View Full Version : Buying stuff for your furbabies

01-16-2002, 12:32 PM
Do you spend lots of money on your furbabies? Even more than you would spend on yourself? It seems like I am always finding something they can't live without! :) My husband said "You spend more money on the cats than you do on me!" I replied, "I spend more on the cats than I do both of us combined!"

So, what about you? Are your kitties sending you to the "poor-house"? :D

01-16-2002, 01:22 PM
I've cut back on buying for the fur-kids, but at one time it was ridiculous. Both toy baskets were full to over-flowing, one 'shelf' in the kitty condo was unusable due to cat toys and still the floor was ankle deep in catnip mice, foam balls, etc. (I'm sure at least some of you can relate.) It was kind of embarrassing to realize that the fur-kids didn't really care all that much about toys. Sigh. But we do play more with the toys 'we' have together now, so the play time has actually increased, it seems.

:o :o Confessions of an obsessive mommy

01-16-2002, 02:56 PM
Oh yes! Whenever I go to the store it seems I buy stuff for them. Yum Yum loves to play with the toys but Dutchess could care less about them. :D

I want one of those tents now that Noahsmommy has!!! :D


Former User
01-17-2002, 08:13 AM
At the beginning yes, but now, not so often anymore. We came to realise that those manufactured toys don't seem to intrest Casper and Kitty, they rather play with really simple stuff like pair of old socks rolled as a ball.... :)

But nothing, I mean nothing beats the fur mousies :D :D

01-17-2002, 09:26 AM
I have also cut down on buying toys for them, because they seem to be more interested in playing with things that are not put there for them, such as pens, coins, even my nail filer! They love their turbo-scratcher and the cat crazies (when I fish them out from under the couch for them!) I really think that the cat-crazies are the best toy. They're inexpensive and the cats love them-they're just like milk jug rings, but made of a sturdier plastic, so there's no danger of the cats chewing a piece off and swallowing it. They also love their laser pointer (which needs a new battery right now...bad Momma :rolleyes: ).

I was supposed to get them a few Christmas gifts, but I haven't gotten around to it yet, because I have a friend that is giving me his old computer, and I had to buy a monitor for it. So, hopefully by next week I will have a computer at home, wa-hoo!

Sorry, guys, this time Momma gets her toy first. :)