View Full Version : How Do I Post Pics?

01-16-2002, 07:32 PM
How do I post pics that I have taken on my dig camera. i tried once and it said that my pic was too large. Now what? How do I make the pic smaller??

01-16-2002, 08:06 PM
Carla, I use a digi cam too :] It makes the pics huge! You need a photo program of some sort. I use Paint shop pro and Adobe 5.5, I'm sure theres other things as well that you can use. If you need any more help just ask :]

Hmm..do you mean for an attachment? or just out of the digi cam itself?

01-16-2002, 08:24 PM
You need some sort of photo editing program. Paintshop Pro, Photoshop - just about any "paint" program will do this. There is a "resize" command under one of the menus, usually "Image" and most program just let you type in the target size. You can also crop a picture, so that it just includes the "important" part, THEN resize.

If you want to use an image as an avatar, it needs to be 60x60 pixels or smaller. Miss Hoppy's picture on mine is 50x50, and shows up fine, I think!

If you get desperate, you can email the images to me, and I can resize them for you and email them back, just send them to me at [email protected]!

01-16-2002, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Karen
... Miss Hoppy's picture on mine is 50x50, and shows up fine, I think!

Concur. Miss Hoppy is adorable as an avator.

(The avators that tickle me are the movable ones. Not sure how those work. Sigh. The new Pet Talk looks great, but it's been a bit of a learning experience!)

01-16-2002, 10:18 PM
Also, how come my sig pics do not show up at all?? Only the fire hydrant shows up?
what gives..........

01-16-2002, 10:32 PM
This is just a test

01-16-2002, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by purrfectpaws
Also, how come my sig pics do not show up at all?? Only the fire hydrant shows up?
what gives..........

I don't know, as other people have multiple image signatures that work okay. Are they all coming from the same source?

01-17-2002, 09:59 AM
Everything is coming from WEbshots?
Can Karen tell me what's up with that?

01-17-2002, 10:01 AM
Mine did the same thing, only a few pictures would show up. I think it's just webshots. I upload my pictures at hypermart.net and they come up fine :]

Cinder & Smoke
01-17-2002, 10:53 AM
All of us that store photos on WebShots.com are having the same problem - photo here today and gone a minute later.

Almost a week ago WebShots announced that they were going to do a major "server upgrade" that was supposed to be finished last Saturday... That notice is STILL on their home page :rolleyes:.

Our thummy nail pix have been appearing very intermittantly ever since. We (Cinder & Smoke) are now trying a site called Photogra.com (link =)
Photogra.com (http://www.photogra.com/index.cfm)
We have our two signature thummies on there now and they appear to link here on Pet Talk without any problems - yet...

But don't rush to try it till we see How Long they keep working. I think the photo hosting sites may be using new software to prevent us from linking "their" stored photos to BBS sites like Pet Talk. If you don't mind having to change your profile a few times, feel free to join Photogra.com and try it yourself.

Photogra,com is free for now; and it works sorta like WebShots. Once you get your photos uploaded to Photogra.com, right click on the thumbnail (or do the Internet Explorer highlighting of the photo's storage location) and bring the location back to your Edit Profile page on Pet Talk.

*PASTE* the photo storage location inside the Signature box and *ADD* an [IM G] in front and an [/IM G] behind each photo location. Remember to *click* the SUBMIT MODIFICATIONS box at the bottom of the edit profile page to process the changes.

Same things apply to trying to "Post" live pictures in the body of a post - WebShots photos are often not appearing... Photogra.com pix might do better.

If you have problems you can e-mail me at:
Phred;s E-mail. ([email protected])