View Full Version : Going vegetarian....

04-26-2005, 04:53 PM
Recently, as in the past few months, I've decided to go vegetarian. I've been TRYING so hard, as I love chicken, but now i'm trying to stay away from chicken as well.

I'd like to cut cheese and other dairy products out, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE cheese. I almost always top things with cheese - nachos, burgers, chili, eggs, you name it, I've got cheese on it.

I also love chicken A LOT. It doesn't make it easy that I get free Chick-Fil-A whenever I wish it.

It also makes it difficult as the rest of my family doesn't really care for veggies all that much, besides as a side. I've found myself recently eating a lot of side, with no meat.
When I look at meat, steak especially, I feel disgusted. Another problem is, I KNOW it tastes good. It tastes delicious. Just how some of the animals are treated and killed, just for me to eat are disgusting.

Sorry for blabbing on, I guess my reason for posting this is to ask for encouragement or tips to becoming vegetarian. Some yummy vegetarian recipes are welcome, too. :D
I know years ago i'd never even think of doing this.

04-26-2005, 05:00 PM
I think its a great idea, Kay! :) Good luck! It sure is a lot healthier vs. eating a lot of red meat.

Just be careful you still get the protein you need...is there a reason you want to cut cheese out? You can always just stick to more "natural" and "kind" diaries.

Good luck! I know there are a lot of vegitarians on PT, so I bet you'll get a lot of feedback. :)

04-26-2005, 05:05 PM
I have thought about doing this lots of times, I am not sure how old you are but like noahsmommy said make sure you get enough protein, I think during the growing years you just have to be extra diligant.

My daughter rarely eats meat and her pediatrician doesn't seem worried at all. I know my kids 12 and 14 are very aware of where food comes from when I was growing up we just didn't question but now I my kids have got me thinking about it and it kind of grosses me out too.

04-26-2005, 05:23 PM

I'd like to atleast cut down on the amount of cheese I eat. I eat A LOT.

I know not many care, but today I ate absolutely no meat.

I ate:
For breakfast : Two pieces of cinnamon raisin toast.
Lunch : I had a pretzel (one of those large soft ones) , all I had money for.
Dinner: Home-made quesadilla with cheese, beans, cooked broccoli, carrots, and red cabbage.

It was delicious. :)

I'm 17.

04-26-2005, 05:24 PM

I'd like to atleast cut down on the amount of cheese I eat. I eat A LOT.

I know not many care, but today I ate absolutely no meat.

I ate:
For breakfast : Two pieces of cinnamon raisin toast.
Lunch : I had a pretzel (one of those large soft ones) , all I had money for.
Dinner: Home-made quesadilla with cheese, beans, cooked broccoli, carrots, and red cabbage.

As well as a salad I made with tomatoes, carrots, onions, cucumbers, a bit of garlic, with a mixture of italian and raspberry vinegarette dressing.

It was delicious. :)

I'm 17.

04-26-2005, 05:31 PM
Breakfast and lunch had no protien but your dinner sounded really healthy. I like savory food for breakfast...do you plan on eating eggs?

04-26-2005, 05:35 PM
Yes, although I'd like to get rid of them too, I plan on eating them.

I usually eat an apple for breakfast, but we didn't have any today.
Tomorrow if time allows it, i'm going to make "birds in a nest", or bread with the middle cut out, and an egg in the middle, toasted in a pan

I don't usually eat much for breakfast and lunch, meat or no meat. No time and school lunch is far too expensive.

04-26-2005, 05:37 PM
Instant breakfast is all I could stomach when I was your age...now I just skip breakfast but I know that is bad.

I also like refried beans with sunny side up eggs on the top...

04-26-2005, 06:04 PM
Kay, there's a magazing called "Light & Tasty" and it has a lot of healthy recipes, and always a feature in every issue of vegetarian. I've tried a lot of the recipes and they are really good. Maybe check out a couple of issues from your local library.

04-26-2005, 06:09 PM
You're stronger than I am. I hate the idea of animals being killed, but I don't think I could stop eatting it. I'm not a veggie person and don't like a lot of food. I think I'd starve lol (I eat mostly bread though....)

