View Full Version : what is the silliest thing your dog does?

07-07-2001, 01:12 PM
mine likes to bark at the tv and likes to play with cats! i think that's so funny! :D

07-07-2001, 09:32 PM
The silliest thing Sadie does is jump on top of her Dog House, and lots of other things!! :)

07-08-2001, 09:10 AM
I don't know if it is silly but it sure is annoying. In the morning when she is supposed to go outside to take care of her business she makes me chase her around the house before she consents to go out. So it is through the living room, dining room, kitchen and at least once around the family room before I can get her to the door to go outside.

07-08-2001, 10:00 AM
Rachel, what a great morning exercise routine!! LOL :)

07-09-2001, 11:45 AM
Our boy Buddy has to pick up a stuffed animal before he will go to the back door to go outside. The bigger the toy, the better! Of course, we always take the toy from him as he's headed through the door - maybe he's bringing us a toy to play with when he's outside and we are waiting on the porch? :D

07-09-2001, 02:26 PM
Our couch in the den is in front of the big window and when the kids go by to school, Perry grabs his green rabbit, jumps on the couch and growls and shakes his rabbit at the kids.
Daisy will not take anything at all to eat unless she takes an extended time to smell it. Another thing she does that is silly, she lays under the coffee table for naps. :D

07-09-2001, 09:17 PM
Shaianne sleeps on the bed with me and I will wake up and I will be all scrunched up with my legs in different directions and she will have her but right in the middle of the bed!
She also stretches out in the back seat of the car and if I am back there she has to have her head on my lap. Don't know if its silly but very endearing!!! :p

07-10-2001, 06:10 PM
Well ill bark in a very high tone at someone and then Simba will start barking all mean.

When i take Simba for a walk and theres tall grass and the wind is blowing it he will pounce on it like a cat.

ok we tested him one time to see if he moves at all while were gone.. i put a peice of ham sandwich in his bowl and a couple snacks around the house when we got home Simba was in the same spot we left him and the snacks and ham sandwhich were still there! what a lazy mutt boy!!!!!
And when my mom puts her sheets on her bed after she washes them... he waits and watches her until she puts the very last pillow on the bed and then he jumps up right in between the pillows.
i could go on hes just a silly puppy mutt :D

07-17-2001, 07:50 AM
I was watching my dogs last night, and realized that I had to add this to this page: Paula has this unusual habit of thoroughly licking the inside of Buddy's ears! They were our first 2 dogs, and have a special bond, but... gross! And Buddy loves it! I would think it would be very noisy to have a dog licking inside your ear, but it usually puts him to sleep!

07-17-2001, 12:40 PM
Buddy may have an allergy....or an ear infection....or maybe they just need cleaning....My Golden Retriever, Lucky does that to my Border Collie, Blaze, when his allergies are flaring up....Isn't that weird? I think Lucky wants to help him ease his discomfort so he licks Blaze's ears until he turns them inside out and the little black hairs around the ears get so soaked....I just look at them like "what a couple of goofs" - I think one is trying to help the other's discomfort.....That's just a guess though..... :rolleyes:

07-17-2001, 12:51 PM
That is so funny, Daisy does that to Perry, she licks his ears, and licks and licks, when she is through with that she licks his face.
Another thing, when Kona was alive and she was 14, everyday Perry would go over and lick her eyes, she had cataracts, maybe that was why he did that.

07-17-2001, 03:58 PM
The licking of the ears, like I said, MIGHT be allergies?????????? :confused:
but...I also read that less dominant dogs in the household or pack lick the alpha dog's faces as like an honor thing..... :D
That is tooooo funny :D

07-17-2001, 04:01 PM
I had a German Shephard that would get so excited to see visitors...that his ears would slick back and he would literally "grab" the visitor by the arm and bring them to the mama of the house...as if to say "_______(person's name) is here!"...
I wonder if they do that out of excitement. Kingston just had to grit his teeth on something....He didn't hold on hard but he held on firm!!!! Most of our visitors knew Kingston and thought it funny....I wouldn't let him do that to strangers..... :rolleyes:

07-17-2001, 04:04 PM
My 6 year old Border Collie thinks "when mama makes the bed time" is "Blazie jump up on the bed and roll over on his back and look cute to get his belly rubbed time".......He gets mad when I close the door to make the bed in peace...when I open the bedroom door..He's sitting right there and he follows me out and barks up a storm as if to scold me for closing him out!!!! :p

07-17-2001, 05:49 PM
You're not going to believe this, but I have had a very hard time answering this question! Hope that doesn't mean that we are a boring family!! :eek:

I guess the funniest thing that Lilly does is lie in another room and moan...she wants attention. As soon as I say something to her, I can hear the "thump,thump,thump" of the tail, beating on the floor! She just needs to hear my voice!

