View Full Version : catnip

04-21-2005, 09:39 AM
i tried giving some to my kitty, she showed no interest in it, maybe i didnt give it to her right or the right kind? whats the best??

04-21-2005, 09:55 AM
Some cats do not react to catnip at all. My Allen generally ignores it, unless it some particuarly good stuff.

Laura's Babies
04-21-2005, 11:22 AM
Samantha had no part in their catnip fun. She sat on the sidelines and watched so I reckon all cats are not bothered by it.... But give her a catnip bar and she goes WILD for it!!?? Go figure!

04-21-2005, 12:31 PM
I grow it fresh in the nicer months and they all like the leaves - roll on them and eat them.

As for the dried - I don't buy the "cat" type anymore because so often they would turn up their noses.

The kind that is the biggest hit and also most economincal is human catnip for tea - not the bags but loose - and I get this at a bulk food store. They LOVE this!!:D :D

04-21-2005, 12:51 PM
The meezers,at the Found Cat Hotel,do not react,to the Cat Nip,at all.The Other Cats,do,in varying degrees,with Michael,Roscoe,and Ragnar,being the craziest!
If Your Cat,is very young,then sometimes they wont react either.And be careful at the Big Pet Food Stores,and sometimes,they dont remember,to rotate,the stock,and it gets stale!