View Full Version : If your child was gay..

04-21-2005, 06:40 PM
would you want to know?

I'm not asking if you would or wouldn't love your child or if you would wish for them to change or anything like that. The question is simple. If your child was gay would you want them to tell you or keep it a secret?

Sorry to bring this here, I just wasn't sure where else to ask. I can't ask most of my friends seeing as how most of them are gay as well so they would give me a biased opinion.

This is the situation, I've been "out" since I was around 16. Some of my family members know, all my friends and coworkers. But I still haven't told my parents. I know that my dad knows, because he's commented on it (not in a negative way, just letting me know that he knows) but we've never actually talked about it. I've never said a word to my mom and I have no clue if she knows. I've never said anything because I guess I wanted to protect her. I think she's an amazing mother and I am blessed to have a mother as caring as wonderful as she is. I worry she will think it's her fault instead of just realizing this is who I am.

I love my mother so much, but it hurts me that I have such a distant relationship with her because I hide so much of my life. I'm jealous of my sister who talks to my mom daily about her boyfriends and parties and all the things that she does. I want that relationship with my mother as well. I want her to know me, I feel like she doesn't know me at all and it's my fault.

I'm 23 and I've been in a wonderful relationship for over a year now, and things are starting to get serious. In September my parents will be visiting me and more then anything I would like for them to meet her, even if we just go to dinner one night.

So if I were your child would you want to know, or would you rather I just keep it secret.

04-21-2005, 06:45 PM
I would want to know because I don't want my child keeping that kind of information from me but it's not a big deal and I would make sure she knew that.

PJ's Mom
04-21-2005, 06:53 PM
Tell her. No matter what happens, it will be a huge burden lifted from your shoulders not having to hide things from her anymore.

I wish you luck in whatever you decide to do. :)

04-21-2005, 06:58 PM
You might be surprised at what your Mom already knows.
Could you talk to your Dad & see if Mom would be ready to talk
with you about your concerns. What I'm thinking is what if she
already knows but is hesitant to bring it up with you?

As for me, yes I would want to know if it helped my children by
bringing us closer.:)

04-21-2005, 06:59 PM
I voted yes, because I would want my child to feel my unconditional love for him. It would be sad to not have an open, honest relationship with my child, and thus not be able to be a true part of his adult life.

04-21-2005, 07:01 PM
If I was a parent I would want to know everything
about my child have my child feel they could always
come to me.

But that is me, and I can not answer for anybody
Good luck in what ever you decide.

04-21-2005, 07:30 PM
I'd want my child to trust me enough to tell me. I'm completely accepting of it of course. My older sister had a hard time telling my mom because she is not accepting of her kids not being "perfect". My mom doesn't want her to tell anybody else because she thinks my sister is going to change her mind somehow.

04-21-2005, 07:39 PM
I voted yes also. I have no kids but if I did, I would want them to feel secure enough to tell me. But, I'm open minded and wouldn't be a straight laced parent. I guess it depends on the parents as to whether I would advise you to tell them or not. Maybe telling them will bring you closer to your mom.

04-21-2005, 07:44 PM
I would want to know. It isn't ever good for kids and parents to keep any kind of secrets.

04-21-2005, 07:52 PM
I'm sure your mom already has her suspicions anyway. Maybe write her a letter to let her in on your secret that shouldn't be hidden from her, unless you feel it would ruin your relationship. She sounds like the type of mom (just guessing here) that will maybe feel a bit upset that she didn't know sooner, but will probably be happy you confided in her. Does your sister know? I don't have kids, but voted yes, as I think it's something that parents of gays and lesbians should know, even if some can't accept it. I think it would be a burden off your shoulders as well. ;)

04-21-2005, 07:52 PM
I voted yes. For me, I think Soapets said it best "...because I would want my child to feel my unconditional love for him. It would be sad to not have an open, honest relationship with my child, and thus not be able to be a true part of his adult life."

I also think you'd probably be surprised at what your mom knows. Sometimes, we know more than you think. I wish you the best in whatever you decide.

04-21-2005, 07:53 PM
I'm not gay, nor have I ever been a parent, but I can certainly speak from a child's point of view. Thinking about my parents and growing up, I'd be very hesitant to tell them anything.

On the other hand, would I want to live a secret life? NO! I think I would probably just sit down with them and explain everything....well not EVERYTHING (if you know what I mean..LOL).

I'm thinking that if you just calmly tell them how you feel about Alexa and this is a relationship that makes you very happy, they will understand. Laura, your Mom loves you very much and you have to respect her enough to tell her. I'm sure she would be devastated to hear it "on the street" or from someone else in the family. Have enough faith in her to know that she will get past this. Love holds no boundaries. You are her child and she should accept you as you are.

Once it's out in the open, I know that you will feel much better.

{{{hugs}}} and good luck.

Desert Arabian
04-21-2005, 10:19 PM
Yes, I would want my child to let me know what their sexual preference was. My best friend of 5 years recently came out and told me he was gay (I had suspected it for quite some time, honestly), and I am so happy he did. I remember before he told me I always talked to him about dating girls, what he looked for in a girl, etc- stuff like that- well gee, looking back now those topics weren't fitting for him- deep inside I probably made him feel so awkward (and I feel bad about that, if I did). Him coming out to me doesn't change my view towards him one bit, I could care less if he is gay and I mean that in a good way obviously, I am very supportive of his "choice".

04-21-2005, 10:53 PM
I personaly would not care one way or the other, my brother is Bi and my parents dont know, my dad is just confused lol he has no clue if my brother is gay or not, but while I know that he is Bi that does not mean he would want my dad to know as he tends to over react lol

04-21-2005, 11:07 PM
I would want to know. :) I would hate feeling left out of an important part of my child's life.

I would be the kind of mother whose child would find it very easy to 'come out' to. I hope if I ever have children that they would feel comfortable enough to discuss their love life, or atleast their sexual preference, to me. It would be awkward talking about them dating the oppisite sex when the whole time they've been attracted to their own sex LOL. I would feel so dumb.

04-22-2005, 01:05 AM
I owuld not want any child I raised to feel like they had to hide anything like that from me, or that that someone they loved wouldn't be a welcome part of my family.

04-22-2005, 03:03 AM
You have to support your children, so yes. We have a few friends that are gay, and whilst they have told there parents now, the lead up to telling them was quite stressful. As it turned out though they had no need to worry. In fact one of our friends has an even better relationship with his mother now that he is so open and honest about his situation. His only problem now seems to be his relationship with his partner, who I feel is just using John's emotions. This can happen in any relationship, but it's sad to see one of your friends getting used. (Carole is quite forward about it and has told him to leave him on numerous occasions:rolleyes: )
I guess if your partner is one you really want to be with, then you should introduce her to your Mum. You will probably be pleasantly surprised in the love and support she gives you.:)

04-22-2005, 04:02 AM
Yes I would want to know.:)

04-22-2005, 05:21 AM
Allow me to answer by giving you MY life.......

Even though I am not gay, I had a very difficult time telling my parents about Charlie when we started seeing each other. It was MONTHS before I knew that if I wanted my partents to continue to be part of my life, I had to make it clear that THIS was the man I was going to marry and I should not have to keep the happiest time of my life a secret.

You see, Charlie is 18 years older than me, and I was only 18 when we met. ALSO, he was not actually divorsed yet :o and (I came to find out later) my mom's main concern was that he was not an "educated" type. She worried for my financial future.

But even though that time of confrontation was the most stressful thing I have ever endured, And there was a bit of uncomfortable between us for a while after, it needed to be done, and my parents came to accept and yes, even love my Charlie.

So I think the point is that you need to open up for YOU. Secrets eat away at you. They also build up resentment.

So take a deep breath and think of me, a very shy 18 year old who rarely ever spoke to my parents about personal topics, and just do it. You will feel wonderful.