As for Honey, the thing that makes me laugh most at her is when she has been frightened, or knows she has broken a rule, she waggles her behind and comes to me with her little eyes all squinty, and a little smile on her face! She knows I can't resist that!! And she never gets fussed at!! LOL! :D

[ July 17, 2001: Message edited by: Logan ]

Daisy's Mom
07-17-2001, 11:46 PM
I think that everything Daisy does is funny, but I'll only share a few things that are really quirky :)

Daisy has a little attitude and I guess that can be silly... today, for instance, I gave her a bath. Well Daisy hates water so she was VERY angry with me. When I opened the bathoom door she went running crazily through the hall and leapt into my bed. My cousin slept over last night and her pillow was on my bed too, but Daisy knew which one was mine, jumped over my cousin's, and rolled on mine, drying her wet hound-smelling little body on it. She then took off down the stairs and crouched there, waiting for me. I went down and tried to pet her but she was in a snit and took off running again. She wanted no part of me. She ran away from me until she tired herself out and laid down. I went to lay next to her and kissed her nose, and she sneezed on me and rolled over. What a brat! It's a good thing she's so cute! :)

Also, when she was a puppy, she had a little biting problem. She knew it was bad but she thought she was the alpha so she bit us all. But sometimes she'd just snap at us and miss us, and so as not to get in trouble, she'd yawn, as if to say, "Who, me? Bite? No, I was just yawning!" We thought it was just a coincidence until it happened every single time :) She's a smart one!

Daisy loves bread, and sometimes if a big Italian bread goes stale, we give it to Daisy. She sits there with this huge long roll in her mouth and then she goes off to eat it... or so we thought. I recently cleaned my room and found, buried under a blanket I had folded in the corner, a long roll! Good thing it wasn't old or it wouldn't have been too pretty. When she was a puppy we used to find empty bread bags in her crate. She knew how to open our bread cabinet and would eat entire bags of hotdog rolls! Then she'd hide the evidence :)

The last one I will share shows how spoiled she is. Every night, she falls asleep downstairs and I carry her up, even though she weighs more than half of me! This started when she was a tiny puppy, but she doesn't let me quit. If she is not carried to bed, she will sit at the bottom of the stairs and howl until I give in and go get hre :)

07-18-2001, 01:31 AM
Talk about hating water...

ButterScotch (cocker spaniel) HATED to take a bath. All you had to do was show her the shampoo bottle and she'd IMMEDIATELY roll over onto her back, put her four feet in the air, and give you THE LOOK.

Sara (boxer) absolutely LOVES water. She will play in the sprinkler until she is DRENCHED! She also has a piece of water hose that she carries around in her mouth--it makes her look like she is smoking a cigar.

07-18-2001, 02:51 PM
My Golden Retriever, Lucky, likes it when I fill up his pool (Little Tykes) after work and when it's "ready" he tip toes in and circles and then lays down real gentle like and just lays there for about 20 seconds and soaks up all he can...like a sponge...and then gets up carefully and tip toes out and runs around the back yard like a crazy dog...shaking and rolling...with a big ole ear to ear grin...... :D

07-18-2001, 11:09 PM
I think the silliest thing that Herc does is use the couch as his giant personal napkin! Everytime he get a drink or when he is done eaten he walk over to the couch and walk up and down the length of it till all the "stuff" is off his face. :D

07-19-2001, 06:21 AM
Graham has done this adorable, funny dance since I first got him 7 years ago and I have no idea how or why he started doing it but I enjoy it. I call it the "butt up dance". When someone comes into the house he gets so excited so he drops his front end onto the ground (his head and front legs) and his back legs are still standing up, then he spins in a circle using his back legs to steer him :) He will spin a few circles with his butt up and his front legs down until his back legs get closer and closer to the ground then he'll colapse, all while his stubble is going a zillion MPH :)

It's really unique and cute :)

07-19-2001, 06:33 AM
Cassie has this habbit that at first we thought was funny, now it's a bit annyoing. Cassie is obsessed with smashing her face when she gets excited. She greets people by smashing her face into their legs. I had to teach her the command "Cassie, NO SMASHIE" because she was getting so obsessed with smashing her face into everyone and everything, that she developed what looked like bloody rug burns on either side of her face. She stumped every vet at the clinic where I took her as to why she does this.

