View Full Version : Touch the heart of a teacher

04-22-2005, 02:27 PM
Hubby and I will be married for 4 years this summer, and just last night I as commenting to a friend how I've NEVER seen him cry. Not even mist up. Not even when his mom died.

Today we were in the car talking about Tony's newspaper article, and hubby said the teacher who was mentioned and remembered in the article was Tony's third grade teacher, and when they read the article to her in the morning teacher's meeting she broke out crying. Its very touching that he remembers her, and that he still draws inspiration from her words. But what was amazing me.... as hubby talked about how teachers might be lucky to touch one or two students in their career.... he started to cry.

I've always known he liked teaching in an inner city school for less pay, less benefits, more hassles, more atttitudes, etc just because he felt he was doing some good, and that he felt he was reaching out to the kids that need to be reached most.... I never had any inkling of how deep that devotion went.

I'm in near tears myself thinking of this. I love my grumpy, grumbly man! Inside his gruff and tough exterior beat the heart of a dreamer and sentimentalist.... and I just today saw deep into his soul. Yep, I knew I married a wonderful man. A devoted man. A man who will never know I knew he was crying today (oooo, that was just a piece of cat hair making his eyes water ;) )

So now, I want to hunt down two teachers that made a difference for me. I want to let them know how special they were. I want to make their day. Teachers don't get enough respect. Its a hard job, and if they are good, they don't just show up and leave when the bells ring.

04-22-2005, 02:37 PM
I have always thought teachers were the most underpaid profession out there. A good teacher makes all the difference in the world...my daughter's grades literally depend on how she feels about her teacher...she loves her core teacher right now...all A's and B's but this one teacher she doesn't like...Straight C's...

cudo's to your hubby for making a difference we need more teachers like him.