View Full Version : Two special needs shelter babies that have stolen my heart!

04-23-2005, 03:02 PM
The first one is currently named RC. As usual I don't like the name but if he finds a home he can get a new name too.
They think he was hit by a car and he had to have his back leg amputated. A portion of his tongue is missing too but it hasn't effected his eating at all! He's a Mr. Hissy but once you reach into the cage he just hides his face. I think he is probably a little feral but would calm down quickly with love and patience.

Isn't he a cutie?
He hissed at me because of the flash. It scared him.


Now this little sweetheart has me hook, line, and sinker! I would bring her home in a minute if I thought I had the right place for her. She is totally blind but she has the most gorgeous eyes! The only reason I haven't brought her home is because she is a bit timid and shy. My house is small and she would constantly be running into cats! Magoo is a tank and doesn't care but I think it would scare her too often.

Isn't she just GORGEOUS?


I am madly in love with her! I would give anything to see her go to a wonderful home....especially a PT home! Anyone interested?


She looks big in the pictures for some reason but she isn't. She is a tiny and petite little girl.
She has really gotten to me! I am so in love with her.

Just thought I would share two heart breakers from the shelter. A friend and I spent the day there today working with the kitties and I got these pictures to share.
I wish I could bring them all home!

04-23-2005, 03:09 PM
I am astonished,at how much RC,looks like JJJ3! There,but,for the Grace Of God,goes a Cat!And the Other Cat,is so precious,taht I would take,her in Right Away!We hope,and pray,that they find thier Furr Ever Homes,soon.

04-23-2005, 03:13 PM
She's simply gorgeous! What happend to her that she's blind? I thought they always had the cloudy eye of something when they were blind.

Laura's Babies
04-23-2005, 04:09 PM
Ah! Weeelllll now Lisa, you weren't sure about Goo either when you brought him home. To me, she belongs with YOU and Goo! She is awesome looking and as you know being sightless is NO problem for these babies. Just think how she would blossom in your house with Goo to be her leading eye cat.. That could be "Love at first sightless".. Oh Man, I adore her too.. Can I beg for her? "

"Please! Please! Please!! Gimme a try! I won't be any problem!! Please! Please??? Just look at me, I will be good! You say you love me already! Don't I deserve a chance where you will know I am taken proper care of???"

That poor big guy is so scared looking but there is something about his face that I just love!! If only I was retired already!!

(I am SURE I got to small a house for when I retire!)

04-23-2005, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
She's simply gorgeous! What happend to her that she's blind? I thought they always had the cloudy eye of something when they were blind.
A diet deficiant in taurine will cause cats to lose their sight too. Also the pupils will be huge with blindness caused by lack of this important amino acid. Some cultures don't feed pets proper diets, as in their country cat and dog food canned is unheard of, and insane. She was probably fed table food leftover from family dinners, and not much meat protein...though I'm only guessing that's what happened to her. Lisa, I can see how you might fall for those two...both are so sweet looking even RC Hissy Face! I agree with Laura PLEASE????????????????????????????? :D

04-23-2005, 08:32 PM
Oh Lisa, I hope Mr. Hissy Boy gets a home .... I can't remember if yours is a "kill" shelter or not???

That blind baby is gorgeous. Gosh, her eyes remind me so much of my Angel who recently moved on. I really miss Angel, but I knew I was holding her back from being a pampered "only Princess" like she so wanted and deserved.

04-23-2005, 09:07 PM
They're both gorgeous and I sure hope they'll both find wonderful loving homes. Maybe they already have.;)

04-23-2005, 09:42 PM
Aww, poor Mr. Hissy Boy!
I feel so sorry for him and I hope he is not in pain.
The calico kitty is beautiful and would make a great companion for Magoo.

04-23-2005, 11:17 PM
Awww, Lisa I don't know how you do it but bless you for doing it. I don't think my heart could take working at a shelter like that.

That little blind girl is gorgeous and Mr. Hissy - well he's a gray and white kitty so he automatically has my heart. I hope they both find kind loving homes soon.

04-23-2005, 11:24 PM
Awww! They are both precious!!

My latest obsession is calico's so I definitely see your love for that little girl.


04-24-2005, 01:06 AM
If I was closer... they're both beautiful

04-24-2005, 12:07 PM
They are beautiful Lisa - especially the blind calico. Is she docile and easy going around other kitties? How would she do in a large home??

04-24-2005, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
They are beautiful Lisa - especially the blind calico. Is she docile and easy going around other kitties? How would she do in a large home??

My dear Debbie I was hoping you would ask!;) She is an extremely loving little girl and here is her story.
She lived with a young couple and was blind since birth. They also had a dog. I guess some bad things happened in their lives and they got evicted from their home and were living in their car. The police found them sleeping in their car with the animals and they were made to turn them over to the shelters. According to the director she said they were in excellent health and had obviously been well taken care of. How sad for the people that once loved her, huh?
Anyway, she is very docile and friendly. As far as how she would do in a big house I can only guess that she would do fine like all the other blind cats we hear about. She would just have to learn her environment and I can't imagine her having any problems. When you open the cage door she wants out and is curious about her surroundings. She really is a sweetheart! She is very easy to handle and is docile and loving. She is about two years old.
They are getting ready to post her pictures with a big article and place it in the PetSmart stores so if you are interested let me know before they do that. No pressure! I'm just saying that in case you are interested.
I would snatch her in a minute!!!! She is absolutely PRECIOUS!

Edit: She was put into a small cage with another cat and she did fine with that. She seems to get along with anything and everyone.

04-24-2005, 04:54 PM

Is her fur wavy?? It looks like it in the picture. If it IS, she could very well be a Cornish Rex mix.

I wish I could take her! But I'm sure her story and her wonderful personality will tug at SOMEONE'S heart string *AHEM, oh DEEEBBBBIIIIIEEEE!!!! :p

04-24-2005, 04:56 PM
No wavy fur. I think it was the way she was being held that made it look that way. She is BEAUTIFUL though and those eyes just tear me up! I'll make sure she gets a good home.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-25-2005, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by moosmom

I jumped to the bottom of the thread without reading all the replies and I thought you were talking about me! :eek: ;)

She is absolutely adorable and I would adopt her in heartbeat....if I could.

Debbie, no pressure here either, but boy is she a cutie pie. ;) :D

04-25-2005, 10:57 AM
They are both good looking kitties but the last one (the girl) well she just has a face on her that would make any heart flutter.