View Full Version : Updated pics of my tanks and betta boys

04-20-2005, 09:23 PM
I've made quite a few adjustments and changes to the tanks since I set them up and I'm really pretty pleased with them for the most part now, although I'm still annoyed that none of the pet stores around here sold java ferns, I had to settle for moneywort (live plant).

Draco's tank


Their fins/tails have really grown out more since I got them too. Here are a couple pics for comparison, from March 23:



And more recently:





And just a cute one of Orion, who flares at everything including his food. He's flaring at a pen here :D


Sorry about the varying sizes. Apparently I cropped them differently at different times :o

04-20-2005, 10:20 PM
wow, they are gorgeous! How do you get such good tank pics? mine never turn out very well. :o

They're very lucky to have such nice tanks! :)

04-20-2005, 10:25 PM
Both the tanks and the bettas look amazing!

04-20-2005, 10:49 PM
The pictures and the Bettas are great, Jessica!!! :)

04-20-2005, 10:53 PM
Gorgeous Bettas, Jess! I think the tanks look great.

Awesome pictures, too! :D

04-21-2005, 02:00 AM
Fantastic tanks! Draco and Orion look most pleased. :D
Is that a small glass buoy in Orion's tank? Did you get it at a fish store? It makes a great decoration. :)

04-21-2005, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by flamepony12
wow, they are gorgeous! How do you get such good tank pics? mine never turn out very well. :o

It seems they turn out best if I have the tank lights on, the room is unlit and on the dark side so there are no reflections on the sides, and with the camera's flash turned off. That's how I do mine. Then with taking closer pics of the fish, I turn on the macro mode. Otherwise the camera gets confused and tries to focus on the aquarium sides it seems.

Kater, the little glass ball on the bottom? I got a package of those glass marbles and I dropped one into each of their tanks because bettas tend to be curious about shiny things like that. Orion was fascinated in his for quite awhile. :D I move it around every once in awhile to make it "new" again.

Thanks for the compliments! :)

04-21-2005, 08:45 AM
Beautiful! Are they both 2.5G Mini Bows? Orions looks bigger than Draco's... :) Very creative on both tanks.
I have 2 of my boys in Mini Bows, and am in the process of splitting one.... :)

04-21-2005, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by SunKissedGoldens
Are they both 2.5G Mini Bows?

Orion is in a 3 gallon Eclipse, Draco in a 2.5 Mini Bow. I do like the Mini Bow, it has a nice shape and the adjustable filter is nice, but I sometimes wish I had gotten a second Eclipse instead. My Eclipse is cycling much faster, I think because of the Bio Wheel filtration. The only thing that I don't like about the Eclipse is there is no little flap in front to drop food through. There's a flap in the back to check the filter/bio-wheel but that's it. I have to shift the lid askew a bit to drop food in the corner. It's not really that big a deal, just a minor annoyance.

I turned up the Whisper filter a notch yesterday in the Mini Bow (with the current blocker still in place), to see if that will help get it going on its cycle better.

04-21-2005, 09:31 AM
stunning bettas!

and I love the fact that you have them in nice little tanks rather than those small little fish bowls.

04-21-2005, 09:34 AM
Spoiled little fishies! :D There are gorgeous fish and are lucky to have a great home! And your pics do come out great!

04-21-2005, 06:36 PM
Beautiful bettas! I'm so glad they are doing good. :) There tanks are very pretty, too.

They didn't have Java Fern at any of the stores by you? You could always order it online here (http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=800) .

04-21-2005, 06:48 PM
Your fish are beautiful. Nice tank set up too! I need to work on mine. :o

04-21-2005, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by chrissycat21
They didn't have Java Fern at any of the stores by you? You could always order it online here (http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=800) .

Thank you Chrissy, I've ordered through Drs F&S for the pups before and have been very pleased, I'll have to try that. :)

My condolences again on little Sushi's passing :(

Thanks everyone again for the compliments :)

04-22-2005, 03:37 PM
Beautiful!!! :D

04-22-2005, 05:19 PM
Very lucky bettas to have such nice, spacious tanks! Draco is stunning.

04-22-2005, 05:23 PM
GORGEOUS tanks!!

I love all the plants you used....very nice! :)

04-22-2005, 06:28 PM
I love it, Jess! The fish look so pretty and I think you have done an awesome job with their homes. I need to do this for my boys. I have never had fish before and I'm not sure how to go about it and how to decorate. I think with my next paycheck I will buy an aquarium for Homer. He is my first betta and I think his bowl is way to small for him and he doesn't seem happy like my other two, so I will start with him first. I'm just not for sure what to get and how to take care of it. Are aquariums like that hard to take care of? How often do you change water. Right now they are all in bowls so all I have to do is change their water every few days. I wish I could go out and buy everything all at once for all three of them but have to do it as the money come in. Are all the plants live plants? What do you have to do with them? LOL...I'm full of questions. I think I'll be pm'ing you for help when I go to set up my first tank! :p

Thanks for the great pics and ideas!

Robin :)

09-16-2005, 11:49 AM
Bumping this up :D.

Beautiful fish and the tanks look great.

Suki Wingy
09-16-2005, 06:04 PM
:D What cuties! I love their tanks!~