View Full Version : Spynxes looking for furrrever homes...

04-23-2005, 02:12 PM
I went to the animal shelter that I'm a volunteer with. One of the girls said her Mom heard that a woman who has 4 Sphynxes has passed away and is looking for furrever homes for them.

I gave her my cellphone number and asked her to check it out and call me, as I have experience in Sphynxes. I'll keep you all posted.

04-23-2005, 02:19 PM
I would love a Spynx Cat,but its a bit cold,in Canada,for them.Although,once they got used ,to them,The Found cats,would make sure,that they were cosy!

04-23-2005, 05:37 PM
Really? Hmmm...

I have been debating a cat and have been keep my eyes out for a Rex of some sort, but maybe a Sphinx? Can you giveme more information about the breed? Any idea how these particular cats react to dogs?

04-24-2005, 03:37 PM
Cincy's Mom,

Sphynxes are great cats! Very lovable, good with dogs. MooShoo is LIKE a dog. Loves going to rides in the car. He also loves attention.

I didn't hear anything from the lady, but I hope to.

If you go into Petfinder.com, there's a Cornish Rex in Michigan that needs a home. Here's the link:


finn's mom
04-24-2005, 04:01 PM
Good luck with the kitties. I hope the cornish rex finds a home, poor old guy. :(

04-24-2005, 07:03 PM
I have always wanted a Sphynx! I love them. But never could afford one.

04-24-2005, 08:42 PM
What a handsome gentlemen he is!

I have to admit the cat idea is still very much in the "kicking around the idea" stage. Having never had a cat, I'm nervous about the idea. For one, while the dogs do well with cats they "visit" I don't know how they would react to living with one.

Maybe I'll send an email about the rex, but keep me posted on what you find out about the sphnixes too...

04-25-2005, 08:37 AM

I will. I haven't heard anything from the lady. I guess if there was something to tell she would've called me by now.

I emailed the shelter about the Rex just for ha-has. I'm SURE they've gotten alot of replies but it's worth a shot. I'll let you know what happens.

Hey, you're more than welcome to give MooShoo a try. He loves dogs. Think of it as Rent-A-Sphynx. :p:p

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-25-2005, 09:43 AM
Amy, it sounds like Rex is a real sweetie pie and it would be so great if you could adopt him. Seeing as how he is an older gent, the only thing he has going for him is that he is thought to be a purebred, otherwise cats that old aren't adopted very often, especially if they have known health issues, such as the dental work and the cataracts. But neither of those is that big of a deal and I sure hope it all works out for you.

I think if Cincy, Spot and Sadie do well when visiting kitties, they wouldn't mind in the least having one live with them, and I wouldn't doubt it if you find them snuggling with the kitty....once you bring one home that is.

Fingers and paws crossed that things will work out on this one. :D

04-25-2005, 08:19 PM
I too have emailed the shelter about the Rex. I mentioned the cat in passing to Ralph (and he didn't really bite), but I am trying to get a feel for how the older guy would adjust to dogs, if he has not been around them before.

He does have cataracts, and I honestly don't know....do they do surgery for that, or does the animal go blind? My concern is that if he does go blind, the dogs could scare him quite easily. Also, IF I were to get a cat, the litter box with have to go in the basement, and since the whole house would be new, stairs may be a problem for a cat with failing sight.

I'm convinced someday, I will have a cat...it may be 10 years downthe road, but when the right one comes along, I think I'll now. Maybe he is, maybe not...for now I'll keep in touch with the shelter and see what happens.

Donna, I have thought about trying to find a rex or shpinx to foster or "try out" I hate to adopt one and have to return it either because of allergies (this is part of the reason I am looking for these breeds, but I know they are no completely hypo-allergenic) or because the dogs don't adjust well.

04-25-2005, 10:09 PM
Well, I gotta tell ya that MooShoo had never been around dogs before. When I moved out here almost 3 years ago, I had to stay at my SIL's apartment over a funeral home for over a month with my 6 cats in a tiny bedroom. They survived. But I brought MooShoo out to meet sweet Ashley (RB, 2005) and they both got along very well. I think that Ashley didn't quite know what to make of Moo so she just kinda sniffed him and let him be.

As far as Rex's cataracts are concerned, I'm sure they have surgery for them just like they do in humans. Maybe you'd want to check with your vet to see if he can do it. I know from experience that once cataracts are removed, the sight is more clear. I don't think it renders them totally blind, but it kind of impairs them. Hell, look at MooShoo. He had a herpes virus in his eyes that caused scar tissue to form over both his retinas. He's blind in his right eye and has limited vision in his left. Doesn't stop him from going all crazy on me around my apartment.

I also emailed the shelter to find out the status of Rex. I'll keep you posted when I find out something.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Memorial Day bash at Findlay Park. The Mooman and I will be there!!

04-26-2005, 09:32 AM
I have gotten two or three emails from the shelter. Last night I replied saying basically what I had here..concerns about the dogs scaring the cat if he can't see, and the stairs being a problem.
This is the response I got...


I recommend you talk to your vet about your concerns. They are well justified and he/she is probably your best resource to your questions.
All we know about Rex is that he has cataracts and his teeth need
cleaning and the vet thinks he's 10 yrs old. There could be other health issues that blood work will reveal but we don't intend to spend the money (est. $175) for that. If you are serious about adopting him, you should have the blood work done to evaluate his general condition as a senior aged cat.

Let me know what you decide after a little more thought.

Okay, I know this is a shelter and I'm sure they have limited resources, but I'm just not getting a warm fuzzy feeling from them. It is like, this is what we know, this is all we care to know...if someone wants him, good, if not, oh well. What do you guys think?

04-27-2005, 12:10 PM

I've emailed them as well and haven't gotten a response. Their attitude kinda makes me nervous. I wonder why they didn't email me?? Oh well. It's their loss. I just hope they don't decide to put him down. I'll be pissed!!

04-28-2005, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by moosmom

I've emailed them as well and haven't gotten a response. Their attitude kinda makes me nervous. I wonder why they didn't email me?? Oh well. It's their loss. I just hope they don't decide to put him down. I'll be pissed!!

That has sort of been my thought too. I knw there is a rescue group..the rexphiles maybe? If I get a chance tomorrow, maybe I'll google it and see if I can find them again, and send them an email. Although I don't know if the SPCA is asking $125 if they'll turn him over to a rescue :rolleyes:

05-02-2005, 04:56 PM

I got an email from the shelter today about Rex, the Cornish Rex. They were asking me if I was still interested in adopting him. The vet said he's about 10 years old. Of course I am interested, but she said he was going to the vet today for blood work, kidney work up, etc. They are located in Kalamazoo, MI. I wonder if they'd come down on the adoption fee seeing as he's 10 years old and his chances of being adopted aren't very good with all his health problems, etc. I'll let you know what I find out.

05-02-2005, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by moosmom

I got an email from the shelter today about Rex, the Cornish Rex. They were asking me if I was still interested in adopting him. The vet said he's about 10 years old. Of course I am interested, but she said he was going to the vet today for blood work, kidney work up, etc. They are located in Kalamazoo, MI. I wonder if they'd come down on the adoption fee seeing as he's 10 years old and his chances of being adopted aren't very good with all his health problems, etc. I'll let you know what I find out.

Sent you a PM...keep me posted!!

05-02-2005, 07:30 PM

Replied to your PM. I'll be getting an email from the shelter tomorrow as to Rex's vet visit and when he will be coming here. Thanks for ALL your help!!!


PS...I ALWAYS get you and Staci confused at PT.