View Full Version : News of Jenny

04-24-2005, 09:57 PM
to read the background on Jenny's story heres the thread
Jenny (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=76212)
*the friend was myself*

Sadly, but fortunatly; sweet, old, big Jenny has passed on. I'm not sure if she died naturally or by euthanaisa. (most likely natural, and alone :( )

I feel horrible because she died in pain, infested with fleas, ticks, etc.; and alone outside. I wish i would have known she was slipping, i would have gone over there and stayed with her for her last moments. comforting her, petting her, loving her, letting her know that i had never forgot her over these painful years of neglect and abuse. letting her know that even though i felt i had to return her to her awful home by law, that morally and spiritually i felt that i was doing the wrong thing! i should have kept her, i could have helped her. i feel like since i "had" to take her back all those sad times that i helped in killing her! :(

but i also feel a sort of joy in that she is no longer suffering, in pain, infested with god knows what, and alone. she is with other dogs that she can play with forever and forever. she can feel and be younger than her 15 years. she will no longer be neglected or abused by the sick people she loved while they hurt her none the less. :( there is nothing holding her back from going where she pleases now.

Fly free, sweet angel, fly free and far! I will miss you greatly!

Jenny the Malamute (1990-2005)

04-24-2005, 10:14 PM

Jenny's story brings tears to my eyes. I cannot beleive her owners would leave her like that.. she did not deserve it:mad: :(

R.I.P Jenny...you now have freedom to run and play at the RB without an old rusty chain holding you back from a world you never got to know..rest peacefully sweet girl.

04-24-2005, 10:44 PM
yes me too, i cried all day