View Full Version : Do your cats have a favorite?

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-20-2005, 09:10 AM
Do your cats have a favorite human in your family?

Here, both cats have one! As both are girls, they both choose a man :rolleyes: :(

Look, Inka prefers our son JO! When we touch her belly, she kicks and bites. When he just says "Inka show belly??", this is what she does!!
Pawsies in the air, and show off belly :rolleyes: :D

Maya is a daddy's girl! She naps in her bed most of the day. But as soon as Bernard sits down on the couch, there she is!! I wish she did that with me... :( :D

04-20-2005, 09:40 AM
Oh yes they have their favorites..of course sometimes it depends on their moods.

For the most part the kitties only favor Mark when he is relaxing or getting ready for work. At night Tigger has her spot where she lays with Mark until he turns over to go to sleep, then she becomes a snuggle bug with me. Smokey enjoys sleeping on Mark's chest, Mystic likes to have her morning back rub given to her by her daddy and Gracie loves to nap with Mark when he is relaxing in his chair.

Any other time for the most part the kitties favor me.

Of course Abner does not favor Mark at all. He actually runs from him and will not do anything for him. Abner is definately a momma's boy....MY BOY!!!

smokey the elder
04-20-2005, 09:44 AM
My two torties, Mobius and Bosun, are both "daddy's girls." TicTac is a "mama's boy." Smokey and most of my fosters are "mama's girls" because I work with them the most. Bubba and Pink Nose and Diamond and Diva don't give a rip one way or the other.:D

04-20-2005, 10:24 AM
Don follows me everywhere!!! He doesn't always want to be pet (petted?), but he loves being near me. He sleeps on the floor on my side of the bed and likes to curl up in my clothes. Bob is a little attention whore though, he'll spend time with whoever is willing to give a good belly rub:)

PJ's Mom
04-20-2005, 10:33 AM
Neither of mine have a favorite. Pumpkin would prefer to be left alone most of the time and Barclay's favorite is whoever will pet him at the time. ;)

04-20-2005, 10:42 AM
My cats are moody - sometimes like last night they follow me everywhere and curl next to me on the couch but then I noticed they were both missing and they were both in the computer room with Daddy curled on the floor. Who knows??? They split their attention in the morning. Back and forth between us - me in bedroom getting ready and hubby in living room waiting.. :) Sometimes Meka (girl) is curled by hubby's feet on couch and Max (boy) is by my feet on couch... Sometimes it is opposite... :) Debbie

Laura's Babies
04-20-2005, 11:10 AM
Since I live alone with mine, I HOPE I am their favorite although Amy is really smitten with Mike when he comes over and he can cradle her in his arms like a baby when she will not allow me to do it at ALL!

Giz adores Dakota and she comes out immediately when she hears him.

04-20-2005, 11:25 AM

Josie is a daddy's girl! She LOVES Derek!!! She even gives me hateful looks if I'm sitting with him & she can't!

Brodie is a mama's boy!!! Enough said! :)

04-20-2005, 11:34 AM
Mina is a mama's girl. She will cuddle with Lee Roy until I get home, but the moment she hears the key in the door she is there at the top of the stairs to greet me and then follows me around until I pick her up and snuggle with her for about two hours.

Kasie on the other hand is definately a daddy's girl. She will lay with Lee Roy even if it means on top of me!

04-20-2005, 11:34 AM
Absolutely, Lilith is all mommy....ME...and Vixen too until daddy leaves the house. Once daddy leaves and goes to work she starts to cry and doesn't stop until he comes home no matter what you do for her. She is daddy's girl unless it comes to feeding and playtime. If it's work related it's mommy's job. Cuddles are daddy's department. Here is Vixen sleeping with her daddy http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y106/kittycats_delight/Vixensleepingwithdad.jpg

And here is Lilith giving me kisses http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y106/kittycats_delight/Lilithgivingmomkisses.jpg

04-20-2005, 11:37 AM
I finally have a kitty that prefers me and that is Robbie!! Thank you Kim for helping to make him mama's boy!!
I can't tell all of you how much I love this!!
Emily...well I have posted these before - but she is nauseatingly attached to her daddy!!:p If he is home, she ignores me totally and is always near him...
She gets that "sucky face" look when he talks to her...
The other three are pretty equal in their attention to us though I would say Dylan sticks very close to me but is never ON me.

04-20-2005, 12:19 PM
Well,I am kind,of hoping,that it is I,as there is no one else here.Although My BoBo.really likes my Englih Friend Rob,and ashe even knows,when he is,on the phone,and MMMMMEEEEEOOOS For Him.


04-20-2005, 12:20 PM
Shadow is definetely a MOMMY'S GIRL! To the point of being annoying sometimes...I move at night and she jumps on the bed purring away. GO TO SLEEP!!! ;)

Whisper actually prefers new people :rolleyes: Though he usually goes to Jason for more attention, when people come to visit he acts like we abuse him and he never gets love...rolling over on his back to have his belly rubbed. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Callie likes me more than daddy, though she is much more independent. She comes to me for lovings, but only a few times a day where as Shadow cannot stand me being out of her sight.

04-20-2005, 01:52 PM
I'm not sure, I think it would be me though.

She sleeps in my room, and she follows me EVERYWHERE. Her and Josie, I can go from one room to another to another, and she'll follow lol :rolleyes: She doesn't really snuggle though so...

She doesn't really bother with my dad or brother (unless I'm not around, then appearintly she goes to my bro)

04-20-2005, 02:02 PM
Allen DEFINATELY favors my son. So much so that we've already had the discussion of him taking Allen when he graduates college... which I am ok with since he is so bonded with Tony. But then I also am torn because Pouncer and Allen are so bonded. There's NO WAY I could give Pouncer over to my son.

Pouncer doesn't favor anybody - whoever is dishing out treats is who he loves.

Harry tends to favor hubby. Haryr doesn't like ot be petted but goes to Grant for regular petting.

Abby favors me (woohoo!!!) My daughter says Abby cries for me when I leave the house, and I know she runs around the house screeaming her hed off looking for me even when I am here. I just adore my littlest one.

Minette is definately my daughter's girl. She curls up on her feet and jumps into her lap. Which is good since she's Heather's foster! ;)