View Full Version : Shaving of the Cats

K & L
04-14-2005, 07:03 PM
Today was rather stressful: I get to work by 6:00 a.m. so I can get to a Dr.’s appointment in the morning without taking time off work for it. I grab something fast to eat for lunch and sit at my desk, for the same reason. I had a job interview, which had my stomach in knots, and then I get into a very “hot” car (it’s in the 90’s today) only to walk through the door with hair EVERYWHERE. It’s in clumps on the floors, bed, chairs…the cats are shedding like crazy. As most of you know I’m a clean freak and this is just driving me crazy. Guess it’s time for the summer shave of our long hair cats! Off to go vacuum…..

04-14-2005, 07:09 PM
Wow, such a rough day and to come home and find all that and have to spend more time trying to get everything cleaned up.....:eek: Do they quit shedding when they get shaved, or do they still shed but just shorter hairs?:confused:

04-14-2005, 07:27 PM
LOL!!! I told hubby yesterday that I'm finding so many clumps and pieces of cats all around the house that I just know one of them has vanished and we haven't noticed yet!!:p That's not counting the gazillion hocked up hairballs!
This is the one thing I do not like about Spring!:rolleyes:

04-14-2005, 07:30 PM
I'm getting really tempted to shave Tibby. The last three days I've spent about 30 minutes using the shedding blade on her. It seems like it will never end, no matter how much I brush off there is still more hair to be brushed off. I'd feel a little guilty about shaving her, like I'd ruin her pride. But maybe she would feel cooler, it is already getting really hot.

The nice thing is that I do know of a good cat groomer. My friends have to take in their cat for a shave regularly since it has a cleft pallet and is allergic to itself. So if I decide to do it I will take her to their groomer.

04-14-2005, 07:32 PM


04-14-2005, 07:57 PM
My Felix sheds alot!! He is short haired and the more i brush him the more is there.I spent half the day yesterday cleaning hair off the sofa and brushing him(he dont like being brushed ):mad: Do they shed only at certain times or is this permanent?:confused: He is 8 mths old!! I finally got smart and covered the sofa:D Hopeing that he stops sheding soon:eek: I was wondering if i went to a pet grooming place and get something done to minimize the shed of hair??Any suggestions on the best way to get cat hair off clothing and furniture??I would love to know:)

K & L
04-14-2005, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Felix
Any suggestions on the best way to get cat hair off clothing and furniture??I would love to know:)

I have one of these and it works GREAT!


04-14-2005, 08:04 PM
My red rug upstairs is WHITE from Pumpkin, the orange and white long haired foster. His belly fur is EVERYWHERE!!!

04-15-2005, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by Felix
My Felix sheds alot!! He is short haired and the more i brush him the more is there.

Yoshi is short hair, and he is the one that sheds the most. It's like he sits in my lap and after he leaves it looks like he exploded! Both Fluffy & Lucky are long hairs, and although they shed, it isn't nearly as much as Yoshi.

You remember the Charlie Brown, the comic strip and his friend Pig Pen? That fits Yoshi to a tee.........:rolleyes: You just look at him and there is a cloud of fur floating around him!

BTW Fluffy is already scheduled for his annual "summer do" next Friday. He will be bathed and then get his lion cut.

Like Lisa said, its been pretty warm here lately, in the 90's now...WHAT happened to Spring??!! :eek: :eek:

04-15-2005, 01:32 AM
You cut your cat's fur in AZ? Never heard of anyone doing that though my brother and family live there. They are more dog and horse people. We never cut the hair in KS. although I never owned a really long hair cat.

My Siamese sheds year round. This past month his fur was flying everytime I pet him. I usually take him outside in nice weather and brush him. In the winter I do it in the bathroom. My short haired kitty never sheds that much to brush.

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-15-2005, 02:02 AM
Our Maya is also shedding like crazy now. I just cannot wear any dark clothes, as they get a "white-&-orange touch" in no time!! My hubby used to pet her in the morning; but now he has to do that while he still wears his pj's, or his suit is "coated" too :rolleyes: :D. Well, our lint-roll is always handy!!