04-22-2005, 05:30 AM
I wouldn't want my children to hide something completely normal and loving like that from me. If they can't trust and tell their own parents, who can they?

My mother and I have had many conversations like this. Although i'm not a Lesbian, I don't really have a concern as to whether or not I fall in love with a man or a woman, i'll still love that person no matter what.

finn's mom
04-22-2005, 06:45 AM
I voted yes. Parents don't need or want to know every single little detail of your personal life, but, most things shouldn't be secret. And, I wouldn't worry about posting this in here, you were wise to put it in the doghouse (I hate that it's controversial, because it's your heart, but, anyway). I'm happy for you that your relationship is working out so wonderfully! And, I hope that your parents and your girlfriend are able to meet. Good luck with everything!

04-22-2005, 07:57 AM
I liked how wolfsoul said it best...
I would hate feeling left out of an important part of my child's life.
I wish you good luck.

04-22-2005, 09:02 AM
I voted yes. I would hope my child would know that I am open to anything and wouldn't judge them. :)

04-22-2005, 09:34 AM
This is the situation, I've been "out" since I was around 16. Some of my family members know, all my friends and coworkers. But I still haven't told my parents. I know that my dad knows, because he's commented on it (not in a negative way, just letting me know that he knows) but we've never actually talked about it.

Oh Laura i can totally sympathise with you on this. I too am in the same situation, i am sure my Mum knows but we have not realy had the full on talk yet, just little hints dropped every now and then from both her an i ;).

I guess if i was a parent i would want to know.

I would hate feeling left out of an important part of my child's life.
Jordan that is how i see it. Although from this end it is one of the hardest things to tell a parent :(.

04-22-2005, 10:25 AM
Definetely yes, in that same situation I most likely would have tried to talk to you, but I am pretty open minded. My biggest concern is that my childs partner is good to them, whomever they are.

My husband would be wierd about it I am sure, its too bad that people can't realize that their children are people, not an extention of themselves but individuals.

04-22-2005, 12:46 PM
I just lost a long response to your question, Laura......my fault with this crazy laptop and that stupid touchpad! LOL!!!!

I'm a parent........I love my daughter, just as I know your parents love you. What loving and responsible answers you have gotten here to your question. Parental love is like nothing else, for sure. And I have to tell you that although I want my daughter to have an "easy" way in life, without people passing judgement on her and her lifestyle, I will still be with her, regardless, and I want to know what makes her happy. Yes, I would want her to tell me!!!

I can't pretend to understand the gay lifestyle because I don't live it. One of my best friends has a daughter that is gay. She is totally accepting of that relationship and who her daughter is. Isn't that wonderful?

I know that many parents have negative reactions to the point where they "disown" their kids. And the children, like you, are afraid to even bring anything up to them for fear of being judged or punished in some way. Parents do this in the situation of homosexuality, but also do it with a child who is preganant and unmarried, or an interracial marriage/relationship situation. In all honesty, I hope my daughter doesn't have to face the fallout from judgemental people because of something like this. I would be disappointed, but I would not love her any less and I would want her to feel comfortable telling me everything.

I fully support you to talk with your parents about this when you feel the time is right. You are a loving, caring person who anyone should be proud to have as a daughter. I can't remember ever hearing a negative word come out of your mouth on this site. If I were your mother (and I guess I could technically be your mother because of my age), I would love you and appreciate your honesty, no matter what you had to say. It's not like your "secret" is something that is illegal or even uncommon!

Hang in there and feel free to "vent" or ask questions of me anytime you wish. I hope that you will be able to open up soon so that this burden can be lifted from your shoulders.

My faith teaches me that we should be open to all........and I embrace that theory, completely!!!!!! :)


04-22-2005, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Logan

I know that many parents have negative reactions to the point where they "disown" their kids.

