View Full Version : Oz and Gull-The DoubleMint Twins (video)

04-15-2005, 06:00 PM
Hi y'all!

I've got a couple new videos of Oz and Gully. The music one is at http://www.musicdogvideos.com Labeled DoubleMint Twins.

Then I've got kind of an embarassing one I was gonna just post here. Mainly embarassing, cuz I'm singing it. Here is proof that Gull loves 70's Bubble Gum Pop music. Notice his reaction to The Platters, "Only You" vs The Brady Bunches, "Keep On Movin'". I'm gonna try an Osmond song on him next. :)


04-15-2005, 06:13 PM
That's adorable! You know it makes me think of Willie a bit, I remember how he'd get when I was playing a pop song I liked and started singing or dancing to it, he'd come racing from where ever he was, or jump up from a dead sleep, and start barking and "dancing" along with me.

What a wonderful memory. Thanks for helping me to think of it again. :)

04-15-2005, 06:59 PM
Aw, Par, you have a great voice! And the puppers are, of course, fantastic! I love checking their videos, and my little 18-month-old daughter especially liked the Doublemint Twins video ("Doggie? Two doggies!!"). Then again, we're partial to collies at our house!

Suki Wingy
04-15-2005, 09:24 PM
Aw, You have an awsome voice! I just love your music videos! :D :D :D

Holly's mom
04-15-2005, 09:52 PM
Those were great!:D I had to watch them several times, your dogs are so pretty and you have a great voice!

04-15-2005, 09:58 PM
Oh Par, your videos always make me :D!

I really love the one of you singing (I think you have a great voice too). Gully really seems to like the Brady Bunch song!

04-18-2005, 09:33 AM
Hi K9soul! I think you need to join the threesome club with so many of us around here and get another Collie. :)

Thanks Tricollie4me! We need to see more of that adorable Bijou. Bet she's growing like a weed.

Thanks Suki! Got a Murph video planned next, so stayed tuned.

hola Holly's Mom! We need to see another cute video of Miss Holly, cuz I always love your videos too.

Hi Anna! Yeh he is such character. Not sure what the fascination is with the Brady Bunch, but I'll have to try and get one of him actually dancing all around me, going nutz, with them singing that song.

04-18-2005, 09:47 AM
You have a beautiful voice!!!! :D

Your two definitely want an encore. :D

04-18-2005, 05:13 PM
Thanks Ramanth! I've got an Osmond song planned for them next. The Honeybee song. Bunch buzzing in that song, so I'm sure they'll love it. :)

04-18-2005, 05:15 PM
Your videos are always great! I love watching them:D Do you think we could have some new pics of the Collies and Murph?:)

04-18-2005, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by Orangutango
Do you think we could have some new pics of the Collies and Murph?:)

Ditto. Please?? :D

Adorable video!

04-18-2005, 06:47 PM
Ohhh, I'm so glad I didn't miss this. You know how much I just love your videos! Oh, those collie boys of yours are just the cutest set of twins I've ever seen ;). I thought it was pretty cool that Gully likes the Brady Bunch song...lol. How about the Partridge Family does he like those songs as well :p . I just love all your furbabies, Les. When do we get to see Murph?

I just gotta get me one of those collie boys!

Robin :)

04-18-2005, 07:20 PM
I have to say those are really great. Thanks for the opportunity to see them.

04-19-2005, 11:29 AM
Thanks Devan, Manda and Mini! I haven't been taking many pics lately. One, because I've got a new video camera and have been busily playing with that and Two, I've run out of new ideas for pics of the gang. If the weather's nice this weekend, maybe I'll take Gull out to Brenham for some pics in the Bluebonnets though.

Hola Robin! I'll have to try Patridge Family on him too. I've got CDs and Albums of pretty much all the 70s bubble gum rock groups, so I'll have to run all of them by him. I know he loves Davy Jones singing "Girl", especially if I sing along and change "Girl" to "Gull". "I'm telling you, Gull... Look what you've done for me... Gull" ;)

I've got an idea for a Murph video. Just haven't gotten it to work yet. I may have to switch gears, but the next one will definitely be of the Murph Dog.


04-19-2005, 11:34 AM
LOL...oh, I love it! I remember that Davy Jones song...lol. Geesh you sure are bringing back memories.

Can't wait to see Sir Murph!

Robin :)