View Full Version : Help!!!!!!!!

01-19-2002, 01:13 PM
Arail green Bold
Help!!!! My piano teacher just got a new dog and every time I walk into her house or even get close to the dog it bites me!:eek: A dog has never bit me befor! My boyfriend asked if it was playfully, it was not playfully! It growls and then jumps up and attackts me! My one firnd siad to spray appal spray in its face.. but I'm not sure what that would do.
What can I do? to make it stop biting me? I mean I can't even look the direction the dog is in without it growling at me. And it has been 4 weeks in a row and I'm kinda' tired of it.. So if you guys know anything that can help me PLEASE tell me.

01-19-2002, 01:22 PM
Does your teacher not discipline the dog? I would ask her about the dog's behavior. Does it bite ALL her students?

Hopefully, the dog will adjust, will get used to you being there. It must see you as an intruder, and your teacher should be dealing with that! I, frankly, would try bringing a dog biscuit with me every time, asking your teacher if it's okay, and showing the dog the biscuit when you first get there. If it acts threatening, put the biscuit away, but if it is quiet, give it the biscuit.

Of course, you should talk to your teacher, and ask her to keep the dog in a seperate room when you come for your lesson, but I'd try either making friends with it, (even bribing) or ignoring it.

01-19-2002, 02:45 PM
I'll try the biscuit thing it might just work.
Yes, the dog dose bite most all of her students. There's a little boy that comes after me and I've seen it bite him.:(
Thank You,

01-19-2002, 04:53 PM
I would avoid contact of any kind with the dog - do not look at it, say anything to it or think about it!!!! Be as slow and confident as you can be - there is no dog, there is no dog. As soon as it moves towards you stand still, cross your arms and look up. Ask your teacher to take the dog away!

This is a totally unacceptable situation for somebody in a teaching position to put you or other students in. I would be very assertive with the teacher. Say how much you love the lessons but feel unsafe and have already been injured several times. As well as yourself you have seen the dog bite another student. Tell her/him that the law does not look kindly on dogs that bite and she is risking prosecution and the life of the dog by continuing this way.

If the situation is not resolved you really should find another teacher and consider reporting the situation to the relevant authorities, you could be saving someone from serious injury.

01-20-2002, 08:48 AM
If you are afraid of the dog when you come there think it's a newborn puppy, just born yesterday. Dogs can smell wether you're afraid or not. Also you could tell your teacher to keep him leashed when you go in to your class and go out.

01-20-2002, 09:17 AM
Now what kind of teacher would allow this to continue for weeks :confused: I just don't "get it" :confused: laurie

01-20-2002, 01:42 PM
Thank you all for your suggestions on how to help me be safe from this devil of a dog. I'll be sure to say somthing, try not to have any contact with the dog, and I'll even try to buy it treats.

01-21-2002, 07:13 AM
This biting behavior is completely unacceptable for someone in your piano teacher's position. I'd be looking around for a new piano teacher.

01-21-2002, 10:38 AM
That is defenantly not acceptable.

My dog thinks she is a puppy but she doesnt bite stranges even though she will playfully nibble or tug at mom or dad.

She is liable to get charged by that kids parent.

01-21-2002, 11:37 AM
I agree with Carrie, ignore the dog and get the teacher to do something about it. 4 weeks is a long time, the teacher is the one who should be disciplining the dog and providing a safe environment for her students. She'll be lucky if that dog never bites anyone and she's never sued. And to think she subjects kids to that is scary.

I'd be afraid to stick my hand out to give the dog a treat - and I'm sure the dog would know and take advantage of that fear!

01-22-2002, 06:00 PM
Well, its week #5. And I called my piano tacher yesterday about the biting problem, and she told me to ring the doorbell instead of walking in, as I usually do and she'll hold her back while I walk in. She had a bag of treats for me to give the dog while I sat down at the piano. It went okay until it was time for me to leave, as I got up the dog came after me . I threw the last treat hoping it would go after it, well it didn't so I quickly went up the stairs, grabbed my coat and ran out the door. I think maybe I should try the "don't act like your afraid" thing a little harder.
I'll tell you how it goes next Tuesday,
~Cait :p

01-23-2002, 06:28 AM
Cait - why do you put up with it???? Is this person the only piano teacher around???

01-23-2002, 09:24 AM
If this biting problem keeps on you have 2 answers now. 1 is to find another piano teacher or maybe get particular classes so that th epiano teacher comes to you nad not you to him/her. The other thing is you could sue your teacher. I think is against the law to have a agressive dog speacially if it has bitten other people. I know this might be more expensive 'cause then you'll have to get a lawyer. i recommend that you get another piano teacher.

01-23-2002, 02:57 PM
I'm searching around for a new piano teacher, but for now I'm staying w/ the one I have now. My piano teacher said if the dog dosn't stop she'll lock it up in a room while her students are there, or she'll send it to obedient school. So hopfully it will get better.
Thank you all,

01-23-2002, 03:08 PM
Sorry - but I think your piano teacher is nuts - I'd get a new one anyway before you get bitten really bad:(

01-23-2002, 03:37 PM
Cait, if the dog bites your fingers, you might never be able to play the piano. Sorry, but I agree with everyone's opinion that you should get yourself another piano teacher.

02-04-2002, 07:08 PM
My piano teach now is leaving treats by the door so when I walk in I can throw treats at the dog when it comes after me. OS far its working!:) Another thing I found that works is I talk to the dog in a little baby voice and the dog follows me but it dosn't growl or snap at me. Besides I can't really blame the dog for biteing me and the other students. See, the people that owned the dog befor had it living in a kenal and the Dog wasn't use to strangers comeign and going. It only got to know its owners. So, maybe as soon as the dog gets use to it's new schedule it won't bite anymore.
Thanx for the help, and your concerns.

02-12-2002, 09:17 PM
That's wonderful! I hope that the dog gets used to you but I also think that you should tell your teacher to send him to obidience school 'cause the dog will have to get used to strangers as when people come around ,that the dog doesn't know, the same thing will happen as you are facing it, afraid come around as the dog might bite them.