View Full Version : moving with 3 katz.... very upset!

keeper of the katz
04-15-2005, 04:59 PM
well, this is Midnight's (6 years) 4th move, so she saw the boxes and has started freaking out! She keeps attacking them, clawing and chewing the corners. Ginger (3 years) doesn't get it, even though she's moved once with us, and Buddy (1y 9m) thinks that they're giant toys! He'll sneak up on them, wiggling his butt, then pounce on them. Then, when he hits it, he rolles over, then curls around it, bunny-kicking it with his back legs. He also likes to jump on top of them (He's an 11 lb Turkish Van) and squashes the tops. We keep having to tape up the tops. lol, at least it'll be over in a couple weeks.....

04-15-2005, 05:07 PM
The Found cats were not happy,when we moved here,but then it was only Scrappy,Michael,and Princess.I put them,in the bathroom.And I looked in,on them,and Scrappy,was trying,to run away,but he didnt know,where to run to.Hopefully your move,will go smoothly,and they will adjust.I cant remenber who,it was but an English writer,had his new house,built the same,as his old,so the Cat,wouldnt be confused!


Laura's Babies
04-15-2005, 05:21 PM
What a way to describe it, I could see it in my minds eye... You are great with words!