View Full Version : A few pictures.

04-15-2005, 02:17 PM
Some pictures of the fur kids. I cant seem to get very many good pictures of Jada these days. She hates the camera anymore. Can anyone tell me how to make her love the camera?:p

Hi Pet Talk

Do we have to do the picture thing?
Thats it NO more of your camera in my face.

Dixieland Dancer
04-15-2005, 02:24 PM
Both your pups are precious! :D Perhaps if you give Jada a cookie everytime you snap her picture she would start looking forward to it! Just my little suggestion! :D

PJ's Mom
04-15-2005, 02:25 PM
Awww, it's Diamond and Jada! (((hugs))) to both of you. :)

04-15-2005, 05:17 PM
I'm MELTING! Jadapit!!!!

I just love Jada's eyes! She is stunning!!! I giggle a little every time I see Diamond's ears! They are so cute!!!! You have two beautiful puppers!! :D

PJ's Mom
04-15-2005, 05:20 PM
This one:

and this one:

are my favorites. :D

I think we need more pics. ;)

04-15-2005, 05:21 PM
They're both gorgeous -- healthy, vibrant puppers! I love their sweet faces :)

04-15-2005, 06:16 PM
You still managed to get off a few good shots of them mate, your kids are looking good.:)

04-15-2005, 06:55 PM
They are precious! Both their expressions seem so filled with love :)

04-15-2005, 08:46 PM
Awww, your two girls are just precious! I love seeing pics of the two of them! Thanks for sharing, Jadapit!

Ginger's Mom
04-15-2005, 09:03 PM
Great pictures! Tell Jada she is a very pretty girl, there is certainly no reason for her to be camera-shy. :) Diamond is looking good too. I haven't seen many pictures of your girls.

Suki Wingy
04-15-2005, 09:08 PM
Ahhhh,, so nice to see you guys again!!:D Maybe you can talk in a really exited voice everytime the camera comes out, and lots of treats too might help!:D :cool:
p.s.~ the first and last of Diamond and the first of Jada are ESPECIALLY adorable!:D

04-16-2005, 04:20 AM
Aww i have missed seeing Diamond and Jada photos, they are lovely :D. And yes we need more ;). Thanks for sharing.

04-16-2005, 05:46 AM
Both of your pups are adorable! Looks like you did a good job getting pics even though Jada doesn't like the camera! :D

04-16-2005, 09:42 AM
OMG i looooove your dogs, they are too cute!!!!

04-16-2005, 09:59 AM
Great pics of the dogs.Looks like they are enjoying themselves,Especially Jada.

04-16-2005, 12:18 PM
I have to agree with Candy...try giving a couple of cookies. Works almost everytime for my three:D

Those are wonderful pictures, even if Jada decided she didn't want to participate any more!

04-16-2005, 01:42 PM
Keep thos epics coming Jadapit!;)

04-16-2005, 02:04 PM
those are great pics of DIAMOND...and JADA is just as
georgeous as ever....yes! more pics needed!!!:p

04-16-2005, 02:30 PM
What a beautiful doggies you have :) Those are very cute photos :)