View Full Version : Spirogyra

01-18-2002, 09:39 AM
Do you happen to be a Jazz fan? Spirogyra is the name of a Jazz band here in the U.S. I'm sure glad the guy decided not to eat poor Spiro for lunch and you decided to take him on. He is quite the fellow and has found himself a fine home. Congradulations today for being our cutest, sweetest, sleepiest Very Best Pet of the Day.

01-18-2002, 09:46 AM
Spiro - thank goodness you were spared from being someone's lunch - you deserve to be up and moving slowly around with the living and being our cute little turtle POTD:)

01-18-2002, 02:26 PM
Hi Sprio!! Phew......That was a close one! I can't even think of it without cringing!!! Luckily, you are now an official, cherished and adored companion!! But just how does your human keep from rolling over you in bed when you hibernate??:D Hope you get this message when you awake from your winter's nap! We are so pleased to congratulate you Spiro on being honored as our most handsome, loyal, sleepingest and unique African Marsh Terrapin Pet of the Day! Make sure you celebrate and get lots of worms when you wake up, sleepyhead!!

01-18-2002, 02:31 PM
Spiro, you're just adorable! I have a soft spot for turtles, I must admit-just ask my Yertle. He's an eastern box turtle. I'm sure glad you were saved from being somebody's lunch! Congratulations to our handsome Pet of the Day!

01-18-2002, 07:19 PM
Hello Spiro,
I couldn't help but think of the musical group when
I first heard your name.. I'm so happy that you were
saved from somebody's menu; and instead get to
live out your life with your person. Congratulations
on being honored as today's PET OF THE DAY !!!