View Full Version : The newbies *sorry no pics yet*

04-15-2005, 10:04 PM
Well I went to the pet store today and got two new roaches. Little squirts only about 3 months old by my estimate. I'd rather get adults that are done shedding and full size. The female is pregnant already, you can see her egg case, and the male I chose was the less aggressive of the two they had. They really need handling though, very skiddish. Requiem can in a shipment from the breeder already an adult and you could tell she'd been handled, these guys were born in a store that is full of employees too scared to touch them. Anyway, when I put them in with Requiem they climbed the walls (these two can climb!) and Reuiem immediately sized the sides of the male and used him for a ladder (how convenient ma!) and ended up knocking them both down because she is too big for him to hold up! Cuteness! I named the little girl Epitaph, and I'm still working on the boy's name (hint hint).
BTW, they had two giant black millipedes I got to hold. I thought they'd be all squishy and delacate like the little ones around here. I never imagined they'd be muscular like a snake. I'd love to get one but they aren't for me as I wouldn't have much to feed them, rotting veggies ewww. At least the roachies like fresh food.
So anyway I spent another $30 on roachs today. Call me crazy but I love the store and support them because they don't sell feeder pets, at last not at feeder prices (who pays $15 to feed a roach to their lizard) and because in a little incubator in the front desk were one day old mice being well taken care of (the mother came to the store preggers) such a cute sight! Never a better store for taking care of thir critters.
Pics coming sometime soon, don't have a digital camera.

04-17-2005, 10:01 PM
Something is wrong with Requiem and Epitaph. They are being rather lethargic and walking funny. I'm hoping its just because they were on my floor and picked up carpet fibers, but I don't see any. If it were the two new ones I'd say dehydration because I don't mist their cages like the pet store does, but Requiem wouldn't have a problem then. I hope they make it through the next few days and start walking better. Anywho, where are them names you guys are so great at, I can't just call the boy "it".

04-18-2005, 09:15 AM
Guess who's got it set for winning most unusual pet at the FVHA pet walk this year?!

04-18-2005, 09:25 AM
I have a SERIOUS phobia about insects, but I am glad that you were able to add 2 new pets.

I still think the name Eulogy would go well with Epitaph.

NOW???? how does one tell a male roach from a female roach? (and does the answer need to include pictures :eek: )

04-18-2005, 11:48 AM
Males are usually smaller and have two large horns/bumps on top of their head, females are longer and rounder and lack the horns. Males also have longer, furry antennae, females have short, smooth antennae. I like Eulogy but it sounds too girly to me. I know a lot of people are bug phobic so I will be bringing a covered travel cage to the pet walk this year.

04-18-2005, 03:54 PM
are your little roachies feeling better?

if you want anymore, call me and i will mail some to you. lots over here!!! LOL

04-18-2005, 04:48 PM
Looked in on them before class, hehehe not supposed to have them in the dorms, and they seemed to look better, they were climbing on the sides laying like normal instead of being all hunched up on the tips of their feet. I think they will be alright:D I was surprised to find all of them upright, the little ones don't yet know how to right themselves when they flip upside-down. No more, three's company, the little girl is gonna have little ones of her own in a month or two anyway. BTW, I've never had one young enough that it still shed, is that something I should be concerned about? Have any of your's had a hard time shedding? I never misted Requiem's cage since she didn't need as high a humidity, I just have a damp paper towel on half of the floor, should I mist it to help them shed? Any info about babies will be appreciated.

04-21-2005, 11:15 AM
*Bump* anybody have molting/shedding info?