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View Full Version : Does you dog bark at shadows?

01-20-2002, 07:11 PM
I noticed the other day, when I went to take out Leika for potty that there was some light and that it marked my shadow, after going potty she actually looked puzzled at the shadow, and got near it. Afterwards she started barking, but instead of going towards my shadow in the wall, she went backwards!! What a cowardy girl!

01-21-2002, 06:08 AM
I haven't noticed Bella barking at shadows but she did bark at my husband's headlights the other night! We have a back door out of the garage and when he pulled into the garage about a week ago his headlights shined through a tiny slit under the door into the backyard and onto the back fence. She was outside at the time and just stood and barked at the light on the fence, backing up the whole time. Another scaredy dog! :rolleyes:

01-21-2002, 09:34 AM
Simba doesnt bark at shadows but one time my dad ways spraying down the windows of the house from the outside... and Sim was laying on my brothers bed and to make a long story short... we had to get new miniblinds because Sim attacked them when my dad was doing that window :rolleyes:

01-21-2002, 09:38 AM
Oh yeah and one time, Simba was outside (during the day) and it was reeeeeeally sunny out and well the sun reflected off of Simba's tags on his collar and hit the ground, when he moved the reflection moved so he tried attacking the reflection over and over but as he moved it did... it was toooo funny me and my mother almost died laughing:D :D :D