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04-23-2005, 02:36 PM
how do i know if my kitty wants another kitty? ive heard that some females that got spayed w/o having a litter, sometimes get depressed cus they want babies. shes 7 years, and recently been acting like a kitten, like she needs a playmate.

if i do get another kitty, how can i pick one that is calm yet playfull like her? i know the kittys at shelters act kinda scared, i dunno how to tell their personalities.

04-23-2005, 02:48 PM
I've never heard that cats get depressed if they never have a litter. Spaying a cat only has benefits to the cat.

At any rate, cats most often are happier with companions. They are social creatures, and like the company of other cats.

As for finding the right cat for you, visit adoption centers or shelters. Once you meet the right cat, you'll know.

04-23-2005, 02:55 PM
Is there a Cat,athat you could bring,over for a visit,and see,if your Cat,shows any interest? Or you could leave Cat Fancy around,and see if she,reads,any of the articles,or looks at the Center Fold!

04-23-2005, 03:17 PM
All our furry kids (3 plus RB Butterscotch) adopted us. :)
It's hard to explain, but you'll know which kitty is right of you and your family.