View Full Version : So torn....

01-16-2002, 09:54 AM
I went shopping last night and bought a bunch of supplies, dog food, and treats for our local Humane Society. While browsing the site for office times and against my better judgement I looked at the dogs they had up for adoption and found this little guy...


I'm taking Kia with me when I drop off the supplies after work today.

I'm going to ask if she can interact with Kruzer but I know it will just be the nail in the coffin.

I just don't know if I'm ready for another dog. Room wise mainly. But I think Kia could use the companionship.

:( :confused:


Dixieland Dancer
01-16-2002, 10:00 AM
Oh my! What a beauty!!! It is going to be hard to pass this one up! ;) The markings are so beautiful and perfectly placed and I love the different colors of eyes!

I hope Kia gets along and you decide you have enough room! :cool:

01-16-2002, 10:07 AM
He's adorable. I can't believe someone hasn't scooped him up already. I sure hope Kia likes him. It sounds like he will like her.

01-16-2002, 10:52 AM
Their website was last updated Jan. 8th, so there is a good chance he may of already been adopted. I'm not going to call though since I'm already going out there anyway to drop off my donations.

Kia's web picture was put up on the site the same day I adopted her. I hadn't picked her up yet and paniced.

They are not the greatest at keeping their site updated but it's a great facility.


01-16-2002, 12:49 PM
The dog is beautiful!! GL to you if you deside to adopt :D

01-16-2002, 12:54 PM
Oh Bruzer is so handome! I hope they get along and you decide that there is enought room in your home for this pup!

Keep us updated!

01-16-2002, 03:33 PM
Seeing that face brought tears to my eyes...What a beautiful labbie!! Look at those gorgeous eyes; and that expression! I wish you the BEST luck on your visit. Everything crossed!!:) (Kia, give the paw up on this one!!:D)

01-16-2002, 06:35 PM
He's a cutie, can see why he'd be hard to resist!

01-16-2002, 09:19 PM

I got out of work today and it was snowing so hard that visibility was nill and the roads were horrible. It took me nearly 40 minutes to get home when it normally only takes me 15.

I knew there was no way I could get Kia and get to the HS before they closed.

I gave them a call and lo and behold. Kruzer was being neutered today and I wouldn't of been able to see him anyway. He has not been adopted.

They said I'm welcome to bring Kia by tomorrow.

Hopefully the roads will be better.


01-16-2002, 09:41 PM
What a stunning dog--just like your Kia! I love how Kruzer has those white-tipped paws too. I've never seen anything like him.

Lots of luck at the shelter tomorrow! He looks like he'd be a wonderful companion for your beautiful mutt...if, of course, Kia will allow it. :D

01-16-2002, 09:44 PM
Kudos to you for thinking about rescuing that beautiful baby!! Duncan has been bad all night and I can't imagine having another!! I'm wiped out right now...:rolleyes: Good luck tomorrow and be careful driving! Remember, if he is getting neutered today, his personality may be different for a few days until he recovers so perhaps you should visit more than once to get to know him! (I'm sure you know this already...just a little reminder!:) ) I know how it is when you're there and the pup is looking at you all sad and sweet....

01-16-2002, 10:05 PM
Oh my gosh, what a beauty he is, he has a sweet face, I think he would be mellow. Good luck and I hope it all works out for you.

01-16-2002, 10:08 PM
Good luck, Kimmy. I will have my fingers crossed, and Honey and Lilly have offered to cross their paws too. Maybe this was meant to be.........I hope so!! :D

01-17-2002, 06:07 AM
What a sweet looking dog!

Kia, be a good girl, I promise you that after a few das you will love having someone to play with and I'm sure mummy has enough love for both of you.

01-17-2002, 06:28 AM
Now THAT is a BEAUTIFUL puppy! No wonder you couldn't resist him. He's SO unique but yet, he has that priceless labby smile! I LOVE him! How could anyone resist him??? I don't blame you one bit for falling in love with him, he's one beautiful baby! I sure hope everything turns out favorably (sp?) for you and Kia. Is Kia normally good with other dogs or is she dog dominant at all? Dominent dogs often are better off if they are paired off with the opposite sex, but you probablly knew that already.

01-17-2002, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by AdoreMyDogs
Is Kia normally good with other dogs or is she dog dominant at all? Dominent dogs often are better off if they are paired off with the opposite sex, but you probablly knew that already.

Kia loves other dogs and cats. She loves to play and run around with them. She's never shown a preference to either male or female.

The only time we've had a problem is at dinner time. She gets very possessive and believes all food that is set on the floor is HERS!

She snapped at my Great Aunt's terrier, Foxy, at Christmas time when Dad tried sharing some turkey with the two.

After that, Foxy didn't want anything to do with Kia and bared his teeth and growled at her whenever she approached to play. She had an expression as if she didn't realize what she had done was wrong.

Her obedience instructor said if I was thinking of getting another dog I should get a male around her age.


01-17-2002, 02:24 PM
A glimmer of hope?

I brought up the fact that I was going to take Kia to meet Kruzer today over lunch with Michael.

While he's uncertain if we have the money or space for a second dog, he was not angry or against me taking her.

In fact he wants to go too.

So maybe.....


01-17-2002, 02:34 PM
Oh Kimmy, how exciting it must be! I can't wait to hear about how things went and if you and Michael decide to take Kruzer home with you.

I want another doggy so badly. But I know that I can not handle another dog on my own. Especially since I like big dogs. Drake is my size and if I have another one his size, they can revolt and have me for dinner, Just Kidding! I can't take them both out at the same time. I was thinking of getting a smaller doggy, like a Chi or Rat Terrier, but I am terrified that Drake would play too hard with them and hurt them. He is very territorial and can be aggressive towards other dogs. So, until Andrew is done with flight school and he and I are in the same household, we will just have to have one Draker!

The thing you said about Kia being aggressive when it comes to food, shouldn't be a big deal to settle. I am sure you can get help from someone on the board.

What time are you going?

01-17-2002, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
What time are you going?

I'm gonna sneak out of work early. :D The Humane Society closes at 7.

Michael is concerned that she might be very territorial when it comes to actually bringing Kruzer into our home if we decide to get him.

She's always been nice to other dogs but it's been on neutral ground.

Also, she's crate trained. Not sure if the lab is but I don't think it'd be fair to have to crate her and let the lab have run of the apartment. If I crated the lab, would the crates be okay next to each other? I'm hoping maybe if Kia has company she won't NEED to be crated anymore. Either that or she'd teach him the joys of eating everything not nailed down. LOL!!


01-17-2002, 04:04 PM

A couple of months ago when I wasa trying to adopt Lily, a rescue GSD, I was told to take a towel or something that Lily could play with and get her scent all oer and introduce it to Drake at home and see how he reacts. I do not know what to tell you to do about that. Here is a suggestion though (something I was planning on doing before Lily drug me all over the parking lot on my belly before we even got in the car). I made arrangements with the shelter to take Lily home for the weekend and see how she did with Drake. I am a regular volunteer there and they had no problem with it. If things worked out between the two dogs, I would go back and fill out the paperwork and pay the fees. You may want to try that. If things go well with Kia and Kruzer today, ask if you can pick him up tomorrow to try an dsee how they will get along at your home. If they just can't get along, then, bring him back the next day.

As for the crating deal. I can not help you with that. Maybe Dixie can. I am not a crating dog owner. We only use the crate for long trips and airplanes.