Good luck, I'm glad you are able to do it :)

04-26-2005, 06:59 PM
I used to be in a group that was dominantly vegan. Whenever I made something for meetings it was usually some sort of bread or desert. In most mixes you can substitute eggs with a tablespoon of cornstarch each as long as the eggs aren't the only wet ingredient holding the dough together, you can add a little water if you must. Here's a website with a few everyday recipes http://vegweb.com/recipes/subs/ BTW, please make sure for your own health and the sanity of others that you get your vitamins and minerals in some alternative way (believe me irritability is definately connected to lacking such vitamins as niacin, either that or everybody who becomes a vegetarian is crabby to begin with, which I doubt).

Suki Wingy
04-26-2005, 10:12 PM
It's really easy when you turn to SOY! Yep, it's sooo good, and they make just about everything out of it! I hate the way most meat tastes, like hot dogs, ew! I only eat dry chicken/turkey and lunch meat chicken/turkey.


04-27-2005, 04:49 AM
I wish you the very best of luck. ive tired more the once.. and just coudlnt do it.

some smell or something.. and off i go..LOL

04-27-2005, 05:57 AM
I eat meat - but sometimes I think "I can't believe this. My teeth are chewing the flesh of another living creature." I imagine what these animals would think of us if they knew. I think about how terrified we'd be of any animals who ate humans regularly. We're barbarians!

By the way, have you read any of the materials which show which foods you can combine to ensure that you are getting your complete proteins? Beans with whole grains provides you with a complete protein, I think - but there are more.

If you're going to go vegetarian, you really do need to eat a lot of whole grains and be conscious of getting adequate nutrition. You're still eating eggs, so that will help a lot.

I think it's great that you're doing it. Congratulations.

04-27-2005, 06:43 AM
I tried going vegies years ago and I didn't really like it :( I had mood swings, always had headaches, naesau, etc ((it was probably because I made an immediate switch and didn't take vitamins for the things I was then missing out on))

Anyway! imo Soy cheese tastes exactly like real cheese, theres tons of recipes through google.com for tofu :) and also soy burgers, soy chicken ((I have no clue what its called actually)) things like that. everything can be found at any major grocery store ie walmart :p Good luck!

04-27-2005, 06:51 AM
Are you feeling well Kay? Maybe it takes awhile, but I'd be curious to know if you start *feeling* healthier. Your quesadilla dinner sounded wonderful!!

We eat quite a bit of soy products, as many have mentioned and that will give you the taste of meat, sausage, etc. We will never go vegetarian of any type, but do stay away from red meat, etc. and try to stick with healthy foods, grains and LOTS of fruits and vegetables and stay away from fried, fats and sugar. Good for you trying to eat healthy and according to your convictions!!:)

04-27-2005, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by Suki Wingy
I hate the way most meat tastes, like hot dogs, ew!

You mean you consider hot dogs as a meat? :eek:

Ewwww is right!

They're in a category totally to themselves . . . I don't even want to know what they're made up of! I don't think I'd consider it meat though!

04-27-2005, 09:05 AM
Good for you Kay :D. I am currently switching over to a vegetarian diet aswell and my friends and i have been going out walking most days and we are starting KickBoxing again next week. I too am sickened by steak and any pork products, chicken will be the hardest thing for me to give up aswell.

I will search the net for some good Vegetarian meals and let you know what i find :D.

04-27-2005, 09:35 AM
Thats great Kay. I have thought about going vegetarian many times. Do you like lasgana? Veggie lasgana is so good. You would also get your cheese fix with it.;) You sound like my son when it comes to cheese. That kid puts cheese on everything.:p Good luck with your new way of eating keep us posted on how it goes.

04-27-2005, 09:44 AM
I'm a vegetarian, and I don't eat anything that ever had a face (not even a shrimp). I do eat/drink dairy products, but only organic.

At www.care2.com you can find a lot of info + recipes.

04-27-2005, 09:51 AM
The one easy source of protien for breakfast (besides eggs) is peanut butter. Just put it on the toast you are already having and you have some of the protien you need.

As people mentioned beans and soy are also good sources of protien, but so are peas (especially stuff like lentils) and other types of nuts (like almonds).

There are some really nice cook books out there for people who decide not to eat meat. The one thing I have learned is alot of Indian recipes have no meat in them and they are wonderfully spiced. Maybe you could even get your family members to eat some of these ...