That is the case with a friend of mine. I always knew he was gay -- it was just so obvious. He acted like your typical gay stereotype. But he always denied that he was gay. Finally, this year, he "came out." His parents used to love him because he is such a successful guy -- he gets good grades and everything. But now they barely talk to him. They took away his car. They took away his allowance. All because of who he is, and who he's ALWAYS been. And even after all of that, he is the happiest he's ever been. A big burden was lifted off of his chest and he feels so great. He even has a really cute boyfriend, and he's just so happy. He doesn't regret telling his parents one bit. I think he felt caged before, and now he feels free.

04-22-2005, 02:41 PM
Wolfsoul, that's really sad about your friend. There's a very young new guy at work whom several of us think is gay but he just got married this past weekend. It's kind of obvious that he isn't straight so we're wondering why he's doing it. I'm thinking just because of parents or the general outside world. I'm afraid he's making a big mistake. I've wanted to talk to him but don't know him and have no idea what I would say to him.

04-22-2005, 04:45 PM
I like to think if I ever have children, we'll be so comfortable and trusting with each other that they wouldn't stress or feel shame about telling me *anything*...

04-22-2005, 04:52 PM
If I were married and had kids I would like to know if my child was gay or was lesbian. I think that parents should know that kind of thing about their kids because their children are an important part of their life. I think that it would be a bad idea not to tell your mom because if and when (you know she will eventually) she finds out she will be upset that you didn't tell her and make it seem like you don't trust her. She will always love you no matter what your decisions in life are. Good luck and big ((((hugs))).

Also, I think that answered your question but if not, I voted yes. ;)


04-22-2005, 05:13 PM
I'd absolutely want to know. Its a HUGE part of a person's life and its very important to them...thus, its important to me.

Kelly :)

04-22-2005, 06:45 PM
I would want to know, for sure. :)

04-22-2005, 07:20 PM
Laura, I am very sorry that you feel there is a distance between you and your mother. :( I have a strong feeling that she either already knows or highly suspects it. Moms have a way of "knowing without knowing". ;)

I have to agree that keeping secrets will only eat you up inside, plus there will always be the constant strain of not letting it show ... or slipping up and saying something that would give it away .... you know what I mean? However, I would definitely NOT wait until she comes for her visit to tell her ... that would put her in a very uncomfortable situation. Why don't you either call her, or write her ... sometime before your planned visit?

As a parent of two daughters myself, there are many things that I have discovered about my oldest .... her pregnancy of course, was a "biggie" ... that while they may not have been what I would have wished for her, I still love her and stood by her side.
One of the hardest things for a parent to do, is to let loose of trying to protect our children. We have to let them go when they are of age ... and watch them choose their own paths ... the key I am learning, is to place them in God's hands. Pray for them, continue to LOVE them and turn them loose!

Laura, I pray for you and your family, that you all can work through this and come out closer in the end. Even if Mom freaks out for a while ... I do believe in time she will grow to accept you for who you are, and even if she doesn't accept things, she will always love you.


04-22-2005, 07:31 PM
Wow, everyone has given some really good advice here. :)
I also would want to know, because I would hope that I'd have a close relationship with my kids (if I ever have any) and I would want them to tell me everything.
I've always believed that love in unconditional with families, so no matter what your lifestyle is, what your beliefs are...a family will always accept you no matter what.


04-22-2005, 07:40 PM
I would want to know. As a 'parent' (which is still so weird to me!), I somehow think I would know if Jonah was gay....I would just know somehow.

04-22-2005, 07:47 PM
Thanks for all the comments I've recived so far.

For the longest time I figured I'd just never tell her because i never saw it being much of an issue. I moved out of the state when I was 18 and I only ever see her twice a year. So I just figured it wasn't worth it.

But now that I'm getting older I'm starting to realize, what's going to happen if we decide to have a commitment ceremony? buy a house? raise a family? That is a lot to hide from my family, and I'm realizing that it's just too much to hide. I guess I never really thought about these things before.

Don't worry Kim if I decide to tell her soon it will be before the trip, as I want to give her time to settle things out in her mind. I know it tooks me a long time to be comfortable with myself and finally accept that I was gay. I know it's going to take my mother some time as well.

