View Full Version : I saw an awful thing this AM :(

04-26-2005, 01:04 PM
This is a perfect example why you should never leave your pets ouside to roam.

We were on our way to work this morning when I saw the road, a two way country road, completely covered in blood. On the shoulder was what appeared to be either a yellow lab or golden retriever. This dog was struck hard as I've never in my life seen such a mess.

We live in the country and there are always dogs running loose. Unfortunately being so rural the shelter rarely responds unless there is a vicious dog involved. I can't get that poor dog out of my mind. I hope it's owners find it and see what they let happen to it.:mad:

04-26-2005, 01:07 PM
OMG! that is SO horrible! :( that poor dog, I wonder if his owners even cared/realized? I would hate to see that. . I'm sure it'll stay in your mind forever :(

this is the reason that I pull over and yell at people who are walking with off-leash dogs right by the road :mad:. . yesterday, when we were driving home there was a young Golden walking along the curb by the road about 5 minutes from my house (on a main Blvd in our town). . by the time my Dad turned around, he was nowhere to be found, but there were NO people around or anything so he was obviously just wandering. I'm still wondering if he is still lost, hungry, injured or what :( most people just don't care.

04-26-2005, 01:12 PM
How sad!:( We also live in the country in a rural area I guess some people think they can just let their dogs run free since it's out in the country.:mad: We live in an area that has a lot of livestock and people will shoot your dogs if they go onto their property. I'm so sorry you had to see that.:(

04-26-2005, 01:14 PM
That is so sad:( :(

04-26-2005, 01:23 PM
That is so sad. poor doggy, poor people.

But before you all bash them for letting their dog run loose, please get the facts first. I hate it when people jump the gun. Maybe, just maybe the dog got loose by accident. It doesn't make things any better but please think before you speak.