Ritz is now 10 weeks old, and since he was 6 weeks old he has been humping his stuffies :) So funny to see this now little 2 pound puppy who does that. When we see Ritz doing that we always mention something about neutering.

07-19-2001, 06:43 AM
Leslie...Your babies sound so cute and entertaining! I would love to see a video of Graham doing his little dance! Cassie sounds so precious! Every time you write about her my heart leaps. I would love to meet her and have her smash her little face into me! Just love those pugglies. Maybe some day...... I love the command "no smashies." Had me LOL!!! Poor little Ritz. He's feeling his oats a little early! :D Your post is so funny!

07-19-2001, 09:46 AM
Well, the funniest thing my friend's dog ever did was to run off with whatever you were carrying! She would wait by the door and the next person who came through got their things swiped! Once my friend's Mum was carrying a bottle of perfume and the Lab ran off with it! Poor Lila smelled like Chanel for weeks and she hated the smell. She even consented to three baths, one a day, for three days just to get rid of the 'awful' smell!

07-19-2001, 10:05 AM
another funny thing is when my mother is making her bed after she cleaned her sheets and pillow cases Simba will sit out in the hallway by her door untill she is done and then when she puts the last pillow on he jumps up there and rolls and digs around like it is his bed.
Sometimes we find Simba in bed al on the pillows and of course slobbering on my moms favorite pillow! :rolleyes:

07-31-2001, 08:27 PM
Ricky has a few funny little quirks. After I bathe him, he runs around the house going in every room, turning around and running to another room until he is exhausted then he jumps on our bed and hides under one of the pillows with just his nose sticking out.
When I am going to work, I am usually the last one to leave so I have to put Ricky in his little area. A small hall way near the kitchen with a baby gate. I put on the radio, open the window blinds and fix things up for him and he takes off running. I always find him "hiding under my bed" only he just puts his upper torso under the bed and his tail and hind legs are sticking out. It really looks funny.
The funniest though I can not capture on a still picture. Everytime, I take him outside on his leash, Miss Lucy and he play in an empty field near our house. I have a long leash on him, I stand in the middle of the field and they just keep running in circles around me, every once in a while stopping to wrestle a little, kiss a bit and then back in forth again. My neighbors all come out to watch. We are the neighborhood entertainment every evening.

07-31-2001, 10:36 PM
MHMama! I think Ricky is just "air drying" himself when he tears through the house like that! When I wash my car, I always drive it around the block to blow the water off! Maybe that's what he's doing too!! And he's happy, happy to be clean and free! :D

08-01-2001, 12:32 PM
Bailey likes to try to get as many toys in her mouth as she can, she also likes to sleep on her back with her legs spred out. :)

08-27-2001, 03:04 PM
My puppy falls aslepp under our couch, and won't come out. He gets very mad at pigs ears, He grows at them, barks at hem, and eventully chews them like crazy. He also tryes to climb trees, eat flowers, watches tv, swings on hair, and also he oves those BIG bouncy balls to play "fetch" with. I rolled the big ball away, and then he pushes it back to me with his nose. He also does with soccer balls.

08-28-2001, 11:41 AM
Well, since I don't have a dog, I guess my cousin's would count. Often she brings him over and I watch him while she's away at work. :)

Once I brought out my trumpet and wanted to see his reaction to the music. So I played a few long notes and he was so cute. He first ran around in circles excitedly, then starting howling along to it. Finally he got up the courage to leap up on the couch I was sitting on and attack the trumpet from my side. Then once I had taken him for a walk and started humming. He stopped turned around and looked at me curiously-- bounding up and down. It has to be something with music. ;)

He's just a puppy and he's full of energy, as any is. When he get's all excited when he's playing, I'd toss a toy off further in the room and he'd zoom past me to go get it. :D

I love puppies. :)