View Full Version : Agility

01-18-2002, 03:31 PM
Does anyone do agility with their dogs?? Jo loved it :D we had lots of fun with it. Did anyone compete or anything?? I don't really compete..we don't do much agility at all now. The only stuff for it is at the HS dog park which is kinda far away, and it's also reallly wintery here! I'd love to hear stories or w/e ppl have to say about their dogs and agility :] (I don't know if anyone cares or not, but i'm very proud of my baby for this, she works hard, and would never let me down:)

Sorry if it's kinda big

01-18-2002, 04:15 PM
only thing i have gotton Simba to do agility wise is jump threw a hoop.... uh yeah hes a lazy/ spoiled doggie! well stick with the tricks

01-18-2002, 04:19 PM
Audrey, you should be proud of that! That's wonderful! What a talented dog Josie is! Duncan will play on the agility equipment at the dog park if I ask him to run up the ramp or jump through the hoop but he won't do it on his own and for the most part he ignores the equipment in order to play with the other dogs. I don't have the discipline to train him. I'm a big pushover and if he doesn't want to do it I don't make him!! :) I need to start being stricter because he's starting to take advantage of me!

01-18-2002, 05:28 PM
Hehe, Jo LOVES running and playing! So naturally, she loves agility. Jo usually doesn't listen to me either at the dog park. So i let her sniff and play with the other dogs before we do some practicing. She will listen then unless theres a dog right up getting her not to pay attention. Josie was in obedience classes as well. Beginner and advanced. There are little competitions at the end (she took the same thing for agility) Shes always does soo well in them! She got 1st and 2nd for that. The 1st time we tried, we didn't get a ribbon, but we got one eventually :] I should say she got it. I still remember her 1st day of obedience. The teacher took her as an example to the others. She got Jo to lay down behind her, and stay while she talked to the group. This was different to Jo, some weird person just "stole" her from me. Knowing she has to stay lying down, she started to crawl back to me (the teacher not noticing and continueing to talk) Once ppl started to laugh, she noticed that jo was trying to escape :] I still think thats the cutest thing ever!! That was back when she was 6-7 wks old:] my cutie!

01-18-2002, 07:35 PM
Congratulations, Jo!!! Way to go!;) You must have worked very hard, to earn that special ribbon. Yes, Sadie and I do Agility, and we really enjoy doing it! ;)

01-18-2002, 07:40 PM
Cool! how long have you been doing it? Any competions?

01-18-2002, 07:53 PM
Attemting to post this:

01-18-2002, 07:53 PM
It worked!

01-18-2002, 08:55 PM
I do agility with Carl. We've been taking classes since August and we'll start competing in the summer. Surprisingly, Carl does very well in agility, it's almost like he saves all his energy just for agility night. :D

01-19-2002, 10:54 AM
I compete with Iris in agility, and it's really fun! I've been doing it for 1 1/2 years. I'm REALLY, REALLY close to getting my NA (Novice Agility), but she has a problem with knocking down bars.

I'll try attching a picture. If you want to see alot of pictures of Iris doing agility, go to the agility part of my web site (http://www.geocities.com/iris_gsd/agility.html).

01-19-2002, 04:34 PM
I do agility with Hannah but just for fun and excersize. We have a big course set up in our side yard (thanks to daddy :D )

We are trying to get Copper to join but he's just to lazy, he'd rather lay and watch :rolleyes: must be the basset in him ...lol..

01-21-2002, 04:54 PM
Hello Shepard Lover,

I really Loved the pictures of your dog doing agility! Looks like you have lots of fun :)

Miss Magnum (my lab) is still learning the obstacles, but she loves doing it. We are working on weave poles. I think they are about the only thing we haven't mastered yet. But she'll do just about anything for a ball :). I might compete with her when she's a bit older. For now we just do it for fun, and our dog club has FUN agility, which doesn't have the same rules as competition agility (you can have your dog on leash in the beginner classes, etc).

Thanks for sharing your pictures.

01-21-2002, 05:01 PM
Love everyone's pics!! And Audrey, you should be SO proud of Josie!!!:eek: Star and I do agility. One of the trainers at the kennel is a wonderful agility instructor and we have the course set up at work, so it's very convenient. She loves the socializing, and workout. Took a while, but once she "got" the weave poles, it was like watching a child learn to ride a bike. Suddenly it just clicked!!:)