View Full Version : Teaching sit

01-20-2002, 08:39 AM
I would like to know how you can teach your dog to sit without that doggy treat lifted way above his head so that sometimes she jumps and sometimes she sits. Any ideas?:confused:

01-20-2002, 10:21 AM
How i taught Simba to sit was id put a leash and collar on him, and then saying sit the whole time id gently tug on the leash and pat his rear down and if he stayed there, id say good boy and praise him.... He got the hang of it and did it by himself... but he sort af already knew how to sit in the begining

01-20-2002, 11:05 AM
thanks, I'll try that:)

01-20-2002, 11:08 AM
Yeah, I trained Jo pretty much the same way. She learned it in like 2 mins, it was kinda scary, lol. I just said "Josie, sit" then I would push her down to a sit, and leave her for a second, if she stays, I'd praise her with love and a treat.

A saw on a show once, for anyone wanting to teach their dog to lie down, is that you get him/her to sit, then take a treat (saying lie down) and show him/her it and slowly bring it under its chin and down its neck kinda, the dog will try to get the treat, the only way doing so is to lie down. Once he/she lies down, give the treat and praise. Work wonders for me :D

01-20-2002, 11:22 AM
Yeah, I've got a book, and it says that you have to do that to teach lie down. I used that with my last dog, Ringo, but it didn't work for him. I think he was a little thick. LOL;) :p

01-21-2002, 04:29 AM
i tought zoey to sit by pushing her rear down after saying 'sit' and rewarded her each time.same goes for down. as for paws,i lifted her paw up after saying 'paws' i do the same for 'up' and 'sleep' and 'speak'

01-21-2002, 08:53 AM
Thanks anyway all of you. Leika now is an expert in sitting and coming, I'm working now in down.:D Thanks fr the advice:D

01-21-2002, 06:51 PM
Actually, you should never PUSH on their hindquarters to make them sit. You can inadvertantly hurt them. Instead, ask them to sit, pull up on the leash to raise their head and shoulders and with your other hand sweep it in behind their butt, above their hocks, to gently put them in the sit if they don't do it.

They learn fast. You shouldn't have any problem:D

01-21-2002, 07:16 PM
i didn't know that!i would like to teach zoey to beg.how to i do that?i would also like to teach her to walk on her hind legs

01-21-2002, 08:13 PM
Beg as in sit pretty? I just thought that to Jo the other day. I got her to sit. Then I'd say Sit pretty (or beg whatever you like) then I'd take her paws and push her to the right position and say it again, then release as say good dog!! and LOTS of praise. If you want trainin to be easier, make it fun for the dog so it's not bored. in my case, if food is involved. To teach your dog to walk on its hind legs (I never did this so i duno if it works) I would get it to stand on its hind legs (like hold a teach in the air) Once it can ballance for a little while standing still, start to move back a bit still holding the treat, say what you will to the dog, and if he/she does it, give the treat and praise. Don't spend to long on it at a time, dogs will get bored and loose attention. It takes time so goodluck!

Another way to get the dog to sit pretty or beg, would be to let it ballance on your arm till it gets the hang of it :]

C.C.'s Mom
01-22-2002, 04:36 AM
Cookie could already sit on command when we got her from the breeder, but the obedience school learned us the hand signs to it and now she sits also when I raise a finger and waits till I give the command: walk. Practical when there are many dogs and she doesn't really hear it. Here's how it's done:

Take a dog treat in your right hand between your thumb and middle finger and raise your index finger while you tell your dog to sit. He sits automatically because he wants to look at the treat. Than give the treat. After a while the dog also sits by just seeing the finger, but of course, he should also be able to sit on the spoken command.

01-29-2002, 02:40 PM
I tought Dale how to sit by holding my hond above his head, without the treat. When he sat, I let him follow me to get a treat and then he would sit again. As for Paw and Shake, I would say, "Paw, Shake" and the nudge him on his leg with my hand out. He eventually got the idea that maybe he should put his foot in my hand, he hasn't stopped since.

Hope this helps,

Originally posted by mary_jsn
I would like to know how you can teach your dog to sit without that doggy treat lifted way above his head so that sometimes she jumps and sometimes she sits. Any ideas?:confused: