View Full Version : sock hop pictures

finn's mom
04-23-2005, 03:51 PM
hey! I just wanted to share a few photos from the fifties sock hop i went to last night. :) my parents, my aunt and uncle, my step brother and his wife, my mom's best friend and her husband, me, and, one other girl, had so much fun dancing! my parents dance so well together! and, they looked so good in their outfits! hope you guys like them! the dj was awesome, apparently he's been a radio personality and on the party scene for over forty years! he was a huge flirt and embarassed the heck out of me a couple of times, but, he was a great dj! thanks for all the suggestions when i asked for help getting ready for this. i found the pants, shirt and scarf all for less than $15 and it's all stuff i will wear again. it's not a poodle skirt, but, it was fun!

this is me and my uncle rick and aunt sheila


me and my mom's best friend boogying!


my parents shagging! (not in the british way, either! ;) )


my mom and me


my mom and her best friend, wanda


finn's mom
04-23-2005, 03:56 PM
here's me, not knowing i was having my photo taken


and, me and my parents at the house before we left


thanks for checking out the pictures. :)

04-23-2005, 04:01 PM
Sounds neat! Cool pictures. You can surely "see" you in your mother. :) She's adorable.

finn's mom
04-23-2005, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Sounds neat! Cool pictures. You can surely "see" you in your mother. :) She's adorable.

Now, that is the ultimate compliment, thanks, kay! ;)

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-23-2005, 04:14 PM
Thanks for the pics!! Wow, that must have been so much fun!! I know I would love such a party too, because I've always loved to dance. In fact, my hubby and I, we met during a dance course for singles ;) :D . What sounds so great to me to is that you were able to go dancing with your parents!! Neat :) :)

finn's mom
04-23-2005, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by Maya & Inka's mommy
Thanks for the pics!! Wow, that must have been so much fun!! I know I would love such a party too, because I've always loved to dance. In fact, my hubby and I, we met during a dance course for singles ;) :D . What sounds so great to me to is that you were able to go dancing with your parents!! Neat :) :)

I know, I love that they include me! And, they love that I want to go. I've gone a few times with them. I can never dance enough and they have always danced so well together. They need to get out and dance more, but, it's hard to find a place that has dancing like they want to do, and, not just fifties, but, like band music. It's great exercise! And, the smiles on their faces just about makes me burst. They got applause a couple of times after walking off the dance floor, it makes me proud! :)

04-23-2005, 05:46 PM
Ah, official poodle skirts and saddle shoes!:)

finn's mom
04-23-2005, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Freckles
Ah, official poodle skirts and saddle shoes!:)

I know, aren't they the best? One day, I'll get an outfit like that. :) My mom ordered hers awhile back, and, has had the shoes for about twenty years. She always just gets a different top and tweaks the accessories a little bit to make the outfit a little different each time. Everyone looked so cute!

Laura's Babies
04-23-2005, 06:06 PM
The pants you wore were call peddle pushers in those days. Cool that they are back in style again..

I love your pictures and you are just a younger version of your MOTHER!!! I am tickled to hear it went well and everyone had so much fun!

04-23-2005, 06:21 PM
Great pictures, looks like a lot of fun! I love poodle skirts! Your mom and dad are a cute couple, I bet they're fun! :D

04-23-2005, 06:31 PM
Glad to see you found the perfect outfit!! :D Looks like tons of fun! And your parents are just so cool! Thanks for sharing the fun

finn's mom
04-23-2005, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies
The pants you wore were call peddle pushers in those days. Cool that they are back in style again..

I love your pictures and you are just a younger version of your MOTHER!!! I am tickled to hear it went well and everyone had so much fun!

Yeah, they are just called capris, now. My mom used to call them peddle pushers (I always thought it was petal pushers! :D ) when I was a kid. And, yeah, I'm pretty much a clone of my mom. And, for the most part, I'm happy with that. ;)

finn's mom
04-23-2005, 06:44 PM
And, to the comments about my parents, they are a lot of fun. :D My dad is cooool. :cool: