View Full Version : Prayer Request for Gracie

04-19-2005, 07:27 AM
I could really use some prayers for Gracie.

The other night I noticed that Gracie's right eye (her good one) was swollen shut. I manged to get it open and noticed that she had a large black ulcer on the top portion of her eye.

I took her to the vets yesterday and DrR. Geer confirmed what I had hoped and prayed would never happen....she has lost her sight in her other eye. We knew that her left eye was a "dead eye" and she would never regain any site in it but her right eye was only half cloudy and you could see her pupil in the other half....now she has two very cloudy eyes.

I have antibiotic for her eye to try to clear up the ulcer but Dr. Geer said I only had about a 5% chance of being able to clear it up. He recommended having both her eyes removed.

I have not stopped crying since last night. I always knew in the back of my mind that this could happen but I hoped and prayed that it would never come to having to make the decision of taking her eyes.

Please pray that the antibiotic clears her eye up and that Gracie does not have to have surgery to remove her eyes.

Thanks everyone. --- Meg

04-19-2005, 07:31 AM
Many prayers that the meds will work for Gracie, and that she won't have to have surgery Meg. :( It seems that Gabriel actually has it a bit better with his macropthalmia. Poor sweet Gracie. :( Kiss her all over for me, and let them both know they're always in my heart, and always will be.

04-19-2005, 07:54 AM
Oh Meg I'm so sorry to hear that about Gracie. Bless her heart.:(
I hope you can get the infection cleared up but there is one thing to remember. If she has infection and has already lost her sight then it may be less painful for her to have the eye removed. I posted about an article when Kim adopted Abby that even though a cat may be blind they can still have pain in their eyes from pressure or infection. As sad as it would be for Gracie to have to have surgery maybe you can take some relief in the fact that if it happens it could relieve any pain that she may have. It's so hard to tell with kitties if they hurt or not. They are the masters in hiding pain!
Prayers are on the way that precious baby Gracie gets well real soon and doesn't need to have surgery.
Hang in there Meg, she will be ok. PT prayers will make sure of that!:)

04-19-2005, 08:06 AM
Prayers on the way for sweet Gracie. May the medicine work and hopfully she won't need the surgery.

04-19-2005, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
If she has infection and has already lost her sight then it may be less painful for her to have the eye removed. I posted about an article when Kim adopted Abby that even though a cat may be blind they can still have pain in their eyes from pressure or infection.

Lisa, I saw that post. That was my main concern...I don't want her to be in any pain. The vet said most likely right now for her it is like having sand in her eyes and it bothers her.

I'm so concerned right now for Gracie because in less than 4 weeks we are moving into my mom's house for 6 months until the new house is built....I'll be taking her out of her known element and putting her into a new one that she does not know...one that she has not seen.

This is just the hardest decision I have ever had to make.

04-19-2005, 08:59 AM
When The Found Cats,say thier Prayers,they will triple Pray,for Gracie,that thier Cat Friend,will be All Right!


Laura's Babies
04-19-2005, 09:16 AM
Awe Meg, I know your heart is breaking! I had to wait until I stopped crying to respond. She is part of our PT family and you know prayers are on their way and will continue. We all will trust you to do what is best for her and we will also pray for guidance for you to do just that. (((HUGS)))) for you and Gracie.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-19-2005, 10:10 AM
Oh no, Meg. I'm so sorry. Poor little Gracie. :(

I know absolutely nothing about blindness or eye diseases in kitties so I can offer no help what so ever except to offer {{{hugs}}} and to let you know I will be sending positive thoughts and prayers yours and Gracie's way.

And yes, she will be in a new environment, but she will still have you and hubby there, along with Gabriel and all the other kitties to make it all seem familiar to her.

Poor Gracie....poor you....:(


04-19-2005, 01:42 PM
I am sending all my best thoughts for Gracie girl and hope the meds help. I think she does most of her orientation now without the eyes and we know from kitties like Maggoo how well they can adjust to a different environment.


04-19-2005, 01:47 PM
Oh Meg, I'm sorry. Poor little Gracie.

I hope the meds take care of it for her and I'll keep her in my prayers.

04-19-2005, 04:09 PM
I am so sorry that Gracie is having problems. But fear not, she WILL adapt. With time, effort and love, she will overcome whatever she needs to.
Hang in there. She will be fine no matter which way the outcome turns.

04-19-2005, 06:20 PM
Oh no...poor Gracie and poor you for having to make this decision. :(

I know that you'll do what's right for Gracie. You love her and we know you always have her best interests at heart.

Hugs and love,
Kelly :)

04-19-2005, 07:16 PM

I'm so sorry to hear about Gracie! I hope she's not in any pain. Dr. Geer is a WONDERFUL man!!! My Dad used him and I did before I moved to Michigan. Colchester Vet Hospital is THE best in CT as far as I'm concerned!

Dr. Geer treated MooShoo for his herpes virus. He's the one who recommended we take him to a kitty Opthalmologist, which I did. If anyone can take care of Gracie, it's him!!

Hugs to you and Gracie!!

04-19-2005, 09:18 PM
Oh, that's so sad!:( I think you should try the antibiotics first, to try to save any possible hope for any sight she might have left, even if it is only light perception. IF that doesn't work, you will know you tried, and then you can then decide whether or not it would be in her best interest to have the eyes surgically removed, etc.

I will keep her in my prayers, and YOU as well. I know how difficult this must be on you. But go with what your conscience tells you needs to be done, and you won't go wrong. No matter what happens, you will be OK, and she will be OK. Just take things one moment, one day at a time for now, and you will both get through it.

Again, you will be in my thoughts and prayers....

04-19-2005, 09:45 PM
Prayers for Gracie on the way!

I'll be taking her out of her known element and putting her into a new one that she does not know...one that she has not seen.

Meg, my sister-in-law moved her blind kitty from a high-rise condo to a suburban home and she was just fine. She took her time to supervise the kitty as she explored her new home. The only panic moment was when my SIL got complacent outdoors and the kitty stumbled into the pool (they're in Arizona). Luckily, she was nearby and grabbed the kitty immediately.

So, Gracie might actually enjoy exploring something new--just keep an eye on her until she finds everything! Just keep her safe until she knows her way around.

04-19-2005, 10:58 PM
Oh Meg, I am so sorry to hear this .... but now that I've had Abby, I really think cats are so blessed in overcoming blindness!!! I do believe that having her eyes removed would be best, but I can't blame you for wanting to try "one last time" to save them!


04-20-2005, 06:48 AM
I somehow missed this thread too.... I am so sorry to hear this! I am sending many prayers her way. How is she today?

04-20-2005, 07:22 AM
Originally posted by catnapper
I somehow missed this thread too.... I am so sorry to hear this! I am sending many prayers her way. How is she today?

Gracie was doing very well this morning. Her eye looked a little bit better when I put her drops in her eye. The black spot that was on her eye is gone and her eye is just very cloudy now.

Thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers.

moosmom....I have been going to Colchester Vet since I moved into town 12 years ago. I absolutely LOVE them....you are right...they are the BEST. Dr. Geer does not see as many patients as he used to so I usually see Dr. Berard or Dr. McLaughlin because they both know the entire histories of my cats and they both amaze me with their compassion and knowledge.

04-20-2005, 07:26 AM
It's good to hear that Gracie's eye is looking better. If you do have to remove it, I'm sure she'll bounce back and be monkeying around in no time. She's still pretty young, and is used to limited sight, so she might adjust to no sight pretty quickly. Prayers and good thoughts headed her way!