding under the bed like they always do when her daughter has a tantrum. And then says she would NEVER hurt them. So she runs out and jumps in her car and speeds off to her dads. Half an hour later, I hear the dogs barking, her daughter turned them loose outside!:eek: So I call her at her dads and tell her the dogs are outside. She comes back, they must have rounded them back in the house and then daughter throws mother out!:eek: The daughter continues to throw things out in the yard while mother waits in car for the sherriff. I'm watching her out my window and what does she do? Throws one of the dogs over the railing off the porch!:mad: ( a 10 ft drop easy) I said that's it and call 911. They put me through to the city cops again :rolleyes: who will not come out unless there's a weapon involved. I don't know how many of the dogs she threw over the railing but all of them ended up in mothers car by the time the 2 sherriffs got there. I went out and I told her, I will report your daughter tomrrow for throwing the dogs! And I did. They will send out a humane officer to talk to them. They will say I'm lying, but it's on the police tapes that the mother also told them she was throwing out the dogs, the dispatcher told me that. While she probably won't loose the dogs(she does take decent care of them), at least they can check on the dogs and warn the daughter. It took all me and my husband had not to go over after her when she threw the dog! Now I can worry about retaliation from them. I worry about my furkids all the time anyway with them next door, when I'm at work.:(

04-27-2005, 07:42 PM
Holy Mackerel! What an ordeal! I'm glad you reported them. The daughter needs help obviously and it is no place for those poor dogs. Sorry that you have to live next door to these people. I hope they all get help, the mother, the daughter and the pups.

04-27-2005, 07:57 PM
Thats horrible!! Those poor dogs. It sounds like the girl really needs help. If shes on drugs maybe she will get caught with them.

04-27-2005, 08:41 PM
:eek: Anette(sp?) I am soooo sorry:(:( first of all ********************BIG HUGS************************
I am sorry you had to see that and you did the right thing reporting them..I hope they get caught. If I can ask how old is this girl and her parents are on drugs, too? If you need to talk you know where to find me :) My furbabies send you licks as well.:D

04-27-2005, 09:11 PM
Krista, thanks for the hugs, I need them! This girl is 21, almost 22. It's just her and her mom. Yes mom does drugs too although she will say she doesn't, I have seen her doing them! :eek:

Thanks jennifert9 and Jadapit, I wish they would get help, straighten up, whatever! I talked to a township police officer tonight and he said all they can do is watch for them to slip up.I never in my wildest dreams thought the daughter would do that!

Ginger's Mom
04-27-2005, 09:33 PM
Oh man, I am so sorry to hear all of this. I just read the other thread to catch up on the whole story. I am really sorry that you have to deal with all of this. Where is the daughter now? Is she still in the house? I guess Mom wouldn't tell her she has to get help or get out, huh? (Since Mom apparently has a problem too). What did the police/sheriff's officers do when they arrived last night? Do you think the police could help convince Mom that it may be in both her and her daughter's best interest to get into some sort of intensive program?

I hope you won't have any reason to worry about them harming your girls, I don't think the daughter would have the nerve to involve anyone outside of her immediate family (but if she is under the influence, who knows). Okay, I just used up a whole lot of space to say a whole lot of nothing. Just I am really sorry to hear this, and I will be hoping that things get straightened out soon. (Put a For Sale sign on her front lawn :D only kidding).

04-28-2005, 05:02 AM
Ginger's mom, there's no talking to these two, it's their way of life. The cops come to their house like the UPS guy comes to mine. The mother raised the daughter as her party friend instead of being a mother to her if you know what I mean. The mother will just kiss and make up with her since she doesn't know what else to do. I'm sure they saw the cop car in my driveway yesterday so hopefully they won't mess around here!
As for the for sale sign, that's crossed our mind before! ;)

04-28-2005, 07:51 AM
... do you live, like, right across the street from me or something?? :p Cause you and I have the same sh_tty neighbors. Theres between 4-6 children next door all under age 7 who *constantly* harrass me and my fiance, and our dogs and absolutely will not stop trying to provoke the dogs. The dogs have been sick since last night, vomiting and diarehea like they ate something bad Which those kids and their parents are known for doing even after we warned them not to feed the dogs THREE TIMES, that the dogs have special diets for their health problems. So now the dogs have suddenly gotten this "bad food" sickness with no change to their diet in the house. I warned them not to get near the neighbors again, did they listen? nope. never listen to mommy :rolleyes: I'll post pics of them with their "i'm so sick" faces when the fence gets done :)

ANYWAY! We're putting up an 8 foot privacy fence on that side :) you, your sweet puppers, and those poor dogs next door are welcome here ANYTIME!!! :)

04-28-2005, 03:40 PM
ANYWAY! We're putting up an 8 foot privacy fence on that side you, your sweet puppers, and those poor dogs next door are welcome here ANYTIME!!!

Thanks, if I ever make it to Germany, we'll stop in! :p I'll bring the dogs next door, too!
I've been following your story about the kids next door feeding your dogs. If that many kids moved in next to me, there would be a for sale sign in my front yard! :eek: I guess all you can do is keep an eye on your dogs until the fence is done, and of course even after that I wouldn't trust those people. :rolleyes:

04-28-2005, 06:54 PM
*update* The cops just took the neighbors daughter away, she threatened her mother with a knife! :eek: She had let her dogs out loose again when she wasn't home. I hope the mother follows through and keeps her out for good!

04-28-2005, 06:59 PM
:eek: Wow! She must be on some heavy duty drug like crack or meth. Thats scary. Lets hope the girl gets some help before she ends up really hurting someone. I'm glad I have nice peaceful neighbors.;)

04-28-2005, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Jadapit
I'm glad I have nice peaceful neighbors.;)

wanna trade?? ;)

04-28-2005, 08:58 PM
Jadapit, I think it is crack or meth. I know the girl used to be ok a few years back. She loved those dogs, now she told her mom she doesn't like them and throws them out! I wonder if she's mad because her mom still has her 'babies' and Children Services took her son away?
I too hope she can get some help. Right now though I'm just glad she's in jail and not next door to me!!!