View Full Version : a few new pics (with new scanner) and a good story:)

04-14-2005, 07:57 PM
I made a post not too long ago about Bob clawing a hole into the bottom of the boxspring and sleeping inside and really, I thought it couldn't go any farther. On a day off however, I was lying in our bed reading when I felt the bed shaking and what could only be Bob clawing at something and Don occasionally meowing.... I look under the bed to see Don, INSIDE the boxspring, atacking Bob, who is on the ground, OUTSIDE the boxspring!!!!!!!! It was the weirdest and funniest thing I have seen in quite awhile:). So, in order to save the bed and teach the boys a bit of a lesson, we put the mattress and box spring on the floor, after taping the bottom up good with packing tape. After a week or two we'll put the frame backl in but for now, well, no:). The boys however... are really really freaked by all this. They've spent the last few days running around the bed, trying to worm their way under it... It's very strange, hopefully we're not causing permanent damage to them by all this, but they shouldn't be eating the bed in the first place!!!!!
Now, some pics, scanned with a new scanner and program, so if they're small or distorted, give me some time to fix them:)

Playing with the bedroom door

Who, me?

Up close and personal

04-14-2005, 08:56 PM
ROFLMBO!!!:D :D :D I can just see the confusion of the boys...Why did you take away our favorite play spot? There is very little that is more irritating than a cat in your mattress when your trying to sleep! They may be traumatized briefly but I have a feeling they will get over it.;) Do you really think they will forget in the few weeks that you have the matttress off of the frame? I promise you the first night you put them back up they will have a blast all night long!!:D :D :D

I loved all the pictures but that first one is too cute!!! You have two very adorable boys.:)

04-14-2005, 09:26 PM
ugh my Boomer ripped holes in the bottom of our box spring too!:( I'm dreading the day that the inspectors come back to pick up the bed. Hopefully it own't be a big deal:o :)
(we live overseas at a military base, most of our furniture is government issue)

04-14-2005, 11:26 PM
So this new photo program takes some getting used too....

04-14-2005, 11:33 PM
K, that;s as small as they;re getting tonight, I need sleeeep, more pics soon though!

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-15-2005, 03:35 AM
You have such beautiful cats!!