View Full Version : Cat trees?

PJ's Mom
04-15-2005, 04:43 PM
Am I mistaken in thinking that someone here makes very nice cat trees?

I'm in need of a new project that doesn't cost too much and my kitties have never had a cat tree. I think they'd enjoy it.

I'm wondering what materials are needed and how much talent is needed to build one.

Thanks. :)

04-15-2005, 04:52 PM
I think,that f you know basic carpentry,and have the wd,cut out,before hand,that it would be easy.But I can do,neither,so Anna,sent me one,for The Found Cats,who love it!


04-15-2005, 04:55 PM
This is a site I found, not sure how good it is.


Also, I think I've heard that there are some cheap ones on E-Bay ;)

PJ's Mom
04-15-2005, 05:04 PM
Michael looks cozy in his cat tree. ;)

Thanks Robyn. I'll check it out. :D

Laura's Babies
04-15-2005, 05:45 PM
E bays are exceptionally cheap but check the shipping cost first!!

I have made several (Mike and I did), they will cut the lumber for you at some of the places you buy it and charge something like 10 cents a cut. You can carpet the whole thing or carpet some and sisal rope some, they LOVE sisal rope...

This is the one we made but before we attached the handicap ramp we made for Amy to get up there, the ramp is on the right, propped up.


Another we made for someone for Christmas

and another we made to donate to a church auction, a Noah's Ark

PJ's Mom
04-15-2005, 06:02 PM
Those are awesome! My cats would have a blast on something like that.

I'm feeling inspired. ;)

04-15-2005, 06:46 PM
This is the one my dad and I made in Feb. and hubby carpeted.


This is the one my Dad made for me for a Christmas gift two years ago.


Here's a link to how to make the second one. He made a few modifications to it, like the tunnel for the bottom perch. Mine is also a little taller.
cat tree (http://amby.com/cat_site/cattree.html)

For the first one pictured I found it on ebay and got the dimensions and then dad and I made it with some modifications.

04-15-2005, 09:04 PM
Our cat tree has been the GREATEST thing EVER for our two!!! I've noticed that it really makes them muscular also!!!

My dad built mine. It's a very simple cat tree.

Here's my hubby standing beside our cat tree:

PJ's Mom
04-15-2005, 10:16 PM
These are great! Thanks everyone. :)

I got hubby's ok to pick a design and get started on one...as long as I don't hurt myself..which I'm known for doing. :D Now to pick... :eek:

04-16-2005, 07:04 AM
We have some seriously talented PT'ers!!! I had to buy mine. Couldn't get hubby to pull out the power tools. I guess I will have to build my own next time!;)

Laura I don't remember seeing that Noah's Ark tree before. That is gorgeous!!! How cute!

Laura's Babies
04-16-2005, 08:25 AM
CCL, I posted it just a few days before I went back to work last time, we worked on it the whole time I was off. There were many places they could get in it and all these here, plus Yetta and Klinger gave it their kitty test and very much approved it. If it had not sold at the auction, I was going to give Mike his money for it and keep it myself. We made it to look rustic and old and we just had a blast planning and doing that one.

PJ's Mom
04-16-2005, 11:47 AM
I'm wondering how hard it would be to take all the things I like about everyone's trees and design one of my own.

I guess it doesn't have to be too big since I only have 2 cats.

I'm excited about this! ;)

Laura's Babies
04-16-2005, 12:40 PM
That is the greatest part of doing one yourself, you can do it ANY way you want.. I made that first one to fit the kitchen window, made sure it was big enough for four and had a handicap ramp for Amy... I couldn't have bought one anymore perfect for mine that that!

The ONLY thing I wished I had done that I didn't do (but just need to add it) is some sides on the higher perches for Amy since she is so unsteady and has come close to falling off several times.

PJ's Mom
04-16-2005, 03:49 PM
I don't think I would know how to go about building something for the special needs cats you have. I envy you and love what you've built. it shows how much you love them. :)

I have this dream that after I finish my cat tree, my cats will love me soooo much they will thank me by giving me lots of attention and purrs and...

yeah right. :D

PJ's Mom
04-16-2005, 11:54 PM
I found this today while looking up designs for our new cat tree:


I thought it was interesting, but I'm not sure if I'd want a ladder in my living room. :)

Laura's Babies
04-17-2005, 09:27 AM
I like that too! What a idea!! Hummmmm..

They will be to busy enjoying their perch you build them to sit in your lap and love on you but once yous see how much they love it, you will want to build them another, and another, and another!..and they seem to know as you are working on it, that it IS for THEM!

04-17-2005, 09:50 AM
Hey that ladder one you could buy ladder at garage sales then it would be really cheap. I would how ever paint the ladder first. ummm going to have to go garaging now. With 3 cats I guess its time . I did make a cat bed from the pattern some of you great cat people gave It got a little big . But Moose seems to use it most so large is good for my(newly weight boy now hitting ) 25 Lbs.

PJ's Mom
04-17-2005, 04:01 PM
Are wooden ladders cheap new? I'm thinking of running to Hope Depot to get a small one. :)

04-17-2005, 10:51 PM
I was looking at building a cat tree, but then came across this website -


Even if you don't think they're for you - watching the videos of the cats playing on the shelves is fun!

They are basically carpeted shelves that you put on your walls to turn the whole wall/ room into a cat gym! sure looks like fun and would be VERY easy to cover some boards with carpet and mount them on the wall. the hardware they use to mount the shelves at any angle is simply the same hardware used for stair handrails - so it's easy to get at any hardware store.

Since my house doesn't have alot of floor space to dedicate to a cat tree, these will work better for me - and Pixel LOVES being up 'high'.

Also, when you build a cat tree, I think I read somewhere that you want to have 2 square feet of base for every 2 feet of height over 3' - so the taller you build, the more base or anchoring it's going to need - esp if you have more than one cat, or a heavy or athletic cat that might tip it. You can also 'anchor' it with a brace to the wall or ceiling.


PJ's Mom
04-17-2005, 11:08 PM
Thanks for that link, Laura. :)

04-18-2005, 02:14 AM
My Siamese use to just love to jump up onto the refrigerator and then on top of the cabinets. they are mounted about two feet from the ceiling. I have baskets up there and he would get into one and sleep. Hasn't done it lately, not sure why.

My little one jumps up on my bannisters and they are one story up on the top floor. She jumps up and runs along them. Also balances and trys to catch her tail. Scares me but she is perfectly happy. Especially since the Siamese can't do it. He is too heavy to pull such a stunt, He would fall.

I have the same situation in my bathroom. The top of the closets are about two feet down from the ceiling. My little one can actually jump more than twice her body length and get on top of one of them. She jumps from the counter top. Then she jumps from one ledge to the other. three in all. She thinks she is so hot when she does it and she is up so high. Simon, the Siamese, cannot follow her.:rolleyes: