View Full Version : Please keep Rosco and Abigail in your thoughts

04-19-2005, 10:45 PM
There are getting spayed/nuetered Wednesday morning. Yes, I'm a wreck!!!:( I hate this more than anything else when it comes to having kitties! I don't mind taking them when they are sick but I hate hurting them when they are well.
The absolute worse thing for me is seeing them in the morning wanting food and water and I can't give it to them. I cry everytime I have to do this but for some reason this time is worse than ever! As many times as I've done this you would think it would get easier but it seems to get harder instead.:( :(
I'm taking them to the shelter and I have already talked to the vet and she will be doing them first. I told her about Abigails asthma and freak out fainting so we don't want to stress her for any longer than necessary. She hasn't had an asthma attack for several months now so hopefully she has outgrown it.

I know I always post and reassure purrents when this time comes but it's so hard when you have to actually look them in the face!!!
Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers and I will post as soon as we get home tomorrow.:(

04-19-2005, 10:47 PM
(((HUGS)))) and prayers!!! I'm sure they will do fine, but I do totally understand your feelings of worry!;)

04-19-2005, 10:56 PM
Hugs and prayers being sent to Rosco, Abigail and you.

I know its hard and scary leaving them for that sir-jury.

They'll be in our thoughts.

Kelly :)

04-19-2005, 11:14 PM
I know this is hard, I went through it in January and it was tough. I'm sure Rosco and Abigail will be fine. I'm sending lots of good vibes, positive thoughts and prayers. Some (((HUGS))) for meowmie too!!!

04-20-2005, 02:52 AM
I know how you feel.....

When I saw the pictures of the nip party I noticed Rosco's cute..well... cotton balls... and had second thoughts;)

They will be ok but you'll worry nevertheless.

Paws and fingers crossed.

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-20-2005, 03:02 AM
Paws and fingers crossed!!

04-20-2005, 03:08 AM
I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I know how this is!

Killearn Kitties
04-20-2005, 05:00 AM
I will keep my fingers crossed for Rosco and Abigail all day! Good luck sweeties. :D

04-20-2005, 05:29 AM
Prayers are on the way.:) :)

04-20-2005, 06:40 AM
{{{{HUGS}} for mwomie Lisa, and prayers for the little ones. They will be just fine, but I'll sit and worry with you until we hear they are awake and demanding food!

PS: I noticed that Roscoe looked quite "manly" in those nip pictures. ;)

04-20-2005, 06:42 AM
Oh Lisa ;) . . . I completely understand what you are going through! I was a complete mess when I had to take Brodie. ANd it was worse because he had to stay there for 3 days & 2 nights!!! I about died!!!

Hang in there girl! They'll be fine! (I know, that's easy to say)

At any rate, we're here for you! :)

04-20-2005, 06:43 AM
I'm sure everything will go just fine Lisa. ;) How old are the 'babies' now? :confused: Be sure and give them lots of kisses when they get home, and have a cup of tea and relax, and ponder how to keep that ficus tree up. ;) :)

04-20-2005, 07:00 AM
Prayers for your babies.

I know how it feels. I hate 'fasting' them.
They look up at you and say: Mama, my breakfast? Did you forget?

I've got 4 upcoming too.

Your sweeties will be fine and purring and eating again real soon!

04-20-2005, 07:18 AM
Awww! Prayers going Rosco and Abigail's way!

Just you wait! They'll be back to tackling your tree in no time!

04-20-2005, 07:23 AM
Good thoughts and prayers on the way. I know, it is so hard seeing the little faces wanting to be fed and you can't feed them. They don't understand. That is why we haven't had Gidget or Fluffy fixed yet, just the boys. When Rusty had his done he had to stay over night and I called the vet during the night to see how he was doing. They let Garfield come home the same day, but he kept walking into things and we had to keep a close eye on him.

I'm sure your babies will be fine. Let us know as soon as you are home and have them settled.

04-20-2005, 07:28 AM
(((hugs))) Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way that Abigail and Rosco will come through surgery and will have a speedy recovery.

Laura's Babies
04-20-2005, 08:39 AM
I know how you are feeling! Just find something to keep you busy and distract you.. Poor Goo is going to miss his little girl too so keep a eye on him! I bet he is going to pick up on your stress and worry!! Keep us posted!!

04-20-2005, 08:45 AM
They are now sleeping soundly at the shelter and about to be operated on. I stayed with them until they went to sleep.

The bad news: Abigail has a heart murmer and the vet is cocerned about her reaction to the anesthesia.:( I knew I had a reason to worry about her!!! I will have to watch her closely for the next few days to make sure she doesn't have any labored breathing.:( I will also be bringing home some liguid Ace to help keep her calm and minimize pain.
She also said to keep an eye on Rosco because Cardio Myopathy (sp) can be genetic. I'm going to go look this up but if someone out there knows anything about this would you fill me in please? Is it one of those things that sounds worse than it is?

Jan, they are somewhere between 7 and 8 months old. I held off doing this because of Abigail. I should have taken Rosco but I waited. She showed her first signs of heat last weekend so she was a little slow.;)

Now I'm even more worried!!!:rolleyes:

04-20-2005, 08:47 AM
It is Wednesday morning and YES I have said my prayers for you Lisa, and for the folks performing the surgery, and for the babies not to be afraid and to stay well during all the procedures.

I suspect everything is over by now...and hope you have that good news already!

Oh I understand so well how you are feeling!! Omegosh - my Lizzie & Robbie had theirs in Feb - a nervous wreck!!! You know it will be fine, but can't help but worry. Sweet little Abigail - I think is probably the biggest concern

Please let us know soon after you get back home with them.

K & L
04-20-2005, 09:13 AM
Everything will go just fine. It's hard but you've got to remember you're doing the best thing for them! They're in good hands and will be well monitored. Please let us know how it goes.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-20-2005, 09:25 AM
Good luck you little cutie pies!

Lisa, usually I tell people not to worry, that this is routine surgery for vets and everything will be just fine. However, with little Abigail's new found health problem and the fact that it's genetic and Rosco might be affected too - well...can I be a basket case right along with you?

I guess that explains why Abigail had a tough time of it and is still quite small. Rosco seems to big and healthy and active that it's hard to believe he would have any problems, but it's good to know so you can watch for any signs and catch it early.

I don't know much of anything about cardio myopathy, but I think that's what Lut's Sidney had....I think. Maybe she will see your uppydate and offer any insight.

By now the worst is probably over and they're in the recovery room, but meowmy won't be happy until they're home safe and sound.

Good luck sweeties!

04-20-2005, 09:57 AM
I got the phone call from nurse Debbie (sirrahbed) and we came to the conclusion that the vet was being extremely cautious and was only talking about the worst case scenario. I looked it up and Cardiomyopathy can only be detected from an ultra sound. I think the vet was basing the possibility on some of Abigails symptoms. The heart murmer would not be related to cardiomyopathy if it exists.
So, she probably doesn't have it but I'm so glad the vet is being extreme just in case it does exist. I would rather be over cautious than miss some small sign of trouble when I could get her help.
So, I will be bringing them home in about an hour. The nursery/recovery cage is all set up. They have Fancy Feast turkey and gravy waiting for them.:D I will keep a very close eye on them today and tonight especially. I figure Rosce will be cage free in a few hours but I will keep Abigail caged tonight for sure and see how she is doing in the morning. She LOVES her meowmies soft fleece robe so it is folded up in the cage for her. That is the same robe she slept on when I first caught her. It brings her comfort and that will make me feel better.

Ok, I'm extreme and over the top but I love these little stinkers!!!

Thank you guys for all the support. I have been worried about this and Abigail for some time now. Some instinct tells me that she is a happy, silly little kitten, but something is just not completely right with her. I don't know why I feel that way but I do.

K & L
04-20-2005, 10:02 AM
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your babies! All will be fine, I'm sure!

04-20-2005, 10:22 AM
Sending good thoughts today. I just know everything will work out OK.

04-20-2005, 12:22 PM
...just checking in for the "at home again" update.

I am praying because of the concern about Abigail.:rolleyes:

04-20-2005, 12:25 PM
The best thing,is that the Spay,Neuter Operation,is one,of the safest procedures,in Veternarian Medicine.The bad thiong,is the dirty looks,that we get,on Fathers,and Mothers Day!


04-20-2005, 12:36 PM

04-20-2005, 12:37 PM
Lilith and Vixen want you to know that they are keeping their little paws crossed and wish the best for Abigail and Rosco. Lilith said she knows you are very worried but everything will be ok the kittiefairie told her so. She said all the kittie angels at rainbow bridge are on Abigail and Rosco's side and they are gonna make sure that absolutely nothing bad happens. And my Lilith knows she never tells lies. Our thoughts are with you and wish you all the best. Things will be perfectly ok we are all sure. :)

04-20-2005, 12:42 PM
Lisa, I know you'll let us know the minute you pick them up to bring them home that all is well. Prayers and positive thoughts going your way that the day (the waiting!) isn't too difficult.

P.S. I had to go back and look at the nip pics to check out Rosco's little "cotton balls." :D

04-20-2005, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by RedHedd
P.S. I had to go back and look at the nip pics to check out Rosco's little "cotton balls." :D

Good to know I'm not the only one that went back to get a peek at Rosco's (now extinct) goods. :D

04-20-2005, 01:31 PM
I'm glad to hear that everything went well with surgery. Will keep good thoughts and prayers for speedy recoveries. Sounds like a gourmet feast awaits them when they return home. :)

04-20-2005, 01:39 PM
The baby Brats are fine!:D
We are home and absolutely nothing went as planned! I had the cage all set up with everything wonderful and comfortable for them and of course I couldn't wait to get them home.
When we got to the shelter we found them together in their carrier and Rosco had his arm thrown over Abigail as if he was caring for and protecting her.:( :( :( That was so sweet but heartwrenching.

We get home and carefully start opening the carrier door and BAM Rosco is history!!!:eek: I still can't figure out he squeezed through about a 1 inch opening! He made a mad dash under the couch and he is still there.
I gently got Abigail out and put her in the cage and that is when she went nuts! I covered the cage completely and put in some food and water. She pulled up carpet on all four sides of the cage for an hour and a half! She would not settle down or eat the medicated food. Hubby and I finally decided that we were doing her more harm than good and let her out. She didn't run away and I gave her tons of gentle kisses and snuggles. She calmly walked away and is now sleeping. She did better than Rosco!!!!

After all these years you would think I would know that with cats the exact opposite of what you think is going to happen does!!:rolleyes:

So, for now, Rosco is in hiding and Abigail appears to be fine and is resting. I, on the other hand, need a tranquilizer!!!:D :D :D

btw-Rosco is gonna miss those cute little cotton balls too! Shame on you girls for going back and checking out his now non existant "goods"!!!;) :D
Where is Richard???? Rosco needs you Richard!

04-20-2005, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
The baby Brats are fine!:D
btw-Rosco is gonna miss those cute little cotton balls too! Shame on you girls for going back and checking out his now non existant "goods"!!!;) :D
Where is Richard???? Rosco needs you Richard!
:D I'm glad all went well and you're all home and some of you are resting. Is Rosco looking for his "bits?" :D

04-20-2005, 01:45 PM
:eek: I only seen this now!

I'm glad that everything went well :) The "babies" are growing up!

K & L
04-20-2005, 01:49 PM
Good to hear all went well!

04-20-2005, 01:52 PM
So glad their home safe and healthy:D :D

04-20-2005, 01:56 PM
I am glad to hear they are ok.

I don't think the cardio myopathy is completely without dangers. My co-worker Gudrun had two cats, sisters who had it. She found out when one day Lisa suddenly died- within 15 minutes at the age of about 7. She then had Mona checked and of course she had it too. She is getting beta blockers now for like 2 years every morning and evening! But she's doing fine. She even had teeth extracted under anesthesia- but of course for a kitty like this anesthesia is a risk.

But there are different types of cardiomyopathy (which mainly means a weak heart muscle) I hope you can find more about it.

04-20-2005, 02:09 PM
So glad to hear all went well. Give those babies gentle little kisses from me please!

Don Juan's mom
04-20-2005, 02:09 PM
I'm glad to hear that the "baby brats" are now officially "adult brats." :)

I wonder if Magoo knows that Abigail has "special needs" too, and if that's why he's so gentle and affectionate with her. :)

Don Juan offers Roscoe his most sincere condolences on the loss of his b***s. :(


04-20-2005, 02:16 PM
WHEW!!! I got myself busy stitching and lost track of time! Those prayers just took me away:) Meanwhile - YOU need a tranquilzer!! YES, I bet that is how you feel. But it is OVER!!!:D :D

:o I went back and checked, too

04-20-2005, 02:40 PM
Lilith was right ;) She told me all the kittiefaries were looking out for those 2. I think Rosco is a little P. oed right now with the fact that something important(to him anyway) is not where it was before he went to the doc. I bet he has it in for the doc from now on. Snuggles and kisses from me to those brats of yours and Lilith and Vixen want to send along noserubs and headbutts but gentle ones for now.

04-20-2005, 03:00 PM
Found an interesting website dedicated to Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy at http://members.aol.com/jchinitz/hcm/ .

My neighbours cat Mindy (a male) had cardiomyopathy and he had to take Digoxin for his condition. He lived with this disease for a few years, but he had to be PTS when he developed a tumour below his chin (unrelated to his heart condition).

On a very personal note my father suffered from cardiomyopathy and he had to have a pacemaker put in and take a whole slew of medication. Sadly, it still didn't prevent his too early death a few years after he was first diagnosed.


Ontario, Canada

P.S. Yes, Roscoe did have a nice pair of knockers :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-20-2005, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
:o I went back and checked, too

I actually noticed them the other day when I saw that pic of his leg getting out of hand, but didn't think anything of it because CJ still has his "cotton balls." CJ is neutered, but still has his fuzzy little companions. I always wondered about that because Tubby's little friends were long gone. ;) :rolleyes: :o :D

so glad to hear everything is all right and they're home safe and sound and sleeping it off. That little Abigail says "Mom, I'm a big girl now, let me out of this cage or I'll really start putting up a fuss!" :D

Laura's Babies
04-20-2005, 05:06 PM
Now I can breathe. Lisa, I am sure you will be on edge for days to come and I won't relax either. She is Magoos little love and he will be watching her like a hawk I bet so give Grampa a chance to oversee her recovery. Chester sat by Amy the whole day I brought her home and just watched her like a hawk! Followed every step she made then sat quietly by her kennel as she slept, getting up to peek in every so often. I see Magoo doing that same thing for his little girl.

I know where you have been today with all the stress so (((((HUGS)))) to you. Try to relax and take it easy.

04-20-2005, 06:06 PM
OK you've all got me wondering about those batonga wongas I haven't seen yet, and now will officially never see again. Glad everything went well with the babies...err brats. Off to see those famous cotton balls. :D :o