Thanks to all your comments it looks like I'm just going to bite the bullet and tell her. I think a letter would be best that way she at least knows and when she is ready she can choose to talk to me about it.

I'll be seeing her in two weeks, we are all going to D.C. to visit my sister. I think I'll send her a letter after the trip as I won't want to make the vacation (and my sisters graduation) uncomfortable. Plus it will be mothers day weekend and I wouldn't want to ruin that day for her.

As most of you stated I do think that my mom does know. But I also think that she convinces herself that she doesn't. Kind of like as long as I haven't said anything there is still hope she could be wrong. However I do think that she has an idea.

04-23-2005, 05:53 AM
I think writing her a letter is an excellent idea, it will give her time and help it all to sink in, I wish you the best of luck and hope all goes well, remember she loves you unconditonally, and I am sure given time she will accept everything just fine.

Mad Mags Moo
04-23-2005, 06:37 AM
I voted yes. I do not have kids or plan to have kids (just the way it is!) I think one thing between all families is that there is unconditional love and that is the great thing about being part of a loving family. My mum is great and my nephew was undecided in his sexuality (he was only 16 at the time) and my mum was brilliant...he could speak to her so openly and mum would say as long as you are happy then i am happy. She loves us as we are quirks and all! Mum's do know without knowing...think that is just a mum thing!
I agree with what has been said and i wish you all the best for now and the future. :D

Luv and hugs
Mags xxxx

04-23-2005, 07:35 AM
I think writing her a letter is an excellent idea, it will give her time and help it all to sink in, I wish you the best of luck and hope all goes well, remember she loves you unconditonally, and I am sure given time she will accept everything just fine.
What Carole said ;).


Suki Wingy
04-23-2005, 03:37 PM
I think it would be torturre for them as a child to have to keep that in secret.:( Yes.

04-23-2005, 11:19 PM
Like others have said, she probably already knows. She's just been waiting for you to feel confident enough to tell her. A letter is a great idea.

My brother and my stepson are gay. When my brother finally came out (in his 30's) he practically had a nervous breakdown. He did a very dramatic presentation full of tears, etc. My mother's response? "Yes dear, we've always known. We just weren't sure you knew." :D

04-24-2005, 07:37 PM
I voted "yes". I'd want to know. I would probably know, or suspect, already.

BUT - I don't think I'd appreciate being suddenly confronted with the discussion, when I wasn't ready. I'd feel "on the spot" to discuss it immediately if my daughter just suddenly, out of the blue, said "I'm gay."

I'd like it better if she just hinted around a little bit, here and there, until the time came when we were both in the mood to discuss it. Then I could say "Yes, I know," and we could talk about it in a relaxed and leisurely manner. No pressure.

Like - my daughter has very slowly and comfortably let me know that she is sleeping with her boyfriend. Of course I strongly suspected it already. Since we eased slowly into the topic I never felt the need to express approval or disapproval, just acceptance and support. I would have felt awkward if she'd just said "Hey - Dan and I are having sex."

04-24-2005, 07:41 PM
BUT - I don't think I'd appreciate being suddenly confronted with the discussion, when I wasn't ready. I'd feel "on the spot" to discuss it immediately if my daughter just suddenly, out of the blue, said "I'm gay."

I think that's why I've decided on a letter. That way when she feels ready to talk about it she can. Since I don't see her very often it would be hard to drop hints. I only see my mother twice a year, I'm also not really sure how to "hint" at it without just saying it.

04-24-2005, 09:22 PM
Yeah - I think the letter will give her time to consider what to say etc. etc. Hopefully she'll have the letter for at least a few days before she talks to you about it.

So often, when I'm put on the spot about something, I just blurt something out which I later wish I had phrased differently. This will give your mom plenty of time to consider how she'll phrase things so you understand her feelings, and to come up with any questions she might have for you, etc.