04-27-2005, 11:49 AM
Way to go Kay! :D

I've been thinking about doing the same thing. I think the moment I realized that I really wanted to become a vegetarian was when I saw a truck full of Chicken beside our bus. They were heading down to be killed.. :( I *hate* veggies though, so I don't know if I could do it for very long. None of my siblings like them either. It's so bad that my brother and I gag when we eat certain veggies.

04-27-2005, 12:36 PM
Thanks everyone.

Right now i'm trying my first Boca Burger for lunch.
I tell you, although digusted by regular meat, this stuff sure is filling my cravings for it. It has a weird texture, but still tastes good.

Mom and I just spnt $20 on fresh fruits and veggies. She's making corn and black bean salsa right now.

Although I don't prefer fish all that much, we're having grouper for dinner. It's grouper that my neighbor caught and gave to us.

I've actually felt a lot better in the past few days. I've been sleeping normally too, which before I couldn't go to bed at the times I fall asleep now. :)

Daisy and Delilah
04-27-2005, 01:21 PM
Kay, This is just fantastic! I wish you the best of luck with this. It sounds like you've gotten a great start and I can imagine you'll be feeling like a million bucks in no time. My brother has been a vegetarian for about 25 years. He is two years younger than I am(you know how old I am) and he's like a kid. I'm really serious. He looks like he's 20 years younger than he is and acts much younger than that. You would never know he's in his 50's. He has the energy of a 25 year old. He never ceases to amaze me. Every year on his birthday, he rides his bike the amount of miles equal to his age. He eats vegetables, fruit, and alot of black beans and brown rice. Spices are his big thing. He eats alot of curried dishes. He is a great cook and I'm always surprised to see how good his meatless dishes are. He also eats cheese occasionally but I'm not sure what kind. He is so happy and healthy. Alot of restaurants now have vegetarian dishes available too. Good luck Kay and keep us posted!


04-27-2005, 01:43 PM
I know I hate it when people think that because I love animals that I am a vegitarian, while I would like to be, I could never handle it, I am too obbessed with meat, veggie burgers, veggie dogs, veggie pizza they are all discusting lol I cant eat a burger without cheese, and I LOVE red meat lol and even if I was strong enugh mentally I am not physially, not having real meat would mean I would need to eat a lot more every couple of hours(I have to eat enugh to totally fill me up at least every 3 hours or I get weak and pass out)

04-27-2005, 01:57 PM
Thanks for the encouragement, Terry. Your brother sounds wonderful! :)

Originally posted by cali
I know I hate it when people think that because I love animals that I am a vegitarian, while I would like to be, I could never handle it, I am too obbessed with meat, veggie burgers, veggie dogs, veggie pizza they are all discusting lol I cant eat a burger without cheese, and I LOVE red meat lol and even if I was strong enugh mentally I am not physially, not having real meat would mean I would need to eat a lot more every couple of hours(I have to eat enugh to totally fill me up at least every 3 hours or I get weak and pass out)

Okay? :confused:

04-27-2005, 04:20 PM
Yay! Another vegetarian. :D I've been a vegetarian for 9 years now.

Another good brand of vegetarian food is Morning Star Farm, it is IMO actually better then Boca Burgers. Amy's is another good brand of vegetarian food. They are frozen dinners, and they are all delicious! If you have any Whole Foods near your house you might be able to find them there.

Good luck!

04-27-2005, 11:22 PM
I don't have any advice for you as I don't know much about being a vegetarian but I wish you luck! :)

04-28-2005, 05:07 AM
Congrats on your new eating habits! I have been a vegetarian for about 8 years now! And I love it. I have no problem with others eating meat and will even prepare it for Andrew and guests. There is alot that you can eat without consuming meat. I never get bored with my food. I eat lots of veggies and the soy products.

I have tons of recipes if you are interested. PM me and I will be more than happy to share them with you.

04-28-2005, 08:10 AM
I congratulate you Kay for going vegetarian, I know that I couldn't do it.
I hope it works out well for you.

04-28-2005, 03:17 PM
I'm wishing you all the best with your new eating lifestyle!

Hugs...Robin :)