View Full Version : are tums bad for dogs?

04-27-2005, 11:57 AM
Gracie just ate a few tums. will she get sick? or is she ok?

finn's mom
04-27-2005, 12:00 PM
I would think she is probably not going to react too badly. But, I'd still call the vet, just to make sure. I wouldn't worry too much, though. Finn's eaten a lot worse. And, the most he's ever done is throw up or have diarrhea. Which isn't fun, of course, but, nothing too serious. Hope she's ok, though!

04-27-2005, 12:11 PM
I've heard of people giving their dogs tums, not recommended though, how many is a few. 3, 4. They are mostly calcium. My old girl gets Pepcid AC when we have a bad tummy. I hope she doesn't get sick, to be on the safe side call the vet, they should be able to tell you over the phone.

04-27-2005, 12:40 PM
My old dog got a Tums in his dinner every night on the advice of the vet. He was overweight and on a special diet of ground beef, green beans, rice, cottage cheese and carrots. Along with one Tums ground up and mixed in. He ate that for 10 years! So no I don't think they will hurt Gracie!!!;) :p :D

Queen of Poop
04-27-2005, 12:42 PM
They shouldn't hurt her. I give them to Sasha when her tummy is upset, on the vet's advice.

04-27-2005, 12:52 PM
she should be okay, tums isnt bad. if you are really worried, let her drink a lot of water and it'll clean out the calcium through urine

04-27-2005, 02:12 PM
Tums are fine, they won't hurt her! :)

Alot of people recommend feeding tums to dogs who get tear-stains. Apparently Tums help to get rid of it. I read a vet site that said they don't know if it works, but that the Tums don't hurt unless they are fed too much (they'll disrupt the calcium-phosphorus balance of the dog is on a kibble diet).

04-27-2005, 05:01 PM
thank you! i wasn't too worried, but i thought i'd ask just in case.:)