View Full Version : Does anyone else have TMJ trouble?

04-16-2005, 02:09 PM
Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ), the joint where the mandible (the lower jaw) joins the temporal bone of the skull, immediately in front of the ear on each side of your head.

I have had problems with it in the past and sort of learned to control the pain with meditation and relaxation techniques. Lately though it has really been acting up and nearly driving me to tears at times. It mainly bothers me on just one side.

Anyone have any input as to how you deal with the pain?

04-16-2005, 02:35 PM
My sister has ongoing struggles with it. I think she had a mouthguard that she wore while she slept and that really helped. I'll ask her and see if she has any suggestions.

04-16-2005, 06:36 PM
I do :( Mine mainly acts up first thing in the morning, and after eating things like bagels or tortilla chips. My dentist has recommended a mouth guard, but I am too stubborn thinking my hubby dearest won't find me attractive anymore. ;)

04-16-2005, 06:49 PM
I've got a pretty subdued case for now. I take anti-inflamatory drugs when it's super bad, and if it is clicking (which I CANNOT stand!) I try to only eat very soft foods. I don't chew gum much anymore, because I've found this can aggravate it.

04-16-2005, 07:23 PM
I have pretty much realized that gum and anything real chewy or crunchy will be paid for later.
I had it under control for a long time, but I yawned really wide a few weeks ago and it crackled. Since then my ear has been killing me and I've been fighting headaches. Seems like I get best results from ibuprofen for the ear pain but the headache will only go away with sleep, much like a migraine.
I had a mouth piece at one time...evidently I removed it in my sleep and my Bichon decided to try it out. He really messed it up.
It didn't seem to help all that much anyway.

I guess I am already doing what I should for it. I'm going to see my dentist again on Tuesday just to see if he has any new ideas.

Good thing I have a high threshold of pain considering I have a combo toothache, jawache, earache, headache. Even my hair hurts at times.....OK, I'm done whining...'buck up lil soldier!' :rolleyes:

04-16-2005, 08:21 PM
No. but my brother has issues with his jaw popping everytime he bites down. its done it for as long as i can remember. why we do not know... it doesnt bother him or pain him. i guess its kinda like popping you knuckles,, but different.

04-16-2005, 08:52 PM
No one has ever called mine TMJ, but I wear a mouth guard about 20 hours a day. I grind my teeth so hard if I don't wear it, in past I've affected the trigeminal nerve in both sides of my face. That causes headaches so bad that I've ended up medicated and in bed trying to get rid of them.

If you didn't know I wear it, you'd never be able to tell that I have a mouth guard in my mouth. The dentist that made it did a great job.

04-16-2005, 09:17 PM
*raises hand* I have it too. :( Though it seems to effect my left side ten times worse than the right. When I was younger they wanted to put silicone implants? into my jaw as they said it would help but we didn't have the money. I just sort of deal with it. :/

04-16-2005, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
*raises hand* I have it too. :( Though it seems to effect my left side ten times worse than the right. When I was younger they wanted to put silicone implants? into my jaw as they said it would help but we didn't have the money. I just sort of deal with it. :/

Thats how mine is too. Mainly just the left side deals me trouble.

04-17-2005, 11:23 PM
I have it too. I control the pain with Motrin and a bite guard. Neither which are fun. I'm very funny about taking pills. It only causes me the most pain in the left side.

04-18-2005, 12:57 AM
Count me in too. Mine's worse on the right side. Besides a guard (I need a new one) and meds, my dentist actually said "talking as little as possible" and he was serious! :eek: Well, THAT ain't gonna work with me..... :p :D

Queen of Poop
04-18-2005, 09:46 AM
I see the chiropractor for mine. He adjust my jaw as needed and the pain subsides.

04-18-2005, 11:21 AM
I have TMJ but my case was so bad that I had surgery done on the left side of my jaw and was supposed to do the right side but chickened out of the surgery after what I went through with the first one.

My surgery consisted of an incision about 2 inches long and follows the edge of the ear and the jaw. I had so much damage inside that they had to inplant teflon into the joint sections to provide a cushion. I was the worse case that my doctor had ever seen.

It was worth all the pain and eating of soft foods because the headaches that I used to get...I never get anymore. I also don't grind my teeth as much because the teflon implant provides enough of a buffer so I don't grind my teeth.

I look back now and wish I had gone through with the second surgery but I was 16 when I had the first one and I got too scared to go through with the other one. If I could go back and change that I would.

04-18-2005, 12:46 PM
My dentist sent me to a specialist when my jaw pain was so severe. Of course, the insurance pays nothing towards treatment of TMJ, but the mouthguard and the work on my bite that the specialist did helped me a lot. When I got married, two years ago, I quit wearing that thing at night :o. Hated for the hubby to see me with that thing in, but when he is away, overnight, I do wear it, and it helps. One day, maybe, I'll throw vanity aside and wear it every night, as I should. :o

I will applaude my regular dentist, who said he didn't have enough knowledge to try and help me himself. But the cost of seeing the specialist exceeded $2000, out of pocket. :eek:

04-18-2005, 04:09 PM
Today I have gone all day without the headache and just minimal pain. What did I do different? I have been talking less, no singing while I'm driving in the car, and really tried to refrain from eating anything that require extensive chewing. I've also been consciously doing my relaxation and meditation so I am less tense. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow as my back two molars on the opposite side are now hitting and need to be ground down to make my bite line up better.

It is so nice to finally have some relief after two solid weeks of headache and earache. Funny how you sort of get used to the pain after so long. Who knows it may come back tomorrow, but for today it feels good.