View Full Version : New sewing machine

PJ's Mom
04-18-2005, 10:10 AM
I bought a sewing machine last week. Yay! :D

I have every intention of learning how to use it. I want to make things for the dogs and cats, and learn how to make a quilt. Trouble is, I don't even know how to use a pattern. :(

Is there a site, or someone who could help me learn how to make things? I know some (ok, a lot) of you are very crafty and I'm hoping you might be able to lead me in the right direction.

Thank you. :)

04-18-2005, 10:48 AM
Considering you're new at sewing and you're having trouble with patterns, I'd suggest just starting off with some old fabric and learning about your sewing machine. Experience is the best way to go.

To use a pattern, you simple cut the actual pattern out. They're on thin pieces of paper - like tissue paper. Once you have the PAPER cut, you'll then need to pin a piece of fabric to the pattern (the paper cut-out). Pin as close to the edge as possible without ripping a gigantic line in the pattern. After pinning, simple take a pair of scissors and cut around the pattern, cutting the fabric of course. You'll then be ready to sew! If you're making clothes for animals or humans, I'd suggest cutting a little big until you get more experienced. If you don't have the fabric to cut a tad big, that's okay. Just be very careful. Before you sew, lay everything out so you know how you're going to need to sew.

Congrats on getting a new machine! I'd LOVE to have a sewing machine of my own. We have a few, but they're all too old to use. So, in the mean time, I'm stuck using my hands. :p

PJ's Mom
04-18-2005, 11:13 AM
Thanks for the help. You make it sound so easy! ;)

04-18-2005, 12:05 PM
Congrats! I also have one!I'm a lot like you. I'm not sure how to use a pattern either, so I'm not much of a help:p Just to get used to it, sew some pillows up or make purse, thats what I did!

Good luck!:)

PJ's Mom
04-18-2005, 01:18 PM
I can make a pillow...sort of. :rolleyes: That's all I can make. I'm having trouble sewing straight. :eek:


04-18-2005, 02:42 PM
It's odd to sew a straight line at first. When I first sewed on a machine, I made sure my fabric was cut straight. So when I sewed, I made sure the same amount of room was on the outside of the stitch. Then it's just one of those feel things when you're sewing.

A hint from me? Go fast. When you sew slowly, there's more room for error. It may also help to chalk where you want to sew. Obviously, chalk the inside where you sew. For example, if you're sewing down the leg of a pair of jeans, you don't want it exactly vertical and perpendicular with the ground, you just want the stitches to be straight.. so chalk the measurements and such. I hope that makes sense.

Daisy and Delilah
04-18-2005, 03:14 PM
Congratulations on getting a new sewing machine. First of all, great advice from buckner. Getting some old fabric and practicing is the best way to get to know your machine. Your machine manual should be a great help to tell you what the machine will do. I am a self taught quilter but I had been sewing clothing since I was in high school(100 years ago). I knew nothing about quilting. My best advice is to do what I did. I read everything about quilting I could get my hands on. I watched every tv show on sewing and quilting I could find available. Simply Quilts on HGTV is a great show-it usually airs at 8:30 a.m. here in Florida. You can go to the library and find alot of books on sewing basics to get you started. The book stores are loaded with these books too but the library is free. Also, look for classes in your area at the local sewing centers. This is a great learning tool as well as a good opportunity to meet new people and learn all about sewing. Just tapping into the "sewing community" will bring you a wealth of information. Do you have a Joann's or Hancock's nearby? Two more great sources to get you going. Good luck and have fun!!

Terry(Daisy and Delilah's Mom)

Daisy and Delilah
04-18-2005, 03:20 PM
I forgot to tell you........to sew a straight line on a pillow for example: your machine will have lines engraved into the metal throatplate. When sewing a pillow, line up the right side of your fabric with the line you have chosen and let your fabric stay on that line continuously while stitching. You should come up with a perfect seam size every time. Does that make sense?
