View Full Version : Star plays in her litter box

04-18-2005, 06:27 PM
Star plays in her litter box. We got the clumping litter for Stars litterbox and to her it's like a sandbox I guess. Well I woke up this morning with litter scattered all over the place. I noticed a little later she was having a blast playing in her litterbox which isn't a behavior I want because she getting all yucky. How can I discourage this behavior without scaring her from using her litterbox (she has never had an accident before). She is cute when she plays and I hate to get her in trouble but I am worried about her health and our health when we pick her up and love on her.


04-18-2005, 08:28 PM
That is a interesting question.Scrappy 2,has the annoying habit,of knocking,the waste,out of the scooping tool,as I am trying,to put,it in the bag! I shoo,her off,but then she is back,again,and I think,that she plays,with the clumps,too.Odd Cats!


04-18-2005, 09:22 PM
LOL.. Thats so funny. She didn't do that with the Tidy Cats Crystals. Maybe I will switch back. I think I may be giving a kitten a bath tonight. Ohh noooo not a bath!!

04-18-2005, 09:30 PM
LOL... how well I know the cat playing in the litterbox. Pouncer LOVED to play in the litterbox. Star will most likely outgrow it. Right now, everything is new and exciting and a game to her. Pouncer used to chase his tail and swish the sand around and roll around. Poor kitty was bathed more in the first year of life than any other cat I've ever known because he never cared f it was fresh or dirty. But he grew older and its not as exciting, though he still can't resist a roll in fresh litter once I clean out the boxes. He sits and watches me change out the old litter and put in the new.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-19-2005, 09:30 AM
I have no personal experience with kittens playing in the litter box, but I do know that kittens go through stages of playing with things they shouldn't and then the next thing you know they aren't the least interested in that object anymore. Toilet paper is another item that will soon catch Star's attention.

Is there some way you can maybe put her box in a box with sides just a bit higher to try and contain the litter a bit? Other than that, just let her play and she will pass this phase quickly enough and be onto something else she shouldn't be. ;) :D