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04-25-2005, 10:05 PM
I heard through a fellow rescuer about a cat that was trapped last night, and brought in for a TNR through my local vet. While tranquilized, she started giving birth! I'm assuming the rest were taken out by c-section, but the vet clinic is impossible to get answers from. The woman who is her caretaker was going to put the mom cat OUTSIDE under her porch with the newborn four kittens, until I got wind of that stupid sounding idea. :rolleyes: Needless to say, I don't need another cat under this roof, not to mention five extras, but the kicker is the mom is rejecting the kittens, and will not let them nurse at all. I'm making the rest of the cage very uncomfortable for her, and the nursery area is dark, warm, and secluded with blankets forming 'walls'. She will not let them nurse, and has no maternal bond whatsoever with them. :( I'm trying to stick it out a short time longer, and see if any are able to nurse, and then resorting to bottle feeding until I find a new mom with a small litter. If this woman had carried out her original (and stupid) idea, there would be four frozen newborns by A.M.:( This is the last thing I feel like doing. :rolleyes: WHHHAAA!!!!!

04-25-2005, 11:16 PM
I suppose I'm going to incur the wrath of my fellow PT'ers, but this is one case where I'd let nature take it's course. The mother may get her act together, she may not, but that's pretty well the only situation in which I say let nature take it's course. I grew up on a farm and learned from an early age that sometimes mother nature knows best. It's admirable to save the creatures (human or otherwise) that need our help, I myself have done it countless times and feel angry, sad, and frustrated when my best efforts don't work..... But it's my personal opinion, I once ran across 4 lanes of heavy Toronto traffic to save a box of kittens someone had chucked out the door of a moving car so maybe I'm a hypocrite, but that's what I think. And QueenScoopalot, you are an amazing person and if I had half your energy... Well, I'd have more than two cats, that's for sure:).

This is my first post containing an opinion, I hope I've come to know the people here well enough not to be suprised by any replies, because I do like it here and despite what the above statement indicate... I love cats!

04-25-2005, 11:42 PM
We are praying,for those Little Ones,and we do hope,that you can help,them,in any way,that you can.You are Our HERO!!

04-25-2005, 11:51 PM
I can bottle feed.I have time.Let me help.It's to much for you.
:D :) Let me know how the mom reacts soon.

04-26-2005, 07:46 AM
Jan that's horrible!!! No wonder she isn't bonding with them. I'm sure she is associating them with the surgery and vets office. Bless her heart!!! And those poor babies!!:( :( :(

Well, it sounds as if Carla has come to your rescue. We all know that she would do a fantastic and wonderful job with the babies. I hope you two can work that out because it sure would take a load off of you Jan.

Elminster20 I'm not sure exactly what you mean by let nature take it's course. If you mean that Jan should not intervene and feed the babies then I have to disagree with you. Now that this cat and kittens are in her care that would mean that she would have to stand back and watch the babies slowly starve to death.A horrible death! My guess is that you wouldn't be able to do that either, Mr Run Across the Highway to Save Kittens!;) :D

04-26-2005, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by catfamily
I can bottle feed.I have time.Let me help.It's to much for you.
:D :) Let me know how the mom reacts soon.
Carla, etc. with kittens this size, they need around the clock feedings. I woke to cold, rejected screaming babies, so put them into a box, and mixed up colostrum milk I had in the freezer, and gave them a very tiny amount to stave off hunger. When they're warmed better, I'll give them whatever they can consume, but my ultimate goal is to find a nursing mom with young kittens, and a small litter. I've made a few calls, and am hoping theres a foster home that will come through for these babies.

Laura's Babies
04-26-2005, 08:07 AM
Jan, you have done it again.. Life or death and you came to the rescue. I would take Carla's help since these babies will need round the clock care and you already have enough on your plate. Good luck with these babies and I hope to hear good news on them when I get back from work.

04-26-2005, 08:10 AM
Oh Jan,

My heart goes out to you! I only wish you lived closer to me. Mattie Grace still has milk :( and her babies are weaned.

Please keep us posted on their progress and take help ANY way you can get it girl. Kitten season has just begun!!!


04-26-2005, 08:15 AM
Good grief! Its not one thing, its another. Glad you were there to save those babies!

04-26-2005, 09:04 AM
I can do round the clock feeding Jan.I loved taking care of Marshall,and I could handle all of them.REALLY.I would have Mike run any errand.And I would never go out and enjoy myself untill they are weened off the bottle.On my deceased brother's soul.They would get the best care.Trust me Jan.

04-26-2005, 09:09 AM
Well, my main foster home Larry came through for me! Though he has many of my moms and babies, with a little kitten juggling, and some help from Larry, these babies have a better chance now. The best candidate mom has nine kittens :eek: :eek: :eek: So it's unlikely they'll go with her.

Gypsy and her nine babies...can't wait to see how they've grown. If Larry hadn't taken them, I'd have 10 in my already cramped bathroom, and probably on my way to a divorce! :rolleyes:


I posted this pic before...it was very difficult to count allllll those new babies lol! :eek:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-26-2005, 09:41 AM
Who in their right mind would put a new mother and her babies outside under the porch? Sheesh! :rolleyes:

Glad to hear you found a mommy for the babies, Jan. You sure do a world of good. :D

04-26-2005, 12:00 PM
You are amazing!:D

04-26-2005, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Who in their right mind would put a new mother and her babies outside under the porch? Sheesh! :rolleyes:

Glad to hear you found a mommy for the babies, Jan. You sure do a world of good. :D
No kidding! The mother would have taken off, and the four babies would have frozen to death overnight! IDIOT! :rolleyes: They're tucked in at Larry's now, and one of the most feral moms has accepted them as her own. Larry will be whisking them away several times a day, and feeding them the colostrum milk I brought with them. At least they'll most likely survive now. ;) I feel so bad for the mother who birthed them. :( She treated them like they were snakes or some thing, and wanted nothing at all to do with these foreign creatures who kept trying to claw at her shaved belly. :( She did everything in her power to avoid them...poor babies.

04-26-2005, 01:03 PM
I am sooo glad those little ones found a "new" mommy that accepted them. It's sooo good they will now have a fighting change. Poor momma though...I guess she was sooo confused by the little "creatures" she found there all she wanted to do was get away. Hopefully she will get spayed now and not have to go through that again as we do not need more little babies without a fighting chance at life.

Laura's Babies
04-26-2005, 01:23 PM
You are a LIFESAVER!! God Bless YOU!!!