View Full Version : I'm really upset over something..

04-27-2005, 04:49 PM
A kid in my art class has cancer, or he has a disease that makes him lose his hair, (im honestly not sure because I don't know him personally, and I don't want to harp on it). Delano has to wear a wig, and honestly you would NEVER know it was a wig if you glanced at him. He doesn't seem like he would ever be someone to have cancer, (of course no one does). but when I found out I was so suprised, as well as upset. For some reason, im affected by other peoples problems more than im affected with my own. This has made my past week (I've only known for this long) absolutely sick to my stomach, and every time I see him I feel like crying. He's an ordinary kid.... Dresses like EVERYONE else, he doesn't stand out, I actually thought he was really cute when I first met him. But what the problem is, is that him and another kid got into a fight in his 4th hour. I'm not in it, but my friend told me all about it since she sits right in between the two of them. It started when the kid said something to Delano, delano said something back and the kid replied with "Shut the he** up, I'll put you in a headlock and pull off your hair."

That is just SO wrong, and not funny at all. The whole class was astounded that he would even say that to him because it wasn't funny, and it wasn't anything to use against him. Delano didn't back down and they kept on arguing. Meanwhile, the teacher is listening to ALL of this and not doing anything about it. After class, when my friend walked over to the back of the portable she saw a huge crowd, and in the middle were Delano and the kid, and sure enough the kid had his arms around Delanos neck and was trying to pull off his wig. Delano was punching him and they were fighting. The crowd then separated because security was coming, but delano was supposedly walking away by himself fixing it.

I can't even explain how much this has bothered me and I just needed to vent to someone. Sometimes people can be so stupid and heartless.


04-27-2005, 05:03 PM
Oh my gosh that is so terrible!! Just everything.... so sad.:( I can't believe somebody could say something so rude to somebody with cancer who has enough problems already.:mad: It just makes me so upset that somebody could do something so mean.:mad: Delano will be in my prayers.

finn's mom
04-27-2005, 05:43 PM
That's really sad. :( My brother had leukemia when he was between five and ten, and, he always wore a cap to school. I know it bothered him when other kids made comments. I don't think he ever ended up in a fight like that, though. :(

04-27-2005, 05:53 PM
I think hair loss is actually the result of chemotherapy and radiation treatment rather than the actual cancer. Either way, it was incredibly inappropriate and cruel of the other boy to say and do those things. It sounds like he was trying to be as deliberately cruel as he could. All I can say is he must feel pretty rotten about himself deep down to resort to that kind of thing. I know it must have been an upsetting situation all around. I'm sorry that it happened. People can be so very cruel. :(

04-27-2005, 06:23 PM
That's just sad..:( I really hate those kinds of kids who make fun of others. They really need to think about their actions first before actually doing it.

04-27-2005, 06:33 PM
Let us not judge the facts if we haven't heard them. The circumstances, as related, are dispicable. We.. us.. need to frustratingly wait until we have proof of what happened at the time. CamCam, it must be very hard for you and I'm sorry.

04-27-2005, 06:51 PM
I thought that nowadays, people on chemo didn't go to school. :confused: Maybe he has alopecia areata? I have alopecia and it's very annoying. That other guy must be really mean...:( I hope something like that happens to him so he can feel what it's like.

04-27-2005, 07:08 PM
I'm so sorry that this upset you so. I know exactly how you feel..some people are so brave against such adversity and it just breaks your heart to see them having to deal with idiots like this other guy apparently is.
You are a very special person however to feel so strongly for someone else like you do. Being kind to others doesn't take anything away from you and it just might make the other person's day. Or even week. I hate to say this, but being kind to others is not a trait everyone has, I believe that it is learned and not something we are born with. (JMO) You will get more out of life with a heart like yours. :)
Is there any chance you will get to know Delano? I don't think going out of your way to befriend him is always the right thing as pity is obviously not what he wants. But if you ever get the chance to have a conversation with him, take it! He could probably use a friend like you!

BTW, let's not even mention how almost every single sentence in my post ends in a pronoun?! What the heck is wrong with me? ;) :D

04-27-2005, 07:20 PM

My daughter Amy was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor at the age of 16. 75% of the tumor was removed via surgery. The other 25% was treated with chemotherapy and radiation. Her once beautiful long curly locks fell out by the clumps.

What grew in was baby fine hair. It never fully grew back so she wears wigs. You would NEVER know it. Once we were at a stop light and an older gentleman in the car next to us kept staring at her. She said she was SO tempted to pull her wig off and shock the pants off him. I dared her to and she did! (I just wanted to make you laugh)

Kids can be VERY cruel. It's a combination of their ignorance and their own mortality flashing before them. When Amy was out of school for a year recovering, her friends literally abandoned her. Her strong will and determination got her thought it.

All you can do is be there for Delano. Maybe by setting a strong example, the jerky kids might get the idea.

I'm sorry this upsets you. But believe me, I understand. Hang in there!!!

04-27-2005, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
I think hair loss is actually the result of chemotherapy and radiation treatment rather than the actual cancer.

Yes, that's what I meant. :o I don't think the post made much sense, because I wasn't very clear as it's really hard for me to explain.

I do, however know that Delano and this other kid didn't have any "past." Delano never did anything to his kid to make him upset. The kid was staring at delano, delano asked him what he was looking at and the kid replied with something VERY rude, which im not even going to say. Delano then said "Oh yeah?" and thats when the kid said the thing about the headlock. That's how this all started. Either way, he had no right to say that.

Today, they were supposed to fight 4th hour. Im not sure what happened, because im on the opposite side of the school but I'll find out if they ended up fighting on Monday.

Moosmom, Im sorry to hear about your daughter. That must have been so hard for her to go through, and I cannot believe her friends would abandon her. That is so sad. :( Im glad to hear she's better now, though. And your story did make me laugh. Thanks for that, I definitely needed it. :)

04-27-2005, 07:32 PM
And your story did make me laugh. Thanks for that, I definitely needed it.

Good. Then it served it's purpose. I have to tell you that Amy has been in remission for 13 years. Just pray for Delano and be there for him. If it gets too out of hand with the other kids, you might want to talk to a counselor. Treating him that way just isn't right.

Chemotherapy and radiation reacts differently on everyone. I knew some people who went through it who didn't lose their hair. I guess it all depends on the kind of cancer they have, the kind of chemotherapy they have to go through and their metabolisms.

In the meantime, hang in there honey!!! ;)

04-27-2005, 07:36 PM
coming from someone thats father has cancer....this just makes me more mad than you could ever imagion and it also makes me want to crawl up in a ball and cry!!!......I don't know the whole story but from what you have posted something needs to be done that should never happen that just makes me want to come down there and beat the living day lights out of that kid! but in the end I know that you should never sink that low and it will always comes back to bite kids like that in the butt