View Full Version : Mocha

01-17-2002, 04:30 AM
Good Morning Mocha - you are beautiful and I'm sorry but I nearly died laughing - I couldn't believe such a gorgeous kittty had a tongue THAT long!!!! I've realised my mistake - sorry:o
You are such a lucky cat to live with your Mummy and Daddy - they really love you and care for you. Belly rubs AND tuna titbits - WOW! Many happy years to you all. xxxx

01-17-2002, 07:28 AM
Yesterday and Today's COTD have both been "seniors" in the cat world and both seem to be sporting a kind of "in your face" 'tude with those sweet little tongues sticking out!

You go for it, Mocha!

Cougie Wechsler
01-17-2002, 08:17 AM
Beautiful Mocha, you are one breathtaking beauty! It does seem like you have Russian Blue in you! It seems like you have quite the life and I congratulate you today on this, your special day! God Bless you Mocha!!!

01-17-2002, 10:01 AM
Mocha, aren't you special to help your human go to sleep by letting him rub your belly. What a beauty you are. Have a wonderful day sweet one.

01-17-2002, 11:23 AM

You sound like one happy cat! Congratulations on being named COTD, and enjoy those belly-rubs and tuna leftovers! :D


01-17-2002, 12:45 PM
Dear Mocha,

What a beautiful girl you are: gorgeous coloring, rounded body, phenominal plume of a tail -- breathtaking! Hope your day brings you much joy and pleasures.

I believe you have a lot of Russian Blue in your family tree. I'm tearing up looking at your beauty. You look very much like my RB darling, Sassafras Root.

I hope you take the chance to cuddle one of your humans today and give them a thrill.

You are beautiful, sweet COTD.

01-17-2002, 01:45 PM
Dear Mocha. I couldn't describe you any better than AmberLee did!!:) You are truly a sight to behold. And I am sure that every day your magnificence, your beauty, your sweet and loving personality grace the lives of your humans. Aren't they lucky!! I feel so privileged to have met you lovely Mocha, and congratulate you on being honored as our most stunningly beautiful, loving and sweet Cat of the Day! May tons of tunabits fall at your feet this special day! You are one spectacular senior girl!

01-17-2002, 02:49 PM
Dear Mocha,
You are one Gorgeous Kitty !!! Sounds like you have a great Forever home with loving guardians.Congratulations on
being chosen & honored today as CAT OF THE DAY !!!
Many, many Tuna treats for Mocha !!!May you always be
as happy & loved as you are today sweet girl...

01-17-2002, 04:01 PM
[COLOR=blue] Dear Mocha,

Of course I am in love with you. You look like my Fifi:

I have been told that my girl is a "Doll Faced Persian" and thought that blues were all short haired.

If you look at your coat real close do you have three different types of hair? Regular fur, straight shafts that are transparent, and stuff that is fine like angel hair. That is what my Fifi has.