View Full Version : cat-nip question

04-25-2005, 08:05 AM
since reading about all the cat-nip parties going on here, i got out some(for 1st time) nip that the babies got for christmas, and sprinkled it onto the floor. abby rubbed and rolled over it first, then buddy joined in the rolling around in it. so back to my question....why do they roll all over the cat-nip, and what exactly is cat nip? they were acting kinda drunkish i thought...and acting very weird.:eek: :D

04-25-2005, 08:10 AM
Catnip is a feline's marijuana, so to speak. They eat it, roll around in it and get totally high.

It's an all natural herb that has a calming effect on cats. Some cats don't like it. But the majority of cats go crazy over it!! The way your cats reacted to it is quite normal.

04-25-2005, 08:39 AM
It is a plant,called Catamnint,I beleive,and nobody knows,why it has that effect,on Cats.and why some Cats,go beserk,and other Cats,just ignore it.The Meezers,dont care,for it at all,whilr Moose,Ragnar,and Michael,do jumping jacks,when,the package,is opened.CATS!

Laura's Babies
04-25-2005, 09:40 AM
Catnip + cats= PARTY!! Isn't it a blast to watch! I did the scttering on the floor and watched mine. They love catnip toys too and I keep a bag in my cabinet with toys in it "marinating" in catnip. Once they loose their "flavor" it goes back in the bag for awhile and new marinated ones are pulled out for them.