View Full Version : Compassion Fest 2002

01-19-2002, 04:36 PM
Got this in my mail today, thought maybe someone might be from one of these two cities and would be interested ??

I would like to remind everyone that CompassionFest
2002 is right around the
corner. On August 11, 2002 this event is being
introduced and launched in
two cities (Cincinnati, OH & Las Vegas, NV) and is
orientated towards the
youth of our society.

This will be a great event teaching the new
generation about compassion and
respect for all of our animal friends.
More information on this event can be found at:


I would like to encourage everyone to attend this
event, and if you cannot
attend then help to sponsor this event or volunteer
to help as needed -- even
over the internet you can help.

This is also a great way to get out the word on your
organization to the new generation and future of our
country. Sponsorship
can be as easy as placing an ad for your
organization or website in the event
program that will go out to the thousands attending.
By visiting the URL
above, you can find out more about this. I saw ad
space (1/8 of a page) as
cheap as $50.

If you want to go one step further and attend the
event, you can also get the
use of a table at the even by being a sponsor. This
would be a great way for
an organization to get out and introduce themselves
and issues to our new
generation of animal protectors.
Remember it is the responsibility of us older
veterans currently in the
trenches fighting for the animals to teach the new
generation our knowledge
and skills so they can take our fight into the next

Also, it looks like this event can still use some
experienced speakers for
the animals, etc. So please visit
www.compassionfest.org and see if you can
help to teach the new generation how to fight and
speak up for the ones who
cannot speak for themselves.

Thanks For Being You
Bonnie And My Girls

01-21-2002, 05:47 AM
thanks for posting...i don't live near...but perhaps the rescue group i work with will want to advertise....i will forward to them....thanks,delidog

01-21-2002, 09:17 AM
I'm not close either but I will forward this to several people I know that will surely want to be involved in some way.....what a wonderful idea!!