I hope she'll be accepting of your new SO. How have her parents treated you?

It is so difficult to be in a relationship that many people are not accepting of. For example, I have always gone for older men. My soon-to-be-ex husband is 13 years older than me, and my boyfriend is 18 years older than me. To complicate things even more, the three of us our friends (yes - just friends but try to convince people of that!)

We get the wierd looks and insensitive comments all the time. Fortunately, my parents are supportive and understanding.

I hope your mom will be supportive. You're being sensitive to her feelings, and I think she'll be sensitive to yours.

Keep us updated!

04-25-2005, 12:42 PM
Yes I would want to know. I would hate to think my son would feel he had to hide who he is from me.

04-26-2005, 03:16 PM
I woudl be totally disgusted.

04-26-2005, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Bubblehead1123
I woudl be totally disgusted.
Please remember to word things nicely...As there are homosexuals on this board and I personally would be very sad if I were them reading this.

04-26-2005, 03:53 PM
I don't have children, but I would want to know and I wouldn't be ashamed of him or her. I've known quite a few gay and lesbian people and my main concern would be that they were happy (but in the case of males, I would be very, VERY concerned that he was being careful because AIDS is still out there and it still kills).

04-26-2005, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Bubblehead1123
I woudl be totally disgusted.

I would be more disgusted if I raised a judgemental child.

04-26-2005, 04:22 PM
Yes, I would want to know.

PJ's Mom
04-26-2005, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Bubblehead1123
I woudl be totally disgusted.

I certainly am. :rolleyes:

04-26-2005, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by caseysmom
I would be more disgusted if I raised a judgemental child.

judgemental.. please... that is not judgemental, Ok, so the people that like homos can say they love them and whatever, but people that dont like them cant say they dont like them... yeah, that makes alot of sence:rolleyes:

04-26-2005, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by Bubblehead1123
I woudl be totally disgusted.

It seems that you can read as well as you can spell.

In the first post I clearly stated that I didn't want to know your opinion on homosexuality. I just wanted to know if your child was gay would you want to know or would you want them to keep it a secret.

04-26-2005, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Bubblehead1123
judgemental.. please... that is not judgemental, Ok, so the people that like homos can say they love them and whatever, but people that dont like them cant say they dont like them... yeah, that makes alot of sence:rolleyes:
Roll your eyes all you want. Using words like "homos" prooves that you're not being respectful. You can voice your opinion and still be respectful.

PJ's Mom
04-26-2005, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Using words like "homos" prooves that you're not being respectful. You can voice your opinion and still be respectful.

Makes you wonder what kind of parents are raising this person. :(

04-26-2005, 06:56 PM
This person is only 14 years old.

There are some things that children learn from their parents and I hope that Bubble is not echoing the opinions of Mom and Dad. If so, then it will be passed on down to his/her children and where will it stop?

In my opinion there is no room in this world for prejudice against anyone and I do encourage Bubble to keep his/her opinion silent. Bubble, you are young and new to this website. You will learn that there are ways of stating your opinion without being rude or insulting anyone. This thread is NOT about whether or not you agree with the gay/lesbian lifestyle.

That being said, Laura I wish you all the luck in the world with that letter. I just know that your Mom's love for you won't change at all.

04-26-2005, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by Bubblehead1123
I woudl be totally disgusted.

Why? Please explain, what is wrong with it?:rolleyes:

04-26-2005, 07:01 PM
You're new here. Please do not come into a nice, peaceful thread and turn it nasty.
I know there are many people here who do not agree with Homosexuality, but they've been able to speak about it respectfully, for the most part.

I suggest you do the same.

