View Full Version : Thank you all, Pettalkers...

04-26-2005, 08:53 AM
I just got done re-reading Dale's memorial thread...and all of your kind replies. I wanted to thank each one of you for helping me through this tough time. I am also very lucky to have kept in touch with Dale's breeder,and she has been amazing through all of this...such a kind and supportive lady. Pet people are the best!! I will actually be going to a Swissie dog show in May, and will be seeing Dale's mom, full brother and 2 half siblings of his...so it will be nice to see them...it will help me to feel "connected" with him...even though he won't be there with us, and he was at the last Swissie show last year.

Anyway, we are getting by here. I have my sad days. I also have days when I think of him with fondness, and it makes me smile. It is weird to go to the petstore and only buy cat food, though. I know that we will get another dog in the future, the house is just too empty. I am not trying to replace Dale, but I just miss having my big boy here, he had such a presence here, and our home is certainly missing the space he filled.

I know that Dale's death was completely out of our control and that God does things sometimes that we will never understand, and I don't want to question Him. Someday I will know why and someday I will see him again...anyway, thanks again to all of you pettalkers...you are so supportive and kind...more than words can explain!

Love to you all~

04-26-2005, 08:59 AM
It's so good to hear from you. I have thought about you a lot. I'm glad you get to see Dale's mom and the siblings. You keep in touch ok? You are in my thoughts!!

PJ's Mom
04-26-2005, 09:02 AM
I wish there was more we could do for you. I really can't imagine The pain and shock you must've gone through. :( I'm glad to hear you're doing better now. :)

04-26-2005, 09:07 AM
I just replied in general, but will reply here too.

My heart aches for you and your family. I know how it is to be missing a big boy in your home...just doesn't seem right does it?
I hope one day you do open your hearts and home to another big boy/girl, it definately helps the heart mend (I can tell you that from first hand experience;)).

I hope you have fun meeting up with Dale's family.


04-26-2005, 09:17 AM
I am glad you are doing okay I have been thinking about you a lot, just yesterday I was thinking I should pm you to see if you are okay.

I think another dog is a great idea.

04-26-2005, 09:44 AM
Robyn, you and your family haven't strayed far from my thoughts and prayers over the previous few weeks. I cannot imagine your grief over losing Dale. :( I'm glad you are open minded about bringing another dog into your life at some point. Christian and you need it (and I'm sure Rob does too). Cats are wonderful company and especially my Mimi has pulled me through some pretty horrible times in my life, but there is nothing like a loving dog.

If I can be of any help, or just a listening ear, I'm just an email or PM away.


04-26-2005, 10:04 AM
Glad to hear from you Robyn.
I think of you often.

Sending continuing thoughts and prayers.

04-26-2005, 10:07 AM

I know how difficult this must be for you:( but know that we're here for you no matter what ((((hugs)))))
Krista and the furbabies

04-26-2005, 10:30 AM
Robyn, it is good to hear from you and know that you are hanging in there. It is so nice that you've still stayed in contact with Dales breeder and will get to see some of his family. What precious memories that will bring back. {{{hugs}}} and love to you and your family.


Buddy Blaze Lover
04-26-2005, 03:53 PM
Oh, I know how hard this is for you Robyn...and just the way Dale passed from us is unbearable to think about!:( I'm glad you're leaving all this in God's hands though...that sure is the best way to go! Something good WILL come out of this; I've found that out with everything bad that has happened to me.:) Why, if Bandit, my last BC had not passed quietly from us (though it's still hard to remember him still without tears) we wouldn't have Blaze, and WHAT A BLESSING Blaze is to us and everyone!! You have been in my thoughts.:( Hugs! XOXOXOXOX ~Katie

04-26-2005, 04:04 PM
It is good to hear from you, Robyn! My thoughts are still with you. I hope you enjoy yourself at the upcoming Swissie dog show. :)

04-26-2005, 07:55 PM
Once again, I am in tears.

You are so welcome. I am glad that in some small way our words were able to help you through this hard time.

I wish you all the strength and happiness you wish for. Enjoy the Swissie show - maybe you will get your "sign" there too ...


04-26-2005, 10:42 PM
Robyn, when the right pup comes along, you'll know! I never thought we could fill the hole in our lives when Rosie passed with another dog, but I have to admit Sherman has won my heart completely. His happy face and sweet kisses have helped me so much on those "sad" days!
Enjoy the Swissie show and seeing Dale's family.

04-27-2005, 12:09 AM
I still say a prayer for all of you and Dale every night. I know how deafening the silence can be but you'll make the perfect decision when the time comes, and it'll be a miracle how it'll happen without a second thought. And Dale will be guiding you all the way because he'd want you to be happy and share your love again. Your breeder sounds wonderful and I hope despite your sadness, that you enjoy seeing Dale's extended family. We love you and are always here for you too!

04-27-2005, 08:16 PM
Robyn, like others have said, I am very glad to have been able to offer some comfort and condolences to you in such a tragic time. Dale was just so young and vibrant, it was such a shock. I too still think of you and your family often. I'm very gladdened to hear you will, when the time is right, add another pup to the household. Of course we know no dog will ever replace Dale. Though I believe you will eventually grow to love another dog just as deeply, the bond with Dale will always be unique and never to be repeated exactly. That is how I feel about my RB boys too. I love my two now just as deeply, but the bonds are each unique and different.

Thanks for stopping in and writing, as I have wondered how you have been. {{hugs}} to you
