View Full Version : Puppy love

01-18-2002, 03:47 PM
Stupid question. Is it possible (do you think) to love your dog TO much?? I was talking to my dad the other day, and he said "I think your to close with Josie, what would you do if something happened to her?" I thought about it. Its true. So true! My life IS Josie! I come home from school looking forward to seeing her, or I go crazy if I go to my moms for the night without her. She sleeps on my bed, and anytime I'm home, you don't see her anywhere but with me usually. I don't think I could live without Josie. She makes me the happiest person, eventhough I can be sometimes depressing. She lifts my spirts when i'm in those moods, and makes me feel like I don't care about what other people might think of me. Anytime i'm upset, shes always there snuggling and making cute faces to make me laugh. Shes eggar (sorry, I can't spell) to please. To answer my dads question: I'd say it doesn't matter, cause I will do anything in my power to keep her safe and comforable, and if someday (which i know will happen one day) something happens, I'll always have the memories of one of gods greatest creations. A few people tell me "I don't want a pet. They die and everyone is upset" I don't believe that for soo many reasons! I mean, sure it's the worst thing EVER when it's their time, but thats all part of life. Just knowing the animal is special, and I think no person should go without. I know I wouldn't be the person I am today with out my pets. They help shape character, excepially for young people when their just starting out on what they will grow up to be. All I know is I will never grow tired of coming home to see my beautiful dogs. I think I owe a lot to them, and I wish I could do more, but I don't know what. Sometimes I wonder if I haden't gotten Josie, would she have a better life? She doesn't always get a lot of walks..I get very busy with different things and don't always have the time for her walks. I know it's not fair to her. One think I know for sure, she wouldn't be more loved by anyone else, thats for sure. I think dogs are unique and special, so manyy dogs help us people out and to many people take them for grantit.

01-18-2002, 04:04 PM
Im the same exact way with Simba. Whenever i spend the night at my friends house, aunt and uncles house, grandparents house.. I ALWAYS end up talking about Simba. My parents thought last year to keep him at home and have one of out neighbors look after him... but i told them i was NOT going to go unless he came. And they really wanted me to go because that may be our last year (depending on money sitituations and my dad's back problems.) I ended up getting my way *giggles*. I hate to imagine life without Simba and how in blue blazes did i live life befor him, without a dog? Maybe it was because ever extra moment i had id be at my teachers house playing with he Chocolate Labby boy, Buster. Simba does so much for me with getting threw my problems by being there when im crying, and even when i come home with a headache from shcool, hes always there to greet me with kisses and tail wags. Dogs are so great to have around and they teach people so much, like Simba has taught me responsibilitie and from being my dog, he has turned into my best friend. I truely love him with all my heart if only guys could be like that! :o

01-18-2002, 04:10 PM
LoL, I agree with everything (including the guys crack;) ) How could be get threw life without our precious pupsters? I know Jo is probably the best friend I've ever had ;] what more could a person ask for :D I also agree with the responsibility thing. I got Jo when I was younger. I had to save and buy her and her supplies. I trained her, walked her, cleaned up after her, everything! It tought me a lot too!

01-18-2002, 07:12 PM
My husband and I both chose to have Furkids instead of the human kind, therefore THEY are my kids... My Dad used to say the same to me about being TOO CLOSE, however, I reminded him I was close to him too, so should it matter if you live and love to be around "Furry" people or "Human" people? If more people would treat their pets the way they treat their "human" famliy or friends it would more than likely be a much better world.:)

01-18-2002, 07:31 PM
I think I love Sadie way tooo much!!!:) :D She's my little baby, and my life! She is my best friend, and I don't think that I'll ever find a better friend, than my Sadie.

01-19-2002, 12:25 AM
When I got Shaianne, she was the first dog I could actually call all mine. She was my beloved first born child. I too, missed her when I was gone, couldn't wait to get home to see her, thought of and worried about her when I wasn't with her.
Everyone that knows me said "What would Staci do if something happens to that dog? She will go nuts." Then one dreadful day, the worst thing happened. Circumstances beyond my control, took my baby girl from me. There was no way I could have saved her. She had an anuerysm, that was causing seizures that we thought was epilepsy. God called her to help him at the Rainbow Bridge. He needed her more than I, if that was possible.
I didn't think I would ever stop crying, ever smile again, ever laugh again. I wanted to be with her, and I kept praying over and over that by some miracle when my dad took her home, to lay her to rest she would rise up and it was all a mistake, I waited for that phone to ring, that it would be my dad, saying " She's ok". Now remember, I was 25 years old when she died. I knew better but grief does awful things to you. But its like when a person dies, you move on, you love again, you miss them everyday, but you become a better and stronger person for what they taught you. Shaianne made me the person I am today. She wasn't the perfect dog, but she was my baby.
Closure is a very important thing. Shaianne died on a Thursday, and on Sat I went and visited her grave, a week or so later I took her bandana and tied it to the cross. Thinking it would probably blow away with the first big wind we had, it hasn't, It is still there on her cross. I think that is her way of saying she is still with me. I miss her everyday, and think of her everyday. Tho I love Keegan and Kylie with all my heart, I still miss and love my Shai baby.
And many of you may remember that when I took Keegan to my parents house the first time I took her out to the grave and "introduced" her to her big sister. Keegan laid down by the grave and rested her head on her paws, like she was listening for just a brief moment.
Then not too long ago, Keegan and I were playing Frisbee outside at my parents and she ran over by Shai's grave and for a brief instant, she did the same thing, laid down with her head on her paws. It was a precious moment.
Sorry for the book, to answer the question.
Yes, I believe you can love your pet too much, but how can you not? You will love your spouse too much, your child too much, your parents too much, etc. If love kept us alive, we would never die.

01-19-2002, 07:03 AM
Staci that is one of the most beautiful statements about love that I have ever heard. I do believe that our dogs and cats know, or sense, far more than we give them credit for. I read your post before about Keegan at Shai's grave and it touched me just as much this time. You have been blessed as have all of us who have given ourselves over to loving a pet! Thank you for a beautiful post!

01-19-2002, 11:00 AM
I certainly don't think any of you should worry about loving your dogs too much. Just enjoy the very, very special relationship that you have. It is something that is priceless and that you will remember for the rest of your lives. Pam just sent an email which included ..

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by
the moments that take our breath away." Loving your dog has a lot of those moments. Enjoy them.

As Staci learned and as so many of the rest of us have learned, that somehow we do survive even the unimaginable horror of losing our closest partner. And somehow the resources are buried deep down inside us to get through it and to love again. Don't think about it as you really can't conceive how, but you do.

I feel so close to all of you because everything that has been said in these posts, I agree with, have lived, and understand. You are all just the best in my book. http://plauder-smilies.com/malelovies.gif

01-19-2002, 11:04 AM
We already know we love our Pets waaay too much, but now, what about pet talk? What would we do without it? How could we Survive?

01-19-2002, 12:10 PM
I can certainly say that leika is my life, and my best friend. Since i got her, I've never failed her, I mean, she's never been a whole afternoon bored all by herself and her toys, whenever I have spare time I play with her, even snooze a little with her, and she keeps me company when I'm sunbathing, I carry her with me all the time, 'cause she can't touch another floor but the kitchen, I don't know what she will do without me when i'm in school!!!
When I lost my last dog, Ringo, a beautiful but totally nuts Labrador Retriever I thought it was the end of the world!!! i kept checking back in the backyard to see if he came back, travvelled around the city with my dad to see if i could spot him in the street. I finally gave up and started looking for another dog, that was when I went into the pet shop and I found her looking at me with those puppy eyes and I knew this was the dog that i wanted. Now I know that even though I went through a painful moment when Ringo got lost that if a got another dog it wouldn't be the same, that's when I realise that there was still in my heart another place for a little unwanted puppy in apet shop. I can say now that I love and loved my 2 ever dogs (Leika who is nearly 3 months and Ringo that got lost when he was 10 months)more than anything in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-19-2002, 02:16 PM
Staci, Pam is right, that is a beautiful post. I had tears in my eyes reading it!! Thank you for posting that!

01-19-2002, 06:22 PM
Staci, that is a beautiful post. I had tears in my eyes, while reading it. That reminds me soo much, about my Teal.:( :(

01-19-2002, 07:24 PM
Aww :[ sorry about your teal..and Shai too

01-20-2002, 07:55 PM
Ph, thank you slleipnir! Whenever I think about her, it makes me want to cry!:(

01-21-2002, 07:03 AM
Of course we all love our furkids and you might say we love them too much, but is that really possible? We cannot love our babies too much. That's why we have them. We are blessed as long as they live here on earth with us and we are still blessed when they are gone because they will live forever in our hearts. Pet Talk people are very special people because we give ourselves wholly to the well being of our fur babies. And what they give us in return, is beyond anyones imagination. There is no other love than that which we give and receive from our precious furkids.