View Full Version : This is the cutest thing

04-24-2005, 12:43 PM
I am sure everyone has heard of "Felix The Cat" right. Well of course Felix is the mascot for Felix cat food by Purina. Felix Interactive Playmate for your Desktop (http://www.catslikefelix.co.uk/)

Well, Felix can now be your desktop playmate. :eek: It is very cute and all free. You can download Felix and a kitten friend. Also you can download toys, food, mischief and it is quite cute. Check it out and see what you think. :D

04-24-2005, 06:32 PM
What a lot,of people,dont know,or remember,that in the twenties,Felix,the Cat,was the most popular Cartton Star,in the Wold! And if Pat Sullivan,hadnt been stubborn,about Sound Cartoons,then Mickey Mouse,would have never taken Felixs Place.I have a tape,of the Silent Felix Cartoons,and they are wonderfully funny.
