View Full Version : PT Shelter Quilts revisited....

04-20-2005, 10:07 AM
Last winter and spring - lots of us made "shelter quilts" and I thought some of you may want to join me in doing it again!! I am going to attach the threads I found:D

lots of pix missing but here is the thread (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=42482&perpage=40&highlight=shelter%20quilts&pagenumber=1)

another (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=45331&highlight=shelter+quilts)

Lots of pictures are missing but I will try to find and replace mine - but there is still plenty of inspiration there:D

So who will sew with me?? I have a bunch already cut out and ready to go!!! Post pix too ok??

04-20-2005, 10:09 AM
I'm not quite talented enough to do quilts but I do what I call kennel pads...basically 2 pieces of flannel with cotton batting between. I have about 8 ready to go to a shelter near me...then I killed my sewing machine so the project is temporarily on hold.:rolleyes:

PJ's Mom
04-20-2005, 10:10 AM
I have a new sewing machine but haven't figured out how to use it. I guess I can't help this time. :( Maybe next year. :)

04-20-2005, 11:27 AM
Some of the directions are missing and so I quickly made a new one here - just to show how I do mine.

"Quilt Quarters" are getting popular in stores. I got these at Wal-Mart. Also - check the renmants. I am using one yard to make four quilts - it also takes one yard of muslin for the backing. For the batting - you can use purchased quilt batting, old blankets, towels - anything soft to have in the middle. Here is a "quilt bundle" and a remnant I bought at Wal-Mart...
Once you have cut your quarter yards, put two pieces (one fabric and one backing) with the wrong sides together, then put a piece of the batting and pin three sides together...
Sew the three sides together....
Now, turn it inside out and your batting will be secured in the middle...
Sew that last side by tucking in the raw edges and making sure to catch your batting...
To keep the batting firmly in place - you can do an "outline" by sewing a frame about and inch or so - all the way around....
This particular fabric had squares printed, so I randomly sewed along the lines and secured the batting that way - sort of a "crazy quilt"...
Here are two more that I just did the "frame" on...
Some have sewed kitty faces or done some diagonal stitches, etc - the idea is to secure the batting inside - so have fun!!!

If anyone makes more - will you be sure and post pictures??:D

Laura's Babies
04-20-2005, 11:36 AM
I would like to get in on this again but I do not have time right now. I have all the "tools" needed and can start when I get back from work next month.

here is a link to the Hugs for Homeless


Also might I add that when you make them, put at loop tabs on each corner so they can be made into hammocks if they would like to use them for those. Some cages are so cramped that having a hammock off the floor is something the kitties REALLY enjoy! I never put a hammock up at the shelter that didn't get used. Cats love them!!!

04-20-2005, 12:41 PM
On my best day,I coulnt even begin,to think,that i would have the skill,to even think,of making a quilt.The Found Cats,are laughing,thier heads off,just thinking,of that!!


He could so sew a quilt!Not,in a Thousand Years,Scrappy 2!

04-20-2005, 02:20 PM
Ok so we are making the same things! Cool! I had made some people sized "quillows" and used the left over flannel and stuff to do the cat/dog sized ones...now to just get the machine fixed....

04-20-2005, 04:52 PM
ooh I have an urge to sew one! I always make pillow cases and quilts for myself/friends. I should for cats too!

but I need your ONE help.... what sewing machine (good cheaper and easy one) do you recommend?! I've been on the search of a new one... can't wait... my mother's one just broke. darrn!

04-20-2005, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Gina's Ark Inc.
ooh I have an urge to sew one! I always make pillow cases and quilts for myself/friends. I should for cats too!

but I need your ONE help.... what sewing machine (good cheaper and easy one) do you recommend?! I've been on the search of a new one... can't wait... my mother's one just broke. darrn!

YEAH! ready to start sewing?? I took a look at Consumer Search (http://www.consumersearch.com/www/house_and_home/sewing_machines/) and found that the Sears Kenmore 12916 is only about $125 and highly rated. I bought my daughter, Missy her first machine awhile back and I *think* it was a Brother. (MISSY???) I think a beginner would do best with a simple, non-computerized machine. The things *I* would not do without are zigzag, button-holer and a stretch stitch. There are assorted models for about $100. Hope this helps!! I have been sewing all my life and I would also be happy with such a machine.

04-20-2005, 05:11 PM
allright, thanks for an idea! what is zigzag and what does a stretch stitch do? I'll want to hear more opinions and hopefully to get one this weekend!! :D :D

Laura's Babies
04-20-2005, 07:35 PM
Zig zag makes a stitch that looks something like this /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ it zig, zags! A stretch stitch will stretch with your fabric, rather than pop aloose and have your seam come out, great for todays stretchy fabrics.

I agree, Kenmore from Sears are great, I have had many and I just have a plain one, no fancy bells, whistles, or stitches....

K & L
04-20-2005, 07:41 PM
I wish I had the talent to sew, but alas, you'd be sorry if I helped!:D Sounds like a wonderful project and can't wait to see finished results.

04-20-2005, 10:57 PM
thank you too laura! I can't believe I didn't know that "zigzags" because I believe I've used it ONLY for one of my quilts. :D

wanna see a PLAIN zigzag quilt I made? :) ;)

04-20-2005, 11:07 PM
I finished a few more shelter quilts today!! Here they are with Eliot tunneling under them, which he did of course - on purpose - to better show the designs:p
I made a few with buttonholes at each corner so they can be used for hammocks as Laura suggested!!
I think this is a great idea and gives more possibilities to the quilts. From now on, I will trim my corners more carefully so they don't have so much bulk there. (I broke two needles) I may try some with some sort of soft rope loop sewn in to be used.

Come ON you guys! Is anyone going to sew quilts with me??:D

04-20-2005, 11:18 PM
neat buttonholders, debby!

Originally posted by sirrahbed
Come ON you guys! Is anyone going to sew quilts with me??:D I'm trying to have a sew machine! :o :D

how did a buttonholer works on the machine? I'm curious!

04-20-2005, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by Gina's Ark Inc.
how did a buttonholer works on the machine? I'm curious!
Hey Gina - I don't know about on other fancier machines, but on mine - it is an attachment that came with the machine. You snap in on the foot (thing that goes up and down) and set the size by sticking a button in a slot. Then it is all automatic - well I do have to set things on wide zigzag and with a small stitch. It makes wide start, then goes forward and does one half, another wide end and then backwards to do the other side. Then I use pointy scissors to cut between the two rows of tight zigzag. Tada!!

04-20-2005, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
From now on, I will trim my corners more carefully so they don't have so much bulk there. (I broke two needles)

Just thought I'd mention that I was having a heck of a time sewing the new blanket binding over the old blanket binding in the corners and finally got it to work by using a needle made especially for denim. I got a multi pack that are all the proper size for my machine, but have different points for different fabrics.

Mine is a Brother LS-2220 and I absolutely love it :) It's not too complicated, but still has a ton of different stitches that it is capable of
:D :D

04-20-2005, 11:25 PM
you're up late young lady!!:D :D

that's how my button holer thingy works too:) All automatic

Rie Rie
04-21-2005, 09:00 AM
I love to sew, but my machine is on the frits, think I need a new one. When I got this one over ten years ago, I used it to death, making seat covers for vans, so I'd say it's a little worn out. I am going to ask my husband to buy me a new one for Mother's Day, meanwhile I will have to use mom's while she's gone.

04-21-2005, 09:09 AM
I'm still trying to finish my BIG kitty quilt!!:D :D :D Maybe I will make some more small kitty quilts when I get done. If I get done! The painting of the house has taken all my extra time.:(

We will want new pictures of all these quilts!

04-27-2005, 05:28 PM
I'm all for it again. I have been buying a bunch of fabric ever since I talked to you on the phone Deb. My mom will be up here in a few weeks and we already made plans to work on some quilts for shelters. :D

I am so glad we are doing this again this year.