View Full Version : Kitten's eye color changes

04-16-2005, 07:30 PM
At what age does a kitten's eye color change to it's permanent color? Shadow's eyes appear to be changing to a green color yesterday and today, and that could be another way to help determine his actual age........

Laura's Babies
04-16-2005, 08:03 PM
I will have to leave this answer to the pro's.. They can tell you, just wait till they show up.

04-16-2005, 09:40 PM
I never knew,that this happened.I will keep an eye,on Scrappy 2,but she is almost a Cat,and has probably,already changed!


04-16-2005, 09:54 PM
Generally a kittens eyes change at 7-8 weeks old. ;) It may vary with litters however. I've had litters of newborns who've opened their eyes at 4 days old (they aren't supposed to open till near 10), and I'm sure it's not uncommon for kittens eyes to change at a younger age. Teeth can gauge how old a kitten/cat is as well. ;)
http://www.cathelp-online.com/health2kittens3.html (google kitten teeth, and there's plenty of info). :)