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View Full Version : Fifty cents more tax?

Laura's Babies
04-17-2005, 10:29 AM
The govorner of the fine state of Louisiana wants to add another 50 cents per pack on cigaretts which will bring the state tax to something like .86 per pack.

I have always wondered, when they raise the tax so high that the people who smoke get fed up and quit, what happens THEN?
The loss of taxes will hurt so bad that they will have to find something else to tax to make up the differance. What will they tax NEXT? Soda's? Booze? Candy? Gas? Food? Medicine? Clothes? WHAT NEXT?

I know it will not end with cigaretts, common sense tells you that.

04-17-2005, 10:32 AM
We have over $1.25 on them here. Thankfully Idon't smoke. They have been trying to but a pop tax on , getting no whaere fast here if you don't drink beer you drink pop. Beer drinkers know they would be next so fighting now .