View Full Version : i got one more fish bed ?

04-25-2005, 08:41 AM
do you think it would be ok if i used just one layer of the foam all over the fish bed instead of doubling it when it says to because its really expensive for my budget at hancock and thats the closest store to me

04-25-2005, 08:49 AM
I think,that that would be fine,thats how,I make The Cat Beds,for the porch Cats,with odd bits,of foam,old pillows,and blankets.And they are so happy,to have a nice soft spot,to sit,and sleep,on.


Laura's Babies
04-25-2005, 09:13 AM
Since I have not made one yet, I don't know. When I first make something, I try to do it exactly how the pattern says and then you can have a better fix on how changes can be made..

04-25-2005, 09:21 AM
Since this is not the typical flat oval cat bed, I would use the recommended foam. You wont have the appropriate thickness or strength to keep it upright. All your sides of the fish need to be strong so that the fish doesnt collaspe. Otherswise they cant get in the bed.
Here is bed she is trying to make, then my explaination will make sense to use the correct foam.