04-26-2005, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by Bubblehead1123
judgemental.. please... that is not judgemental, Ok, so the people that like homos can say they love them and whatever, but people that dont like them cant say they dont like them... yeah, that makes alot of sence:rolleyes:

This thread wasn't made to bash anyone. There are TONS of people on PT that are dog-only or cat-only people. It doesn't mean that they say "Cats disgust me." You'd get alot of flames for that. Personally I hate it when people tell me that my rats disgust them. I don't care if you don't like rats -- saying "I'm not really a rodent person. They scare me a bit" doesn't bother me -- but when someone says they are disgusting, that is just rude and it really hurts my feelings. By coming on here and saying that you are disgusted by a lifestyle that some people here have, it's the same thing. It's better to say "I disagree with that lifestyle." But once again, different time and place -- that's not what this thread is for.

Luvin Labs
04-27-2005, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by caseysmom
I would be more disgusted if I raised a judgemental child.

Ditto... that's so sad that someone would be disgusted of their own flesh and blood being different from them... a shame...

I'd have no problem with my child being gay. I have none but I'd love them no matter what.

04-27-2005, 08:49 PM
Gosh, sorry, I didn't think it would offend everyone by saying that I dont like gay people that much, and I certainly didn't think everyone would gang up on me... I am sorry for everyone that I offended and I'm not going to say anymore in this topic.

04-27-2005, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Wolfsoul, that's really sad about your friend. There's a very young new guy at work whom several of us think is gay but he just got married this past weekend. It's kind of obvious that he isn't straight so we're wondering why he's doing it. I'm thinking just because of parents or the general outside world. I'm afraid he's making a big mistake. I've wanted to talk to him but don't know him and have no idea what I would say to him.

You know, that's funny. My bf acts the same way and a lot of people when first meeting him think he's gay, but he is most definitely 100% straight! He dresses nice (metrosexual) and is going to school for clothing design. He even talks funny, but all his close friends know he could never be anything but straight. I think sometimes people judge without first getting to know the person. So from my point of view and having a bf who keeps himself clean and cares about the way he dresses I know people can get the wrong idea. :)

Luvin Labs
04-27-2005, 10:23 PM
Heh my mom thought I was lesbian. Didn't find THAT out till I told her I started dating Josh. She's like "oh good i thought you were gay! not that I wouldn't love you any less!!!!! I'd support ya *yadda yadda*" I laughed.

THEN my b/f told ME that he told HIS folks bout me, and he said "they told me 'oh gosh we thought you might swing the other way!'"

we had a laugh!

but yeah, sometimes looks/sounds are not always what they seem.

04-29-2005, 09:15 PM
If i had a daughter,, or a son for that matter.. i would want to them to tell me as well. :)

althought i dont know any gay people(or that i know of anyway) but i can see why they keep it a secret from their parents.

the fear of being disowned by their family. :(
i find that to be the saddest thing on earth...

04-29-2005, 09:41 PM
I would want to know. Just because it would be my child. I would want them to know that I accept them and their partner male or female. It wouldn't bother me at all. I would only want my child to be happy and if a person of the same sex made them happy then I'm all for it. My husband on the other hand, is all against it. He wont hear nothing of it. But I think if it came down to it, he would be full of questions and learn to accept it.

04-29-2005, 10:11 PM
Yes, I would want to know.

Laura...I have to tell you that I think you are a remarkable woman. The fact that you care about your parents and their feelings comes out loud and clear in this thread and that really touches my heart. I wish I knew for sure that my son felt the same way about me and wanted to share his life with me. Your parents are so lucky. Tell your mom exactly what you have told us. Tell her how you want to be close to her and share your life with her and your father. I would be so proud and honored to have you as my daughter, Laura. I am wishing you all the best.

Hugs.....Robin :)

04-29-2005, 10:14 PM
You know, this thread has got me thinking. My Mom and I are very close and she is very open-minded. When I speak to her this weekend I'm going to pose this very question to her.

I wonder what she would think if I was gay and if she would want to know? I'll let you know what she says about it but I'm sure she'd be cool even though she's 81. :cool:

04-30-2005, 02:55 AM
I wonder what she would think if I was gay and if she would want to know? I'll let you know what she says about it but I'm sure she'd be cool even though she's 81.
I look forward to reading about what your Mom says Slick.